What is an EIA?
It is a document which provides decision makers information about the enviormental, social and economical impacts of an upcoming project.
Key steps of an EVS
- Screening: Is an EVS required? What is the level of detail necessary?
2.Scooping: Base line study. How are things looking right now? - Impact analysis
- Impact management and mitigation strategies
- Make EVS
- Decision: Yes or No?
- Monitoring
Advatnages of an EVS
Improve public relations
Can be applied nearly to every major project
EIA helps the overall efficiency of the project. The more in-depth an EIA is, the more likely it will spot long-term problems for the project, not only with sustainability but with waste in general
Disadvantages of an EVS
Corruption can undermine the original purpose of the EIA
No clear definition of the system’s boundaries → How many variables do we have to take into account?
Each country has different standards, making comparing projects difficult
Doesn’t take into account indirect impacts