English Literature Flashcards
What is Macbeth a symbol for throughout the play?
Toxic and repressive masculinity who associates manhood with violence
What does Macbeth value?
Ideals of valour and power and violence become synonymous with his masculinity. Macbeth believes that lack of violence and not being powerful will lead to him being effeminate.
What is the relationships between Macbeth and his lady?
Equal or maybe she is his superior i.e. he is easily manipulated by her as she can strip him of his masculinity
What does Macbeth mention about his afterlife?
” Jumping the life to come”- Macbeth is sacrificing an eternal life in Heaven for power and luxury on his finite life on Earth
What does the title of the play signify?
Macbeth is an eponymous character of Shakespeare’s tragedy
Why is Macbeth a Tragic hero?
Starts with glory and power but falls due to his hamartia ( ambition). Through the play, Macbeth descends from a brave male warrior to a passive feminine coward- do breaking the norms of society make you vulnerable to temptation?
What happens to Macbeths morals and why so?
Killing Duncan is symbolic to his moral life choices and its a conscious choice and Macbeth chooses to embrace corrupt temptation
Why is Macbeth not a hero to the patriarchal society ( think about his betrayal to Duncan)?
Macbeth betrays his male king which goes against all values and ideals of the great chain of being and shows his actions are preposterous. Macbeth is oblivious to morality and natural order
Why are the witches to blame for Duncan’s death?
Their prophecies by the “ supernatural soliciting” are a catalyst (cause) for Macbeths extreme ambitions and his change of character
What is Macbeths soliloquy full of?
Debate, anxiety and guilt
What is the difference between noble men like Banquo and Duncan vs Macbeth?
Duncan is a rightful king from god- whereas Macbeth is a tyrant. Banquo is a self restraining loyal warrior who understands his place in the great chain of being, but Macbeth is not self restraining and desires to be more than just a warrior and thanes.
Witches quote: fair is foul and foul is fair
When the battles lost and won
Chiasmus and a paradox. Alliteration of the f to make it sound abrasive and harsh to give a witch a sinister feeling
Also a paradox
Witches quote: In thunder lightning or rain
Pathetic Fallacy to suggest that the upcoming weather has been predicted to be ghastly which sets the scene
Witches quote: Where hast thou been sister? Killing swine
The intimate relationship of sisters juxtaposes the verb killing as this is an action of a murderer which makes the audience think the witches are crazy
Banquo quote: Merciful powers restrain in me cursed thoughts
Banquo is clearly a god fearing man and has self restraint- This differentiates him from Macbeth and shows the audience the qualities of a true noble man
Duncan quote: O valiant cousin, worthy gentleman
Macbeth and Duncan share a blood relationship which horrifies the reader even further in Act 2- Duncan is full of praises which shows he is a good king.
Macbeth is called a gentleman which is ironic as he is quite violent and brutal… even to Duncan!
Duncan quote: His virtues will plead like angel
Simile to show the religious importance of Duncan- Also creates pathos for Duncan as he is such a noble man who will be seized of his life
Duncan quote: Hear it not Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to hell or heaven
Knell associated with death to show the dark images in Macbeths mind which shows the reader his change in ethos. Furthermore, it is dramatic irony as we know Duncan will die which is suspense
Macbeth quote: Bathe in reeking wounds or memorise another Golgotha
Verb bathe( in wounds) shows Macbeths masculinity and showcases violence and the religious allusion of Golgotha shows Macbeth wants to be remembered like Christ- which shows his desire for power and legacy
Macbeth quote: Is this a dagger I see before me? Come let me clutch thee
Macbeth is mentally unstable as weapons have taken over his mind which shows he is turning sadistic. Shakespeare’s use of a rhetorical question implies Macbeths mind is bombarded with unanswered questions which further heightens his state of paranoia
Shakespeare uses multiple caesura to show Macbeths fragmented mind.
Furthermore, the rhetorical question used in his dialogue suggests that he is hallucinating and therefore portraying Macbeths loss of control
Macbeth quote: heat oppressed brain + and what if I shall fail?
The personification of heat oppressed brain shows that Macbeth is sick as his intense emotions may have caused his blood to become overheated
Shakespeare uses another rhetorical question to show Macbeths confused mind- creates pathos?
Macbeth quote: Stars hide your fires and let light not see my deep and dark desires
Personification. The stars are being asked to give Macbeth darkness, so no one can see his “black and deep desires.
“ Calling his desires black and deep is a metaphor, because the thoughts are not literally dark, but he is saying they are dark because they are evil.
