English (Sonnets and Rhyme Scheme) Flashcards
It is named after one of its greatest practitioners, the Italian poet Petrarch. It is divided into two stanzas, the octave (the first eight lines) followed by the answering sestet (the
final six lines)
the Petrarchan Sonnet
or English sonnet, follows a different set of rules. Are composed of 14 lines, and most are divided into three quatrains and a final, concluding couplet, rhyming abab cdcd efef gg
The Shakespearean
or English sonnet, follows a different set of rules. Are composed of 14 lines, and most are divided into three quatrains and a final, concluding couplet, rhyming abab cdcd efef gg
The Shakespearean
is the pattern of sounds that repeats at the end of a line or stanza. It can be identified by giving end words that rhyme with each other the same letter.
Rhyme Scheme
It is another distinctive attribute of this sonnet form. In many cases, determining what kind of sonnet, reading is one that can be done most simply by looking at the poem’s rhyme scheme
Shakespearean Sonnet Rhyme Scheme
It is perfected by the Italian poet
Petrarch, divides the 14 lines into two
sections: an eight-line stanza (octave)
rhyming ABBAABBA, and a six-line stanza
(sestet) rhyming CDCDCD or CDECDE
Petrarchan Sonnet Rhyme Scheme
The _______ characteristically treats its theme in two parts. The first eight lines, the octave, state a problem, ask a question, or express an emotional tension.
Petrarchan sonnet Rhyme Scheme