Environmental Lung Diseases Flashcards
Psittacosis is acquired from contact with what?
Birds (parrots, parakeets, pigeons, chickens, etc)
A patient in his 50s presents to clinic with progressive dyspnea, inspiratory crackles. On CXR you see opacities of all shapes and sizes as well as honeycomb changes. He tells you he works in construction. What do you think he’s been exposed to?
You see “eggshell calcification” of the perihilar lymph nodes and small round opacity throughout the lung on CXR. What has this patient most likely inhaled?
The incidence of what disease is increased in patients with silicosis?
Patient presents with rapid onset of fever, chills, myalgias, dry cough and temperature-pulse dissociation but no pulmonary findings. CXR indistinguishable. Whats the next step?
Serum antibodies will test positive for psittacosis
Whats the DOC for Psittacosis?
XR findings of complicated silicosis can resemble those in the upper lobes of what?
Complicated Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis
What is the condition that can develop in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and coal workers?
Caplan syndrome - see necrobiotic rheumatoid nodules in the periphery of the lung
True/False. Prompt removal of the offending agent can reverse the symptoms associated with Hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
True! Continued exposure may lead to progressive disease
Soil infected with bird or bat droppings in the ohio and mississippi river valleys can cause…
Widespread histoplasmosis is especially common in which population?
AIDs or other immunocompromised states
What is the treatment of choice for Histoplasmosis?
Cigarette smoking in asbestos workers increases the incidence of:
lung carcinoma
What do PFTs show on a patients with asbestosis?
RESTRICTIVE dysfunction and reduced diffusing capacity
What is the specific treatment for asbestosis?
There is none!
See a furruginous body in tissue suggests what?
What is required for management of silicosis patients?
All should have a TB skin test and current CXR
T/F. Cigarette smoking increases the prevalence of Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis.
False! But may have a detrimental effect on ventilatory function
How do you diagnose Hypersensitivity pneumonitis?
Histopathology of interstitial infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma cells, with noncaseating granulomas in the interstitium and air spaces.
Which of these are typically diagnosed as atypical pneumonia?
Which demographics are most likely to get these?
Hispanics are more likely to be employed in high risk occupations with respiratory hazards