English and Academic Preparation - Pre-Collegiate. Week 1. Listening Practice #1 Handout - Negative Effects of Video Games Flashcards
экземпляр текста, раздаваемый всем присутствующим - a copy of a document that is given to all the people in a class or meeting; милостыня, подаяние - money or food that is given to people who are poor
задний план, фон - sounds in the background are not the main sounds you can hear; the parts at the back of a picture, view, etc that are not the main things you look at; the situation that an event happens in, or things that have happened in the past that affect it;
происхождение - a person’s education, family, and experience of life
справочная информация
background information
на фоне экономической неопределенности
against a background of economic uncertainty
облегчение - the good feeling that you have when something unpleasant stops or does not happen; an end to or pause in a feeling of pain;
помощь, благотворительность - money, food, or clothes that are given to people because they need help
вредный - causing or likely to cause harm
последствие - a result or effect that seems likely in the future
исследования по, исследования в области
research on
/ˈriːsɜːrtʃ/, /rɪˈsɜːrtʃ/
чувство общности, чувство принадлежности к коллективу
sense of community
характер - the way you are as a person;
сильный характер - the quality of having a very strong or interesting character;
знаменитость - a famous person
полученные данные - a piece of information that has been discovered as a result of an official study
враждебность - unfriendly, angry behavior that shows that you dislike someone;
неприязнь - strong disagreement with something or someone
военные действия - fighting in a war
уменьшать восприимчивость, снижать чувствительность - to cause someone to experience something, usually an emotion or pain, less strongly than before