Enteric bacteria 1 and 2 Flashcards
All foodborn enterobacteriaceae are; normally they cannot;
______ subversion
gram neg rods; all cause gastroenteritis;
colonize the epi of the intestinal lumen, instead subverting immunological sampling by the M cells of the Peyers Patches to access the outside (blood-exposed) intestinal surface.
Immune, could include use of macrophages as Trojan Horses leading to infection of lymphatics: local false appendicitis by Yersinia, systemic enteric fevers or post-sepsis focal disease by Salmonella
Diarrhea may be
watery (noninvasive or pre-invasion, Salmonella, ETEC, Yersinia) or bloody (destructive and/or invasive, Shigella, EHEC); commone exposures from proteins, especially meat (E coli, Salmonella) and eggs (Salmonella)
What can cause complications with foodborne enterobacteriaceae?
Dehydration and electrolyte loss
Virulence factors often;
common virulence factors are
carried on plasmids (easy transfer);
fimbriae/pili for attachment, T3SS for immune evasion and/or host cell invasion, toxins
Pathogenic E coli come in;
E coli the only pathogen here likely to
many types depending on acquired virulence factors: think enterotoxigenic, enterohemorrhagic, uropathic;
ferment lactose and will turn pink on MacConkey
Highest risk of infection in
children; highest risk of mortality in neonates and elderly
Risk of HUS from
Shigella and EHEC (O157:H7) when Shiga, Shiga-1, or Shiga-2 protein synthesis inhibiting toxin reaches BLOODSTREAM
Risk of reactive arthritis/Reiter’s syndrome from
Shigella, Salmonella, Yersinia
Antimicrobial susceptibility tests required for
optimal antibiotic choice (resistance common)
Exposure minimized to foodborne enterobacteriaceae by
sewage treatment, pasteurization, water chlorination, food processing, handwashing
Noninfectious bacterial-toxigenic food poisoning follows when;
Foods left at room temp grow
a pt eats a food containing preformed toxins secreted by non-GI bacteria;
S aureus, B cereus, nor C botulinum survive ingestions, but their toxins cause gastroenteritis anyway;
S a and B c, and airtight-packaged foods grow Cb (intoxication happens faster than infection and as little as 2 hrrs for S aureus food poisoning
- Listeria is a
ram pos rod, beta hemolytic, grows well in cold, temp-sens tumbling motility;
transmitted by ingestion of uncooked/undercooked, particularly refrigerated, foods or contact with farm animals
College Basketball To Go
- Listeria is
IC, and escapes from phagocytic vacuole using Listerolysin and transmits cell-cell by actin-based motility (ActA); will grow in placenta
Listeriosis causes; treat with
complications of pregnancy, neonatal morbidity and mortality, sepsis, and CNS infection in immunocompromised patients;
ampicillin and gentamicin, or trimeth/sulfa
SIPN on listeriosis, who wants to play TAG
Non-enterobacteriaceae causes
gastroenteritis in previously-healthy; rehydrate and report