English Q1, W6 - King Arthur Flashcards
King of England, Father of Arthur
King Uther Pendragon.
He was the one who took the sword form the great stone.; Sworn to be a good king – promised to govern the land with true justice all the days of his life.
KIng Arthur
The mighty magician. The one who took Arthur from King Uther Pendragon.
The one who raised Arthur and treated him as his son.
Sir Ector
Son of Sir Ector, foster brother of Arthur.
Sir Kay
They were the ones whom King Uther Pendragon have
commanded to take the infant Arthur to Merlin.
Two Ladies &
Two Knights
Those whom King Arthur has chosen to be with him on leading and fighting for the kingdom. The ones who swore to be merciful and just.
The Knights
The one who warned King Arthur about the giant.
The Widow
The monster who ravaged the countryside, murdering and devouring many people. The monster who killed the Duchess of Brittany.
The Giant
Why did King
Uther give his
newborn baby to
Merlin the
Merlin had done
Uther a great service, on condition
that the King should grant him
whatever he wished for. The promise was that
when his child was born, it should be
delivered to Merlin to bring up as he
chose, for this would be for the
child’s great advantage. The King had
given him his word, so he was
obligated to agree.
What happened
two years later?
the King fell sick of a
great malady, and bequeathed his
kingdom to Arthur
Why didn’t Merlin
want to proclaim
Arthur king just yet?
Arthur was
still only a baby. Many nobles in England wouldn’t’ve hesitated to kill him to gain the throne
What test did Merlin
prepare to show to
the people who the
rightful heir to the
throne was?
Merlin went to the
Archbishop of Canterbury, asking him to tell
the lords of the realm to come to London at
Christmas, whoever pulls the sword out of the great
stone in the church’s courtyard is the rightly
king of England.
Why did Merlin have
to prepare a test
instead of merely
proclaiming Arthur as
the rightful king?
The test proved to Arthur and to his
future subjects his worthiness.
Why was only Arthur worthy?
He was the direct son of King Uther Pendragon
Upon being crowned
king, what did Arthur
He swore that he would be a good king, and
would govern with true justice all the days
of his life.
What were his
first acts to show that he
would keep his promise?
He established his knights, gave
them lands, charged them never to do
outrageous deeds and be merciful. He then
asked them to swear to the round table
What character traits
did King Arthur demand
from his knights?
King Arthur demanded his knights to value
life, be loyal, and merciful, and just.
How did he show that he too
had these qualities?
by being a man
that values life, loyal, merciful, and just,