English and Academic Preparation - Pre-Collegiate. Week 1. Article "It’s time to end the debate about video games and violence" #2 Flashcards
подразумеваемый, не выраженный прямо - suggested but not stated directly
бурная история
troubled history
противоречивый - if two statements about the same subject or two actions by the same person are contradictory, they are very different
сомнительный - thought not to be completely true, honest, or legal
крошиться, разрушаться - to break into small pieces, or to make something break into small pieces;
разрушаться, распадаться - if a relationship, system, or feeling crumbles, it fails or ends
обследовать, рассматривать - to look at someone or something very carefully, especially to try to discover something;
экзаменовать - to test someone to see how much they know or how well they can do something;
рассматривать, изучат - to consider a plan or an idea carefully
градус - a unit for measuring temperature, shown by the symbol ° written after a number; a unit for measuring angles, shown by the symbol ° written after a number;
ученая степень, диплом - a qualification given for completing a university course;
степень - an amount or level of something
предубеждение, пристрастие - a situation in which you support or oppose someone or something in an unfair way because you are influenced by your personal opinions
искажать - to change the shape, sound, or appearance of something so that it seems strange;
to change information so that it is not true or realistic
экспернментальные исследования
experimental studies
из-за чего-либо
due to sth
различать - to recognize the differences between two people, ideas, or things;
выделять, делать особенным - to make one person or thing seem different from another;
различать, распознавать - to be able to see, hear, or understand something
убедительные доказательства;
достоверные данные;
надежные данные
consistent evidence
ложный, вымышленный - not true or correct;
поддельный, искусственный - not real, but made to look or seem real;
неискренний, притворны - not sincere or expressing real emotions
зубец, шип - a long, thin piece of metal, wood, etc with a sharp point at one end