Stars align fate but Macbeth asks them to hide which suggests he is constructing his own fate
Macbeth quote: Like valour’s minion carved out his own passage
The verb carved suggests Macbeth is skilled and like an artist as he knows what to do.
Alternatively, it shows he is violent and the verb carve shows he is defying the natural passage from god= against chain of being
Valour’s minion suggests he is not subservient to the king but is loyal to bravery- shows he thinks he is the highest mortal? proud?
Macbeth quote: unseamed him from the naves to the chaps
Verb unseamed makes Macbeth seem mighty BUT shows us that Macbeth undoes gods work= outrageous and shows he is sadistic. But it is a hyperbole
Macbeth Quote: As sparrows, eagles, or the hare, the lion
The imagery of animals makes Macbeth seem like a predator as he displays animalistic behaviour.
The noun lion= correlation to Macbeths desire to be king as the lion is often called the king of the jungle to a contemporary audience and he wants to be king
Lady Macbeth Quotes: Hie thee hither! May I pour my spirits in thine ear
The use of the exclamation mark shows LM is impatient and excited to kill= sadistic
The noun spirits inside of thoughts makes LM seem like a witch and warns the audience of her satanic influence
The verb pour means to flow rapidly- which makes lady Macbeth seem impatient
Lady Macbeth Quotes: Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty!
use of an imperative verb- unsex me and come
use of a superlative- direst to show how evil her intentions are
The noun crown had dual meaning as in crown on top of your head or the symbol for power/ wealth
Lady Macbeth seems like a witch as she calls the spirits - this would frighten a Jacobean audience as she may be a witch but she has a lot of power
Lady Macbeth Quotes: Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it
The serpent is a symbol used to represent treachery. The symbolism is also religious allusion as it could also refer to the bible when a serpent had bewitched eve. LM is influencing her husband= ironic
Lady Macbeth Quotes: I fear thy nature is too full o’th the milk of human kindness
Ironically, LM is criticising her husband for being too kind! She displays no humanity/maternal affection.
Biologically, women produce milk for nurturing and milk has symbolism of purity and innocence.
LM subverts gender norms and is a female fatalae.
Lady Macbeth Quotes: Had he have not resembled my father as he slept, I would have done it + WE WILL NOT FAIL
Lady Macbeth displays gender stereotypes here when she says she remembered her father and didn’t commit a heinous crime. Family was a woman’s priority and LM does think of her family. On the other hand, she is merciless as she only cares for her family
The phrase we will not fail contrasts Macbeth as he comprehends the idea of failure. This shows their difference in approach. Also “will not”= modal verb
What are the 3 principles of persuasion by Aristotle?
Pathos, Logos ( Logic.i.e when LM drugs the guards and then M kills them) and Ethos ( Character i.e when Lm says she would dash the brains out)
Why is Lady Macbeth able to control Macbeth?
Lady Macbeth constantly emasculates M
i.e. And to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man”
How is social hierarchy represented in the play?
Macbeth moves from Thane of Glamis to Cawdor as he is awarded= shows importance of social positions BUT is still displeased
How is religion represented throughout the play?
Various references to hell and heaven to show the turmoil God will put you in if you disobey
Why is lady Macbeth able to defy her status of a woman?
She is aware of social limitations as a woman s she manipulates her husband. LM may be evil as women were considered less moral.
Why did Shakespeare compose the play with the themes like: supernatural, regicide, Divine right of kings etc
Shakespeare relied on the benefits of the royal patronage so he needed James I on his side.
Why was regicide relevant to the play and the Jacobeans?
Gunpowder plot= shows people the consequences of regicide
Why was supernatural relevant to the play and the Jacobeans?
James I was interested in witchcraft and even wrote a book called Daemonologies. Furthermore he visited witch trials
Why is Macbeth a tragedy?
He causes universal and national tragedy by going against the great chain of being
What is the form of Macbeth?
Play/ Tragedy
What is the order structure of Macbeth?
the structure is strictly chronological
What is Macbeths Hamartia?
His ambition
What is prose?
unrhymed (everyday talk) by common characters or TO DISPLAY EXTREME EMOTIONAL DISTRESS
What is verse?
Writing in rhythm with stanzas for wealthier characters and to show emotional intensity
Give some structural features
Sentence length, repetition, anaphora or epistrophe, caesura, enjambment, rhythm
What is Macbeth mainly written in and what does this mean?
Iambic Pentameter- means 5 unstressed and stressed syllables that are one after another
What is Trochaic Tetrameter?
Stressed syllable and then unstressed syllable and there are 4 of these
What word is repeated in the play as a motif?
