English Exam Flashcards
When do we use a exclamation mark?
At the end of a sentence to show strong feeling
When do we use questions marks?
To show a direct question has been asked
When do we use a colon?
When you introduce a lost of things or people
Between two clauses
For quotations or speeches in play scripts
For division of time, bible references, play references
When do we use the semi colon?
Break up long sentences
Join clauses closely related
Separate list of phrases or clauses
When do we use brackets? (Synonyms)
Give extra information within a sentence
Enclose asides
Give reference information
Indicate stage directions in scripts
When do we use dashes?
As parentheses To show a sudden change of thought To lead to the unexpected To mark a incomplete or interrupted sentence To introduce or follow a list Make a after thought To separate a repetition
When do we use hyphens? (Short then a dash)
To join one or more words to make a compound word
For prefixes
To divide words at the end of a line.
Minor sentence
A minor sentence is a group of words that do not make sense on their own, it needs a simple sentence to make it complete
2 types: The phrase, The subordinate clause
Complex sentence
One simple sentence joined to one or more minor sentences
Compound complex sentence
Two or more complex sentences joined by and, but, so, however, yet or a semi colon
When do we use a new paragraph
A change of topic A change of of speaker Time has passed Change of place A change of character
What is a conjunction
A word used to bring connected clauses together
Eg and, but, however, so, therefore
What is a adjective
A word naming an attribute of a noun
Sweet, Red, Technical
What is a preposition
A word governing, usually proceeding a noun/pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause
On, after, for
What is a verb
A word used to describe a action, state, occurrence and forming the main part of a sentence
Hear, walk, become
What is a adverb
A word or phrase that modifies the meaning of a adjective verb, expressing time or degree
Eg gently, here, now, very, quickly
What is a common noun
A noun denoting a class of objects or a concept opposed
Eg toy, movie, restaurant, drink
What is a Proper noun
A name for a object, person, place, or organisation
Dg Bob, Samsung, London
What is a collective noun
a noun that denotes a group of individuals
Eg assembly, family, crew
What is a abstract noun
a noun that is a quality/feeling rather then an actual object
Eg Angry, love, loneliness
What is a auxiliary verb
A verb used in forming the tenses, moods, voices or other verbs
Eg be, do, have, can, may, might
What is a concrete noun
A noun that you can see, smell, hear, taste or feel them
What is a pronoun
A word that replaces a proper noun
Eg She He They Each Few Many Who
What is a homophone
A word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different meaning
What is a similie
A way of comparing to things using like or as
What is a metaphor
A direct comparison without using like or as
What is personification
The attribution of human nature given to a non human
What is alliteration
The same sound in the beginning of words in a sentence
What is a personal pronoun
A pronoun that is associated primarily with a particular person
First person-: I
Second person-: You
What is a colloquial
A characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather then formal
Eg Whats up
What is a synonym
A word that means exactly or nearly the same thing in the same language
What is a antonym
A word opposite in the meaning of another
Eg bad and good
Essay- Introduction
- Movie title
- Type of movie
- Director
- Who wrote the play
- Main plot
- Character to talk about and who is he played by
- Topic
- What film techniques were used
Essay- Paragraph 1
- Introduce idea: Aggressive
- Example : hate for Montague’s: sees Benvolio’s drawn sword and gets out his own. Benvolio tries to keep peace. Tybalt says his hate for peace is as strong as his hate for the Montague’s
- Always looking for a fight with Montague’s
- Film technique: Speech and script: At the party, turns to anger and aggression “Get me my sword boy. Thats him, that villain Romeo. It’s the right way to act when a villain like him shows up. I won’t tolerate him.”
- Impression that be will have a fight anytime and he aggressive
Essay- Paragraph 2
- Viewer can get impressions by the way a character looks (examples), Tybalt villain look (Tough and bad guy). Audience not side with him
- Looks angry hateful
- Wears black and red (death and blood): Describes him kills Benvolio “Turn thee Benvolio look upon thy death”
- Big belt and holster, always ready for fight: violence
- Hair: greasy black slicked back, goatee
- Eyes black and full of hate
- Sharp teeth villain like smile
- Mexican piercing
- Looks like he cannot be trusted, visual effect of hate
Essay- Paragraph 3
- Has softer side when it comes to family
- Loyal and wants to protect and represent them
- Will get hateful and defensive against people who stand against them
- Hatred for Montague’s, all he knows, grew up learning to hate them, no reason to hate
- Shows legacy: Capulet crest belt buckle and gun
- Sensitive and protective over family: if anyone threatens his family he will get aggressive
- Kills Benvolio and says “I hate the word as I hate hell, all Montague’s and thee”
- Cares about family reputation and dies for them
- Loyalty has ups and downs in Tybalts situation
- Theme hate shows through his aggression with Montague’s because he is loyal to the Capulets
Essay- Conclusion
- Viewer can see many techniques that reflects the theme of hate why its important and how it contributes to the story
- Viewer can see hes full of hate anger agression etc
- Wider perspective of story
- Important that it shows the battle of hate in the family between the families