English and Academic Preparation - Pre-Collegiate. Week 2. Thesis Statements Flashcards
подробно излагать - to give a detailed explanation of something
диссертация - a long piece of writing that you do as part of an advanced university course;
тезис - a theory that is suggested and can then be argued with or agreed with
plural - theses /ˈθiːsiːz/
заявление - something that someone says or writes officially;
изложение - something that you say or write that gives information or an opinion;
утверждение - a clear expression of an opinion or attitude that you make through your actions or appearance;
выписка счета - a piece of paper that shows how much money you have put into your bank account and how much you have taken out
предполагать - to think that something is likely to be true, although you have no proof
брать на себя управление/руководство/ответственность и т. д.
assume control/power/responsibility, etc
притворяться, напускать на себя
assume an air/expression, etc
принимать чужое обличье/вымышленное имя и т. д.
assume a false identity/name, etc
цель - why you do something or why something exists;
целеустремленность - the feeling of knowing what you want to do
умышленно, нарочно
on purpose
выполнять функцию
serve a purpose
смутный, туманный - not clear or certain;
рассеянный, отсутствующий - showing that someone is not thinking clearly or does not understand
очерк, сочинение - a short piece of writing about a particular subject, especially one written by a student
ключевой, решающий - extremely important, because it will affect other things
охрана природы - the protection of nature;
сохранение - the careful use of energy, water, etc so that they are not wasted
изображать - to represent someone or something in a picture or story