Environment/Food Safety/Behavior Flashcards
What is the best way to feed everyone?
Use the land we have more efficiently, produce safe technology to increase utilization
What are recombinant growth hormones?
Come from pituitary gland, retention of protein in the cell
What organ produces increased levels of IGF when stimulated by rBST?
What meat has the highest incidence of antibiotic residue?
What is the intensive management system?
Confinement or highly controlled
What is the extensive management system?
Less environmental control
What is convection?
Wind, picking up heat and losing heat
What is evaporation?
Rain and humidity, lowers heat, strong effective way to remove heat, critical piece in cooling
What is conduction?
Movement of heat based on surfaces touched
(def) Range of temperatures where heat produced and heat loss from the body are about the same
Termouetral zone (TNZ)
(T/F) Fleece in sheep can dramatically change LCT (lower critical temp)
(T/F) Neutral zone doesn’t mean they have to stay there, just means they aren’t using any energy
What is one of the biggest tools in managing heat?
_______ cows tolerate heat better but cold worse (smaller or bigger)
__________ cattle and pigs is the most effective in keeping animals cool
Temperatures below TNZ cause…
An increase in intake and reduced blood flow
Temperatures above TNZ cause…
A decrease in intake, feed conversion reproductive performance, and physical activity
Animal is above its LCT
(def) The reaction of an animal to a certain stimulus or how it reacts to its environment
What are internal and external factors for behavior?
I: heredity, genetic makeup
E: learning experiences
(def) Learning to respond without thinking (racehorse running when gate opens)
(def) Learning to respond in a certain way to stimulus with reinforcement (cutting horse responds to animal)
(def) Respond correctly to stimulus the first time it’s presented, ability to learn
(def) Receive reward or punishment, electric fence
Trial and error operant conditioning
(def) Adopting a moving object as a parent when none is present, puppy will think its a sheep if it grew up with sheep
What animals are at the bottom of the social order?
Small, young animals, they get less access to feed when they are the ones that really need it
(T/F) Dominant animal has more access to females, sires more calves, dominance can change every year
What is allelomimetic behavior?
Following someone else, “doing the same thing”
What is agonistic behavior?
Fighting, different animals have different ways of fighting
(def) The belief that animals have certain rights, including the right to life
Animal rights
(def) Animals exist for use by humans
Animal exploitation
(def) Animals should not be forced to work or produce for human benefit
Animal liberation
What are the main concerns of animal welfare advocates?
Branding, dehorning, slaughtering, castration, feedlots, transportation