Engagement Flashcards
What does MacCormick eat al 2012 find about engagement
Engaged workers are argued to work more hours and work with greater intensity and focus that less engaged workers
What does Khan identify as 3 conditions influencing engagement
Meaningfulness- how meaningful is it for me to bring myself to this performance
Safety- how safe is it for me to bring myself to this performance
Availability- how available am I to bring myself to this performance
What are bridgers three dimensions of engagement
Intellectual- think about job and how to do it better
Affective engagement- think positively about how to do the job
Social- actively take opportunities to discuss work related improvement
What is the difference between employee engagement and work engagement
Employee engagement is an approach taken by organisations to manage their workforce rather than a psychological state experienced by employees in the performance of their work
Employee engagement
Linked with social exchange theory
Social relationships are views as exchange processes in which people make contributions for which they expect certain outcomes
Work engagement
An individuals state of mind while at work
Lacey and Schindler
What are the drivers of employee engagement
If employees believe a new policy or system is going to be beneficial to them they are more likely to increase their level of engagement
Performance appraisal Relationship between supervisor Team climates Regular feedback Role clarity Job enrichment and task variety Participation in decision making
How does Wilkinson put engagement into context
Drivers of engagement
Employee engagement
Employee performance outcomes
Organisational performance outcomes
What is macleod and clarkes definition of employee engagement
A workplace approach designed to ensure that employees are committed to their organisations goals and values, motivates to contribute to organisational success and able at the same time to enhance their own sense of well being
What are Watson’s direct and indirect control attempts
Direct Close supervision and monitoring Tight rules Centralised Low commitment culture
Indirect Empowerment and discretion Loose rules Flexible procedures Decentralised High commitment culture High trust
What are the implications of Watson’s work design strategies
Direct Jobs are skilled and fragmented Worker does same skill most of the time Worker is closely supervised Quality of work checked by inspector
Indirect control
Worker has range of skills
Doing and thinking are combined
Worker has different tasks
What are Hackman and oldhams job characteristics
Job variety Job autonomy Feedback Significance Identity
What is job crafting
Employees independently modify aspects of their job to improve the fit between characteristics of their own needs and abilities
Employees craft the task they fulfill
Employees craft interpersonal relationships
Employees craft cognitive stance
What did Schaufeli identify as a way to measure work engagement
Work engagement scale
What is the JD-R model
How resources can help achieve work goals or reduce job demands and can thus encourage employees to feel more engaged
What are macleod and Clarke’s 4 pillars of engagement
Engaging managers
Employee voice
Organisational integrity
What are maslach’s six areas leading to burnout and engagement depending on how they are managed
Work load Control Rewards Perceived fairness Community Values
What does Torrington say about engagement
A workforce which is engaged is more likely to be productive and meet targets than one who isn’t
There is a need to provide jobs which are genuinely satisfying, along with career development opportunities, as much autonomy and involvement as practicable
What does Purcell say
Engagement is certainly associated with better organisational performance
Engaged workers Show positive emotion Experience better health Create own job and personal resources Transfer engagement to others
Dark side to engagement
Too much and you can experience burnout, health problems and disengagement
Most popular methods are
Suggestion schemes and recognition and reward
What did the Gallup studies find
56% not engaged- walking through workday
15% actively disengaged- undermine what engaged workers accomplish