‘What bloody man is that?’- After the first battle, the blood-stained Captain reports to King Duncan. Act 1 Scene 2
‘Make thick my blood’-Lady Macbeth calls on spirits to take away any feelings of pity she may have. Act 1 Scene 5
‘And on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood’ Macbeth sees a vision of a blood-stained dagger before he murders Duncan. Act 2 Scene 1
‘Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand?’ Macbeth feels great guilt
Shakespeare’s constant repetition of the word ‘blood’ stresses to his audience or readers the full horror of what is happening.
Name the 5 act structure
1) Exposition 2) Rising Action 3) Climax 4) Falling Action 5) Denouement
Why would LM be so frowned on by society?
At the start of the play she defies the contemporary fear of witchcraft= satanic
“Fair and noble hostess”
Epithet to describe Lady Macbeth by Duncan— Pathos for Duncan as he is unaware– Dramatic Irony
“We’d jump the life to come”
Eternal Damnation for a finite luxurious mortal life — immoral– Jacobean era
” Vaulting Ambition which o’erleaps itself and falls on th’other”
Personifies Ambition— 2 interpretations
1) The fact ambition leaps highlights he will jump to a zenith in his life
2) But Ambition falls which suggests ultimate tragedy
” Be so much more more than the man”
Intensifier “so” shows extent of LMs lust for power.
Makes Macbeth seem effeminate
Banquo- “ Merciful powers restrain me in cursed thoughts”
Banquo= good Christian because he is not perfect and divulges in his future prophecy but restrains. personifies his thoughts similar to Macbeths mind “of scorpions”—- common factor= Witches
Banquo-“My bosom franchised and allegiance clear”
Banquo heeds the Great chain of being and understands that he is subservient to his Monarch. He uses the personal pronoun “my” which highlight he has ownership of his thoughts unlike Macbeth= more power????
” Thus with his stealthy pace with Tarquins ravishing strides”
Roman story of Lucretia and Tarquinius— Tarquinius gets caught and is doomed and is a Tyrant— Personifies murder with adjectives like stealthy= duplicitous
” Wicked dreams abuse the curtained sleep”
Adjective “ wicked “ remind audience of the witches and the verb abuse creates pathos as Macbeth is unable to sleep normally
” A sorry sight”
Sibilance= pathos// Irony as Macbeth says this after killing Duncan
” I could not pronounce AMEN”
A subtle reminder as to the fact that god is against Macbeth now and Macbeth is now a heathen like the witches
“Will all of great Neptune’s water wash this blood off my hands?”
Noun= god -‘Neptune’ suggests that even the god’s great power cannot clear Macbeth of this ghastly deed. Shakespeare uses symbolism to further the reader’s understanding of Macbeth’s guilt. When Macbeth says no amount of water can wash the blood from his hands, this symbolizes the fact he will never be able to cleanse away his guilt. Ultimately, in this passage, the audience learns that Macbeth’s hands are irreparably stained with blood. After killing him, he awakens to the enormity of what he has just done
“Here’s an equivocator who commits treason but could not equivocate to heaven”
Implicates Macbeths doom as he is an equivocator but god is mighty
“O horror horror horror”
Repetition of adjective “horror” by Macduff creates grotesque and immoral imagery of hell like images
” Had I died an hour before this I’d live a blessed time”——– “There are daggers in men’s smiles”
Theme of Appearance vs Reality
” I fear thou (Macbeth) play’d most foully for it”
Superlative to highlight devious actions
“O full of scorpions is my mind”
Macbeth uses a metaphor to explain that his guilty conscience is attacking and stinging him. Also the adjective full suggests Macbeth is being suffocated by the intensity of evil
“Thou canst say i did it; dont shake thy gory locks at me”
Macbeth is trying to convince himself that by hiring assassins, he was free of guilt. The guilt had started degrading his sanity and this is the pivitol point as it begins to overtake his mentality.
Thy blood is cold Thy bones are marrowless
Description on Banquo to show Macbeth is schizophrenic as he is seeing dead people– no marrows or blooded people! What most frightens him is the unnaturalness of the image
Blood will have blood (motif repeated)
Macbeth knows that his duplicity and sins will cost him his own life in the end (cyclical cycle of avengement)
“The close contriver of all harms”
Alliteration of “c”- Makes witches seem duplicitous as they are the root of all evil as they are heathens
What does Allegory mean?
A story/ place/ event used for hidden meaning i.e Duncan’s death is an allegory against regicide
What is an Archetype?
An example of the perfect model of something
What is caricature?
An imitation where particular notable characteristics are exaggerated for a humorous or grotesque effect