EO 1 Block 3 Main Turbine Flashcards
The purpose of the Main Turbine is to receive Main Steam and ______ _
A. utilize it to supply the 235 Auxiliary Steam Header
B. ensure the Reactor Coolant stays 20 °F subcooled
C. convert thermal energy to mechanical energy
D. control Reactor Coolant System pressure
One purpose of the main turbine is to receive HIGH pressure steam and convert the ___ _energy of the steam into ____ energy to drive the main generator rotor.
A. pressure; electrical
B. thermal; electrical
C. thermal; mechanical
D. pressure; mechanical
A FOUR (4) FLOW TURBINE is a turbine that has four (4):
A. Exhaust paths to the condenser.
B. Steam admission lines to the HP Turbine.
C. Times the steam flow of the LP Turbine.
D. Exhaust paths on the HP Turbine.
Steam exiting the High Pressure Turbine and prior to being admitted to the Moisture Separator Reheater is referred to as:
A. Auxiliary Steam
B. Extraction Steam
C. Cross Around Steam
D. Pegging Steam
Which ONE of the following identifies Main Turbine stages that Extraction Steam taps off?
A. 1,5,7,12
B. 2,4,6, 11
C. 4, 8, 10, 11
D. 6, 7,8, 12
Which ONE of the following identifies how the Main Turbine control valves will respond to a loss of Electro-Hydraulic-Control pressure?
A. Fail “as-is”
B. Open fully
C. Close fully
D. Go to 50% open
Which ONE of the following indicates the number of stages in the Main Turbine from inlet of the High Pressure Turbine to the Condenser?
A. 6
B. 13
C. 26
D. 32
The purpose of Extraction Steam is to:
A. Minimize steam velocity in the Low Press
ure Turbine.
B. Allow moisture removal in last stages of the turbine.
C. Supply heating of various steam plant loads.
D. Minimize condensate flow from turbine blades.
Extraction Steam from the High Pressure Turbine is drawn from which stages?
A. 1 st and 6th stages
B. 2nd and 6th stages
C. 1st and 2nd stages
D. 1st, 2nd, and 6th stages
Which ONE of the following indicates the number of stages in the High Pressure turbine?
A. 2
B. 6
C. 13
D. 32
Which ONE of the following identifies the component that regulates steam flow to the High Pressure Turbine?
A. Main Turbine Stop Valves (SV)
B. Main Turbine Control Valves (CV)
C. Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIV)
D. Main Turbine Combine Intercept Valves (CIV)
Which ONE of the following properly arranges flowpath components from the Once Through Steam Generator to the Main Condenser?
A. - Main Steam Isolation Valve
- Turbine Control Valve
- Main Steam Line Non-Return Valve
- High Pressure Turbine
- Moisture Separator Reheater.
B. - Turbine Stop Valve
- Turbine Control Valve
- Moisture Separator Reheater
- High Pressure Turbine
- Low Pressure Turbine.
C. - Main Steam Isolation Valve
- Turbine Stop Valve
- High Pressure Turbine
- Low Pressure Turbine
- Moisture Separator Reheater.
D. - Main Steam Line Non-Return Valve
- Turbine Stop Valve
- High Pressure Turbine
- Moisture Separator Reheater
- Combined Intercept Valve.
Extraction Steam from the Low Pressure Turbines used to supply the Number 2 Low Pressure Feedwater Heaters is from which turbine stage?
A. 7th stage
B. 8th stage
C. 10th stage
D. 12th stage
Extraction Steam from the Low Pressure Turbine is drawn from which of the following combinations of stages?
A. 6th, 9th, and 12th stages.
B. 7th, 8th, 10th, and 12th stages.
C. 6th, 7th, 10th, and 12th stages.
D. 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th stages.
Extraction Steam from the Low Pressure Turbines supplies steam to the ___ _
A. Main Feed Pump Turbine
B. Low Pressure Feed Water Heaters
C. #5 High Pressure Feed Water Heaters
D. Moisture Separator Reheater second stage
The High Pressure Turbine directly exhausts into the ____ _
A. Moisture Separator Reheaters
B. Low Pressure condenser
C. High Pressure condenser
D. Low Pressure turbine
Extraction Steam from the High Pressure Turbine is drawn from which stages?
