Enterobacteriaciaea Flashcards
spp that causes pseudotubercles characterized by caseous swelling
yersinia pseudotuberculosis
causes erythema nodosum characterized by red nodules tender itching
yersinia enterocolitica
true or false
both yersinia enterocolitica and y.pseudotuberculosis are causative agent of mesenteric lymphadenitis
3 types of plague
bubonic, septicemic and pneumonic
MOT of plague
rat flea bites
causative agent of plague
yersinia pestis
yersinia pseudotuberculosis and y. enterocolitica can be motile at 25C
true or false
the only late lactose fermenter among yersinia spp
yersinia enterocolitica
what spp does yersinia pestis resembles
streptococcus pneumoniae
what stain does safety pin appearance can be seen on yersinia pestis
wayson stain
the only shigella spp that is onpg positive
shigella sonnei
Edwardsiella tarda causes what diseases
bacteremia wound infection diarrhea
most virulent specie of shigella
shigella dysenteriae type 1
salmonella infective dose
10^6 CFU
shigella infective dose
10 to 200
salmonella spp that is responsible for nation wide peanut butter containing product
salmonella typimurium
antigen structure found in active infection of salmonella
O antigen
antigen structure found in post infection of salmonella
H antigen
antigen structure that an asymptomatic carrier of salmonella has
Vi antigen
non motile salmonella species
salmonella gallinarum and salmonella pullorum
the only non h2s producer salmonella
salmonella paratyphi A
2nd leading cause of UTI
proteus spp
3rd leading cause of UTI
staphylococcus saprophyticus
causes red pigment in serratia marcescens
serratia spp that causes osteomyelitis
serratia plymuthica
serratia spp that has dirty musty odor
serratia odorifera
one of the less common salmonella and is considered as zoonotic
salmonella arizonae
true or false
only citrobacter diversus causes neonatal meningitis among enterobacteriaciaea
enterobacter sakazakii also cause neonatal meningitis
klebsiella spp that has the virulence factor carbapenemases
klebsiella pneumoniae
causes atrophic rhinitis
klebsiella ozanae
enterobacter spp that has unique yellow pigment and is primarily a plant pathogen
enterobacter pantoea aggleromans
watery stool
watery with mucus
ehec result in smac
colorless negative
the only catalase negative among enterobacteriaciaea
shigella dysenteriae
the only catalase positive among enterobacteriaciaea
plesiomonas shigelloides
non typhoid bacteremia salmonella spp
salmonella typimurium
salmonella paratyphi
salmonella choleraesuis
antigen that is similar to IgG
H antigen
antigen that is similar to IgM
O antigen
the indole positive in shigella spp
shigella boydi
shigella flexnerii