English Flashcards
Dramatic irony
When the reader knows something that the character does not.
Situational Irony
something happening that is very different to what was expected
Verbal irony
When something is said that is not meant
8 Elements
Setting, Characterization,
Conflict (5), Climax,
Resolution, Theme
& Plot.
5 Different types of conflict
Man vs. Self. …
Man vs. Nature. …
Man vs. Society. …
Man vs. Man. …
Man vs the Supernatural.
a narrative device in which suggestions or warnings about events to come are dropped or planted
the use of words or images to symbolize specific concepts, people, objects, or events
a repeated pattern—an image, sound, word, or symbol that comes back again and again within a particular story.
vivid description that appeals to a readers’ senses to create an image or idea in their head
Character Foil
A foil character by definition is a device used by writers to contrast or reflect another character – often your protagonist (main character)- by highlighting their traits, appearance, personality or morals.
the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing.
the attitude that a character or narrator or author takes towards a given subject.
atmosphere is the sensation imposed upon the reader, whereas mood is the actual feeling produced.
Figurative Language
a type of communication that does not use a word’s strict or realistic meaning
a figure of speech that compares two unlike things using the words “like” or “as.”
A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn’t literally true
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
a figure of speech that combines contradictory words with opposing meanings,
an implied or indirect reference to a person, event, or thing or to a part of another text
Conflict in the lottery
Is between her society and Tessie Hutchinson. The villagers blindly follow the lottery process, including stoning the winner, ignoring its morality or intended result.
Conflict in the open window
Man vs self: Mr nuttle, experiences internal conflicts because of his anxiety.
Man vs character: Vera lies to Mr. Nuttle because she knows his weakness. This is where he gets anxious and everything starts going downhill with him.
Conflict i cask of amontillado
The conflict seen in the short story is that Montresor wants to kill Fortunato.
Character vs charcter*
Conflict in the most dangerous game
Man vs Man is the conflict seen in the most dangerous game. This conflict is between the protagonist and the antagonist, General Zarrof. As the owner of the island, General hunts Rainsford throughout the whole jungle.
Irony in the lottery
There is situational irony because the reader thinks how it was going to be a normal lottery but it turns out to be a very dangerous lottery. Starting off with the title, it ironic because its not a real lottery thats taking plce in the book.
Irony in the open window
The open window is full of irony as seen through the book. One in particular, sand out t me and is situational because the reader never expected people to com through the window.
Irony in cask of amontillado
Situational: When we diddtint expect Montresor to burry alive fortunato in the catacombs.
Verbal. When montresor kept telling fortunato he was his friend although he wanted to kill him
Dramatic: When montresor called fortunato his friend and fortunato did not know he ws going to get killed but the reader did.
Irony in the most dangerous game
Irony is seen throughout the story, but the one that stands out to me is that Rainsford is Seen Not caring about the animals he is hunting until then he is the one being hunted.
Charcterization in the lottery
One characterization that stand out in the book is the old man warner wish is the oldest man in the village, he is seen defending the traditions even though other villagers dont agree. This characterization symbolizes how powerful traditions can divide people.
Charcterization in the open window
he charecteriztion of Vera is probable bored of having these crazy people come to her house all the time.
Charcterization in cask of amontillado
A characterization seen throughout the book is how Montresor is shown to be very determined to do what he says he will do. He is also vengeful.
Characterisation of the most dangeouse game
A characterization seen in the most dangerous game is when Rainsford is described as a good game hunter who is seen not having empathy toward the animals.