English Sailors and Circumnavigation Flashcards
From when did Drake circumnavigate the globe?
Between 1577-1580
Name where a colony was established:
At Roanoke on the east coast of America.
What happened to the first colony established from the trip?
It failed.
When was the second colony set up at Roanoke?
What happened to the second colony set up in America?
When the colony’s leader returned from a trip to England, he found all of the colonists gone and the word ‘CROATOAN’ (the name of a local tribe) carved into a tree.
Name 2 ways Drake’s fame increased as a result:
-He was knighted by Elizabeth
-He was made an admiral
What Spanish treasure ship was raided?
Nuestra Senora de la Concepcion.
What was stolen from this Spanish treasure ship?
36 kilos of gold, 26 tonnes of silver and 13 chests of silver coins
What is today’s equivalent of the amount of money stolen from the Spanish treasure ship?
£60 million.
Name 3 places Drake raided:
-El Calleo
What did Drake sieze from Valparaiso?
Chilean gold and wine.
What did Drake sieze from Arica?
40 bars of silver.
What did Drake do in El Calleo?
He robbed every ship in the harbour.
Why was the Spanish treasure ship easy to attack?
As the Spanish never expected an English ship on the Pacific coast of the Southern Americas.
Name 2 lands/routes that Drake went to confirm on his circumnavigation:
-A great southern continent below South America
-North West Sea Passage to help get to Pacific coat of North America easier
Name 2 new inventions that prompted exploration:
-Printing press
Europeans wanted to find an alternative route which avoided what and why?
A new route which avoided the Ottoman lands. The Ottoman Empire was Muslim and hostile to Christian Europe, so when goods passed from the east through their lands, high taxes were placed on them. New sea routes would mean more goods from the East could be imported for less money.
What was there a growing belief about the earth which encouraged discovering new routes?
There was a growing belief that the world was round and not flat.
What could new routes help with?
Trade in the East for things like silk, spices, cotton and perfumes which were in great demand.
What did the astrolabe help with?
It meant ship’s positions could be plotted accurately.
Name 3 new ship designs/technologies which encouraged exploration:
-Smaller ships called caravels and carracks were more manoeuvrable
-Invention of rudder gave crew more control when steering
-Triangular lateen sail also made ship travel easier
Who was Drake sponsored by?
Sir Christopher Hatton.
What did Drake name one of his ships in respect to his sponsor?
The Golden Hind.
What was the English economy heavily dependant on?
Trading links based in Antwerp, the Netherlands.
Name 3 trading companies which may have been established as a result of circumnavigation:
-The Levant Company
-The Eastland Company
-The East India company
When was the Levant Company formed and what did it trade?
1581 - Trading goods in the Mediterranean like currants and dyes
When was the Eastland Company formed and what did it trade?
1579 - It traded timber, tar, canvas and rope with Scandinavia and the Baltic
When was the East India Company formed and what did it trade?
1600 - It traded in the far East in silks, spices, cotton and tea
How had John Hawkins helped the circumnavigation and what motivated him?
Throughout the 1560’s he had made 3 voyages to the Caribbean, trading slaves from West Africa with Spanish colonies. He made lots of money, returning to England with gold, silver and animal skins. On his last voyage he clashed with the Spanish and lost many men and ships. So he turned to designing new ships for the navy, using his experience from the Spanish attack.
When the event of San Juan de Ulea?
What was the event of San Juan de Ulea?
After suffering in a storm the English anchored in a Spanish port to make repairs. Despite a truth being made, the English were attacked by the Spanish.
Where was Drake born and to who?
He was born in Tavistock, Devon, to a yeoman farmer.
What religion was Drake?
A strict Puritan.
When was Drake knighted?
What place did Raleigh colonise?
An area of North America and named it ‘Virginia’ in honour of Elizabeth.
What 2 things were colonisation seen as solving?
-It would reduce England’s dependence on Europe
-It would solve the poverty crisis in England as emigration would ease the problem of over-population
What was Elizabeth exploration the foundation for?
On which Britain’s later position as a global superpower was built.
What did Elizabeth exploration mean militarily?
It led to a development of a powerful navy which dominated the seas until the twentieth century.
What did Elizabeth exploration mean politically?
It led to the establishment of colonies that later grew into the British Empire, which covered 1/4 of the world at its peak.
When was the first successful colony established and where?
4 years after the Queen’s death, the first successful English colony was established in Virginia at Jamestown.