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What are the drivers of employee engagement
If employees believe a new policy of system is going to benefit them they are more likely to increase their level of engagement
JDR- how resources can help achieve work goals or reduce job demands and thus encourage employees to feel more engaged
Performance appraisal
Relationship/ trust between employee and line manager
Team climate
Role clarity
What is the difference between employee and work engagement
Employee engagement is an approach taken by organisations to manage their workforce, rather than a psychological state experienced by employees -truss
EE- linked with social exchange theory
- social relationships are viewed as exchange process in which people make contributions for which they expect a certain outcome
We- an individuals psychological state of mind whilst at work
What does Farndale (2011) identify as a driver of engagement?
Job enrichment and task variety
Participation in decision making
What is Wilkinson’s employee engagement in context model?
Drivers of engagement
Employee engagement
Employee performance outcomes
Organisation performance outcomes
What does Torrington say about engagement?
A workforce which is engaged is more likely to be productive and meet targets than one who isn’t
There is a need to provide jobs which are genuinely satisfying along with career development opportunities as much autonomy and involvement as possible
What are the advantages of decentralisation
Faster, more flexible creativity and innovation increases
What are the components of strategic perspective that wheelen and hunger state will impact organisation design
Where is the organisation now?
If no changes are made, where will the organisation be in one year
If the answer in unacceptable what actions should management take?
What are the drawbacks of a narrow span of control?
Expense of additional management layers
Encouragement of overly tight supervision
What are havkman and oldhams 1976 job characteristics?
Job variety Job autonomy Job feedback Job significance Job identity
What is job crafting?
Employees may craft the tasks they must fulfill at work
Employees may craft interpersonal relationships they experience when performing work
Employees may craft their own cognitive stance toward they work by positively reframing the manner in which they think about aspects of the job
What are the key points regarding work design?
Which activities should be grouped together to create a meaningful job
Which decisions should be made by employees
Should individual jobs be grouped
Decisions about employee tasks will effect individual employees and society
What are the most commonly used job design techniques
Job rotation
Job enlargement
Job enrichment (vertical job loading)
What are Watson’s control attempts?
Direct - close supervision, tight rules, high procedure, centralised structure, low commitment culture
Indirect- empowerment and discretion applied
Flexible procedures
Decentralised structure
High commitment and trust
What are Kotters reasons why change fails?
Lack of urgency Lack of coalition Lack of vision Poor communication Obstacles not removed Local of focus Premature victory Lack of anchoring
What are kotters 8 steps of change
Create a sense of urgency Build a guiding coalition Get the right vision Communicate for buy in Empower action Create short term wins Don’t let up Make it stick
What are Keller’s (2010) methods that transformational change successful
Progressive change with stretch targets
- focus on strength and achievements
- proactive transformations succeed 50% more
Logical programme structure
- break change down into specific, define I initiatives
Ownership and involvement
- high levels of employee engagement + collaboration
-high levels of communication and involvement
Exercise strong leadership
What are huchzynski and buchananans (2013) levels of change
Surface Shallow Penetrating Deep Transformational- large scale change involving radical frame breaking and fundamentally new ways of thinking solving problems and doing business
What are huchzybskis and buchannanas triggers for change
External changes
- economic and trading conditions
New technology
Changes to customer requirements and tastes
Activities and innovations of competitors
Legislation and politics
Internal triggers - new product/ design innovation Low performance and morale Appointment of new CEO Inadequate skills and knowledges Recognition of problems New ideas about how to deliver
What is work redesign?
Consists of activities such as eliminating functions, hierarchical levels and group divisions
The downsized organisation can achieve greater level of efficiency through changes
What are khans 3 conditions that influence engagement?
What are Bridgers (2014) levels of engagement
Intellectual engagement- think about job and how to improve
Affective engagement- fell positive
Social engagement- take opportunities to discuss work related improvement
What is Initative decay
An organisational phenomenon where the benefits from change evaporate when attention shifts
What is initiative fatigue
The exhaustion and apathy resulting from the experience of too much change
What is multiloading?
Focus is reduced by asking employees to take on too many tasks
What else does Buchanan’s say?
Can identify and anticipate trends and opportunities
Need to focus on next practice as well as best practice
Where the CEO makes furious pace the new norm, be careful of chronic overloading- when people work under time pressure with priorities changing
What does appelbaum identify as a drawback to workforce reduction
Can lower morale, productivity, trust in management and loyalty to the business, as well as create feelings of guilt and increase absence and labour turnover
What is the definition of organisational downsizing?
Set of activities undertaken on the part of management and loyalty to the business as well as create feelings of guilt and increase absence and labour turnover
What is the CIPD definition of HR analytics
The application of mathematical, st statistical and data mining techniques to HR and business data to solve HR related problems
What is basset Jones (2005) advantage of diversity?
Recognisable source of creativity and innovation that can provide a basis for competitive advantage
What is effective resistance?
May stay silent and comply with change but emotions may run high
What are the implications of direct work design
Jobs deskilled and fragmented
Worker has single skill
Does same task most of the time
What are the implications of indirect work design
Jobs are while skilled and rich
Worker has a range of skills
Responsible for own quality and supervise themselves