Enlightenment Key Figures Flashcards
Thomas Hobbes (4)
English political philosopher, had 4 major beliefs:
- Man is evil.
- Man creates gov’t
- Best form of gov’t is the absolute monarch
- Gov’t can’t be overthrown
Jean Jacques Rosseau (3)
- Civilization corrupts man
- Direct democracy (one freely formed by man) is good.
- Ppl agree to give up some of their freedom in favor of the common good.
Adam Smith (2)
- Est. liberal economics
- Believed that gov’t shouldn’t regulate the economy
- General economic advance thru competition
Denis Diderot (1 belief + 1 contribution)
A French Enlightenment figure that helped write the first encyclopedia.
1. Believed in religious freedom, and even attacked the Catholic church.
Mary Wollstonecraft
New political rights and freedoms should extend to women.
Enlightenment background info
Intellectual movement centered in France @ the 18th Century
Enlightenment beliefs (3)
- Scientific advance
- Application of scientific methods to study of human society.
- Belief that rational laws could describe social behavior.
Enlightenment basic principles on human affairs (3)
- Humans are good + improvable, but can be educated to be better.
- Reason is the key to truth
- Religions that rely on blind faith + anti-diversity are wrong.
John Locke (3)
English, believed in gov’t protecting natural rights.
- Man creates a gov’t to protect natural rights.
- Only purpose of gov’t is to protect rights
- When a gov’t fails to protect natural rights, it can be overthrown.
Thomas Jefferson (3 Beliefs, 1 Contribution)
Contribution: Wrote the Declaration of Independence.
1. Natural rights are: life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
2. All men are created equal.
3. Used Locke to justify the American Revolution.
Voltaire (1 belief w/ 1 quote)
1. Freedom of religion, speech, and press.
2. “I don’t agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
Montesquieu (2 beliefs and 1 contribution)
- Studied the British gov’t.
- Believed that power of gov’t should be divided w/ checks + balances
- Ideas became model for U.S. Constitution.