English with jr( verbs) Flashcards
Ginger is known to be a powerful natural painkiller.
Lo zenzero è noto per essere un potente analgesico naturale.
in poche parole, in due parole, in breve
In a nutshell, things are slightly better than they were before.
In poche parole, le cose vanno leggermente meglio di prima.
idraulico nm
plumber n (person who fixes pipes)
The plumber came to fix the broken pump.
È venuto l’idraulico per riparare la pompa guasta.
Dopo l’ictus non riesce più a ingoiare bene i cibi solidi.
After his stroke, he now has trouble swallowing solid foods.
track. (lorry)
Ken got a job driving lorries across the country. Ken ha trovato lavoro come autista di camion sul territorio nazionale.
imprevisto, inatteso
da usare con circostanze e complicazioni e risultati
the more (qualcosa), the better (qualcosa)
The Santa Maria alle Scotte hospital in Siena said on Sunday the longer Zanardi’s vital signs remain stable, the better off he is
he earlier you start on you homework, the better off you’ll be
the less we have to do today, the more time we’ll have for fun
the taller you are, the easier it is to play basketball
The earlier you start on you homework, the better off you’ll be.
contrario, avverso, sfavorevole
The new medication may cause adverse side effects.
Il nuovo farmaco può causare effetti indesiderati avversi.
ne va della nostra …………………..
our lives depend on it
our integrity depends on it
our safety depends on it
our health depends on its n
andare perduto
to go missing
non va trascurato il fatto che…
we shouldn’t forget or overlook the fact that …
we shouldn’t forget the important of grammar
(funzionare) to work
la macchina va a benzina the car runs on petrol
non riesco a far andare la macchina I can’t start the car
la lavatrice non va the washing machine won’t work
va da se
it goes without saying
Of course, it goes without saying that you’ll be paid for the extra hours you work.
It should go without saying, but you will receive an automatic zero if you are caught cheating on the exam.
It goes without saying that if someone has lung problems they should not smoke.
a lungo andare
in the long run
in the long run, smoking will do damage to your lungs.
It can be a bit tiresome in the long run.
trascinare⇒ vtr (tirare: strisciamento) drag⇒ vtr
Il bambino trascinò il materassino sulla spiaggia.
The child dragged the mat onto the beach.