Diagnostic CXR Findings Flashcards
“Tram-tracks” or ring-like markings on CXR are evidence of dilated, thickened airways diagnostic to which airway disorder?
Cobb Angle > 35 degrees
“bamboo spine”
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Chest radiographs with low lung volumes and patchy distribution of ground glass, reticular, nodular, reticulonodular, or cystic opacities
Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease
True/false. CXR of patients with asthma are usually normal.
True. May show hyperinflation, bronchial wall thickening, and diminished peripheral lung vascular shadows.
Hyperinflation with peribronchial cuffing, mucus plugging, bronchiectasis (ring shadows and cysts), increased interstitial markings, small round opacities, focal atelectasis are common findings of what disorder?
cystic fibrosis
Bilateral hilar and right paratracheal lymphadenopathy
Linear streaking at the lung bases, opacities of various shapes, pleural calcifications, and honeycomb changes in advanced stages
Calcification of the periphery of hilar lymph nodes (“eggshell calcification”)
2-5 mm diffuse opacities in the upper lung
Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis
Small unilateral infiltrates, hilar and paratracheal lymph node enlargement, and segmental atelectasis
Diffuse or patchy infiltrates that rapidly become confluent; spare the costophrenic angles
BUTTERFLY pattern of distribution of alveolar edema
Pulmonary edema
“COIN LESION” - <3cm rounded opacity with normal lung surrounding it
Solitary pulmonary nodule
When would an AP view CXR be indicated over an PA view?
Reserved for very ill patients who cannot stand erect - AP views are less useful
When is a lateral decubitus XR indicated?
- Pleural effusion - to determine the volume or if it’s located
- Confirm a pneumothorax
If the dependent lung on a decubitus XR fails to increase in density, this could be indicative of?
Chest XR should be done at full inspiration or full expiration?
Inspiration (can look abnormal if on expiration)
T/F: in a normal lateral chest XR you should see both sets of ribs
T/F: Pneumonia on CXR is well-defined opacity
If you can see the fissures between the lung lobes , this could be indicative of what?
pleural effusion extending into fissure.
T/F: If a mass or pneumonia “silhouettes” (obscures) a part of the lung/mediastinal margin, the radiologist should be able to identify what part of the lung and what organ within the mediastinum are involved.
What would be an indication to get an EXPIRATORY CXR?
Suspected pneumothorax
If nodule on CXR has clearly demarcated border (ball ON rug) it is:
If nodule on CXR has tapering borders (ball UNDER carpet) it is: