Environmental Science Week 2 Flashcards
Prohibition on the improper disposal of mine wastes and tailings
MiningAct (Commonwealth Act. No. 137)
Prohibits the dumping of wastes into any river.
Anti Dumping Law
First major legal declaration that pollution control was a policy. Passage of this law was in response to the emergence of more industries and urban areas.
Republic Act (RA)3931
Pollution Control Law
PD 984
Philippine Environment Policy
- Philippine Environment Code
PD 1152
- Forestry Reform Code
- Mineral Resources Development Decree of 1974
PD 463
( amended by Executive order 192} Air and water quality management
PD 984
-Abatement, control & prevention of vehicular pollution & establishing the maximum
allowable emissions of specific air pollutant
- Prohibits the discharge of oil, noxious liquid substances &other harmful substances into
the countrys island &territorial waste
PD 979
- Prohibits the improper disposal of garbage.
PD 825
- Known as Sanitation Code
PD 856
- Known as National Building Code
PD 1096
or the Toxic Substances &Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990 * Prohibits the importation, storage or transport of toxic or nuclear wastes into or through
the Philippines.
Republic Act (RA) 6969
or the National Integrated Protected Areas System Law * biodiversity conservation, natural resources management &protection of the plants
RA 7586
- Penalize all chemical, thermal and industrial plants & factories found to be violating
environmental protection laws.
House Bill 5668
- Endorses emission & water pollution charge system by promoting cooperation &
self-regulation among industries & market-based
HB 8622
or the Solid Waste Management Act 2000 - under the garbage segregation scheme, household & commercial wastes should be classified into wet & dry categories before they are
collected by the garbage collectors.
RA 9003
or the Clean Air Act of 1999 - banning all forms of garbage incineration & imposes
higher emission
standards on oil products to lower the amount of pollution they generate.
RA 8749
- an act prohibiting the cutting, destroying or injuring of planted or growing trees or
flowering plants along plazas, parks, public roads.
RA 3571
- Known as the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
RA 9275
include all laws pertaining to the management of natural resources and the regulation of the discharge of materials into the environment.
Environmental legislation