English - Phrasal verbs Flashcards
Look forward to
Ex: I look forward to hearing from you soon
To be anxious
Ex: Espero ter noticias suas em breve
Put off
Pick up
To Take
Go through
Ex: Most groups go through a stage of conflict
Experince, Passar por , atravessar
Ex: A maioria dos grupos passa por uma fase de conflito
Drop out
Fall out
Quarrel=Fight and no longer be friends, cair
Be taken aback
Be surprised
Ser pego de surpresa
Ser surpreendido
Take after
Resemble, parecer-se com, assemelhar
Turn out
Esvaziar, acabar , vire pra fora
Bring up
Look after educate levantar criar Ex: I bring up a new topic
Take over
Take control of
Get over
Recover from (an illness, a sick)
Carry on
Take off
Look up
Search, find
Make up
compensar,inventar , pintar-se, Maquear
Look after
Take care of
Tomar conta
Look back on
olhar para trás
Look down on
Carry on with
Siga em frente com,continuar
Run out of
ficar sem, run out of gasoline
Grow up
Change from child to adult, crescer
Get along with
conviver com, good relationship
Put up with
Aturar, tolerate
Give up
To bottle something up
means to not express your feelings. It usually relates a negative feeling that can get worse by not expressing it.
This phrasal verb is separable and needs an object.
She bottled up her feelings - it ended up making her feel unwell.
To take something out on someone
means to make suffer one suffer, even when it’s not their fault.
This phrasal verb is separable and needs an object.
He was having a bad day and took his frustration out on me.
To let someone down
means to disappoint someone.
This phrasal verb is separable and needs an object.
She let her boss down when she forgot to go to the meeting.
My table takes up too much room.” (The table occupies too much space.)
Minha mesa ocupa muito espaço. “ (A mesa ocupa muito espaço.)
Please look over the proposal and let me know what you think.” (Please quickly examine the proposal.)
Por favor, examine a proposta e me diga o que você acha. “ (Por favor, examine rapidamente a proposta.)
“I can’t believe that you’re giving up!” (I’m surprised that you’re going to stop trying.)
“Eu não posso acreditar que você está desistindo!” (Estou surpreso que você vai parar de tentar.)
We have to wait for the fire to DIE DOWN before we can enter the building.” (We have to wait for the fire to become less intense.)
Temos que esperar que o fogo diminua antes de podermos entrar no prédio. “ (Temos que esperar que o fogo se torne menos intenso.)
The plane TOOK OFF an hour late.” (The plane began its flight later than scheduled.)
O avião decolou com uma hora de atraso. “ (O avião começou seu vôo mais tarde do que o programado.)
She is always MAKING UP excuses.” (She is always inventing excuses that are not true.)
Ela está sempre inventando desculpas. “ (Ela está sempre inventando desculpas que não são verdadeiras.)
He has been LOOKING AFTER his mother.” (He has been caring for his mother.)
Ele tem cuidado de sua mãe. “ (Ele tem cuidado de sua mãe.)
“I CAME ACROSS that old watch of mine when I was cleaning out the drawers.” (I found my old watch unexpectedly.)
“Eu encontrei aquele meu velho relógio quando estava limpando as gavetas.” (Encontrei meu relógio antigo inesperadamente.)
Stop PICKING ON your brother like that!” (Stop teasing or harassing your brother in that way.)
Pare de implicar com o seu irmão assim! “ (Pare de provocar ou assediar seu irmão dessa forma.)
Come up with