A. 1 st and 6th stages
B. 2nd and 6th stages
C. 1 st and 2nd stages
D. 1st, 2nd, and 6th stages
Which ONE (1) of the following combinations will satisfy the interlock to allow the Main Turbine Turning gear to automatically engage on turbine shutdown?
- Main Turbine speed O RPM
- Lift Pump discharge pressure > 440 psig
- Main Turbine trip signal
- Main Turbine Bearing Header Pressure > 10 psig
- Electro-Hydraulic Control System pressure > 500 psi
- Main Turbine Turning gear switch in AUTO
- Air Circuit Breakers 34560 and 34561 are OPEN
- All Main Turbine Main Stop Valves CLOSED
A. 1,2,4,6,7
B. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
C. 2,3,4, 7,8
D. 2,5,6, 7,8
With the Main Turbine Turning Gear switch in AUTO, which ONE (1) of the following must be satisfied to automatically engage the Turning Gear?
A. Lift pump running with discharge pressure >500 psig.
B. Breakers 34560, 34561, and ABS 34520 open.
C. Bearing header pressure < 25 psig.
D. Turning Gear Oil Pump and Motor Suction Oil Pump running.
With the Main Turbine Turning Gear switch in AUTO, which ONE (1) of the following must be satisfied to automatically engage the Turning Gear?
A. Two (2) oil lift pumps running with discharge press > 17 psig.
B. Breakers 34560 and 34561 open or ABS 34620 open.
C. Bearing header pressure < 25 psig.
D. Turning Gear Oil Pump and Motor Suction Oil Pump running.
With the Main Turbine Turning Gear switch in AUTO, which ONE (1) of the following statements must be satisfied to permit automatic engagement of the Main Turbine Turning Gear?
A. Three (3) oil lift pumps running with discharge pressure > 1600 psig.
B. Turning gear oil pump running and header pressure > 10 psig.
C. Air Circuit Breakers 34560 and 34561 are open.
D. Motor Suction Pump discharge pressure greater than or equal to 25 psig.
With the Turbine Generator Turning Gear switch in AUTO, which ONE (1) of the following must be satisfied to automatically engage the Turning Gear.
A. Bearing header pressure < 25 psig.
B. Breakers 34560, 34561, AND ABS 34620 ALL OPEN.
C. Low speed switch indicates turbine RPM <1.5 rpm.
D. Two (2) oil lift pumps running with discharge pressure > 1600 psig.
Activation of which ONE (1) of the following systems always directly TRIPS the turbine?
A. Diverse Scram System
B. Anticipatory Reactor Trip System
C. Safety Features Actuation System
D. Steam/Feed Rupture Control System
The Low Pressure Turbine Exhaust Hood High Temperature monitoring device:
A. Trips the turbine at 175 °F.
B. Sounds an alarm at 175 °F.
C. Creates a turbine runback at 130°C.
D. Automatically limits turbine load at 130°C.
Control Room Annunciators TURBINE TRIP, TG-MASTER TURBINE TRIP and ARTS CH TRIP are in alarm. Which of the following explains why all three (3) are in alarm?
A. Reactor Power = 45%, HP Turbine Bearing #1 at 10 mils.
B. Reactor Power= 45%, Turbine Bearing Pressure at 7.5 psig.
C. Reactor Power = 25%, Moisture Separator level at 1.5 inches.
D. Reactor Power = 25%, EHC pump discharge pressure at 1300 psig.
The following plant conditions exist:
Reactor has tripped from 100% ATP.
The EHC-Emergency Trip pushbutton has been depressed.
The Turbine Stop Valves and Turbine Control Valves indicate open.
Which ONE of the following action should be taken?
