English Prelims Flashcards
Informal social interaction in which the roles of the
speaker and hearer are exchanged in a non-automatic fashion under the collaborative management of all parties
This level of conversation contains sharing about thoughts, feelings, desires, internal experience; with deep connection
This level of conversation is simply an exchange of data with no intimacy
This level of conversation is engaging about what is happening “right now”; in the moment, between us
The first step in conversation, usually with some kind of greeting
This type of reference says something about you
What are the 5 stages in the Five-Stage Model of Conversation
- Opening
- Feedforward
- Business
- Feedback
- Closing
This stage gives the other person a general idea of
the focus of the conversation.
This type of reference say something about the two of you.
Relational References
A message that establishes a connection between two
people and opens up the channels for more meaningful
Phatic Communication
This stage reveals how satisfied the persons were with the
conversation and may be used to schedule future conversations
(The feedback and closing stages may be combined
at times.)
This type of reference says something about the
other person or ask a question.
This type of reference says something about the physical,
social-psychological, cultural or temporal context.
Context References
This stage is the substance or focus of the conversation. The longest part of the conversation and the reason for the opening and the feedforward
This stage signals that the business stage is completed
What are the 4 maxims of conversation?
- The Maxim of Relation
- The Maxim of Manner
- The Maxim of Quality
- The Maxim of Quantity
What is the difference between Person Focused vs. Message Focused feedback
Person focused feedback centers on the person.
Message focused feedback centers on the message.
What is the difference between Immediate vs. Delayed feedback
Immediate feedback is sent immediately after the
message is received.
Delayed feedback comes much later.
What is the difference between Low Monitoring vs. High Monitoring feedback
Low monitoring feedback is a spontaneous and totally honest
reaction. Your responses show no monitoring or self-censorship.
High Monitoring feedback is a carefully constructed, highly censored response designed to serve a specific purpose.
What is the difference between Supportive vs. Critical feedback
Supportive feedback accepts the speaker and what the
speaker says.
Critical feedback is evaluative; it is judgmental.
What are the 4 functions of Feedforward
To open the channels of communication - designed to maintain rapport and friendly relations.
To preview the message -
To disclaim - A statement that aims to ensure that your message will be understood as you want it to be and that it will not reflect
negatively on you.
To altercast - Places the receiver in a specific role and to
request responses in terms of this assumed role.
A cooperative, one-way conversation; the goal is to deliver information form one speaker to the listener.
A competitive, one-way conversation; the goal is to express emotions, browbeat those that disagree with you and/or inspire
those that share the same perspective.
A cooperative, two-way conversation; the goal is for participants to exchange information and build relationships with one another.