A. Open Generator Output Breakers 34560 and 34561.
B. Stop and lockout both EHC pumps.
C. De-energize the EHC System master trip relay.
D. Initiate AFW flow and isolation of both SGs.
All of the following are Control Room indications for the Main Turbine EXCEPT:
A. Stop valve position
B. Intercept valve position
C. Turbine Throttle Pressure
D. Bearing # 8 lift oil pump pressure
All of the following are Control Room indications for the Main Turbine EXCEPT:
A. Main Stop Valve position
B. Main Turbine Control Valve position
C. Hood Spray Valve CD 571 position
D. #2 Main Stop Valve bypass valve % demand
The main turbine is classified as a ___ _
A. 1200 rpm, tandem - compound unit
B. radial flow with four (4) flow pressure stages
C. tandem compound unit
D. 1800 rpm, axial flow reaction turbine
Moisture removal grooves in the HP/LP turbine are NOT _____ _
A. used to direct moisture to collection areas
B. machined grooves inside the shell
C. machined into the interstage diaphragms
D. used to remove moisture from the MSR chevron separators
The Main Turbine critical speed is the RPM at which ___ _
A. the highest vibration occurs
B. the turbine is synchronized
C. the turning gear is engaged
D. the turbine trips to prevent over speed
Which ONE (1) of the following describes the operation of the Main Turbine exhaust hood spray
valve (CD517)? It starts to open at a hood temperature of ____ “F, and is fully open at
A. 120; 140
B. 115; 180
C. 120; 180
D. 115; 140
The Low Pressure Turbine exhaust hood temperatures will be HIGHEST when steam flow is
A. low due to low condenser backpressure.
B. high due to high turbine bypass valve flow.
C. high due to large main generator electrical loads.
D. low due to low steam flow through the main turbine.
Low Pressure Turbine exhaust hood temperatures are highest at low loads because
A. low steam flow.
B. low condenser backpressure.
C. high recirculating steam flows.
D. exhaust hood spray is inadequate.
Which ONE of the following describes the main turbine thrust bearing?
A. Located between the low pressure turbine and generator
B. Tapered-land type
C. Single faced
D. Roller sleeve type
The term TANDEM, when related to the Main Turbine, can best be defined as:
A. Rateau stages coupled with reaction stages.
B. Steam enters both Low Pressure Turbines simultaneously.
C. High Pressure Turbine exhaust steam flow to two (2) Low Pressure Turbines.
D. High Pressure Turbine and two (2) Low Pressure Turbines on the same shaft.
The purpose of the Main Turbine Thrust Bearing is to _____ _
A. support the turbine shaft
B. reduce the size of the turbine shaft
C. prevent reverse rotation of the turbine shaft
D. control horizontal turbine shaft movement
Which ONE of the following supports the Main Turbine rotor weight during operation?
A. Journal bearing
B. Thrust bearing
C. Shaft seals
D. Turbine casing
Do NOT break vacuum before turbine speed has decreased < 1200 RPM range to:
A. Allow for shaft to seal equalization.
B. Allow for rotor bow to be minimized.
C. Prevent 1st stage flutter of both LP Turbines.
D. Prevent undesirable high loading on LP Turbine last stage.
Prior to placing the turbine on the turning gear .
A. all Bearing Oil Lift Pumps (BOLP) must be STARTED
B. it is preferred to have all BOLP’s ON, but only TWO are required
C. it is preferred to have all Bearing Oil Lift Pump (BOLP)’s ON, but only ONE is required
D. it is preferred to have all BOLP’s ON, but NONE are required
The prime consideration for limiting operation of the main turbine less than 59.4 Hz or greater than
60.6 Hz on the generator output is:
A. High exhaust hood temperatures on “B” LPT.
B. Excessive vibrations in the last stages of the HPT.
C. Excessive vibrations in the generator rotor.
D. Excessive vibrations in the last stages of the LPT’s.
Which ONE of the following Main Turbine indications can be read LOCALLY in the plant?
A. Main Turbine Speed
B. Main shaft axial thrust reading
C. Exhaust hood spray pressure
D. High Pressure Turbine shell temperature
What indications, if any, are available to you as a Zone II Operator of the LPT exhaust hood
A. None
B. Local exhaust hood thermometers
C. Control Room temperature indicator
D. Thermometers on HP and LP Condensers
Which ONE of the following is supplied directly by the Main Steam System?
A. High Pressure Feedwater Heater 1-6 and 2-6
B. Moisture Separator Reheater First Stage Reheat Steam
C. Moisture Separator Reheater Second Stage Reheat Steam
D. Auxiliary Boiler Mud Drum Heating Coil