Eng 5 Flashcards
Firm (n) (adj)
- Firma , Sert , Sıkı
- Doctors recommend sleeping on a firm mattress.
- Make sure the ladder feels firm before you climb up.
- Jack was always a firm believer in prayer.
Mount (v) (n)
- Düzenlemek , Binmek , Tırmanmak
- Terrorists have mounted on attack on the capital.
- He mounted the stairs.
Modest (adj)
- Mütevazi
- You’re too modest ! You’ve been a huge help to us.
- A modest house with a small garden.
Mere (n) (adj)
- Sadece , Küçük , Önemsiz , Göl
- He’s a mere child.
- The mere thought of food made her feel sick.
- I fallowed a path to the hide by the mere.
Meat (n)
- Önemli konu , Et
- There’s no meat to their arguments.
Frame (n) (v)
- Çerçeve , İskelet , Komplo kurmak
- They removed the picture from its wooden frame.
- A bicycle frame
- I’m going to get the picture framed.
- The 2 men framed for the murder.
Fortune (n)
- Servet , Şans , Kader
- Her personal fortune was estimated £ 37 million.
- I had the good fortune to work with a brilliant head of department.
Flee (v)
- Kaçmak
- Many German artists fled to America at the beginning of the WW2.
İnitiative (n)
- Girişkenlik , Girişim
- I wish my son would show more initiative.
- A government initiative to help exporters.
Elderly (adj)
- Yaşlıca
- A well dressed elderly woman
Former (adj) (n)
- Önceki , Eski
- Their form has been reduced to half its former size.
- Former president Clinton
Gesture (n) (v)
- El baş hareketi , Jest
- She shook her head with a gesture of impatience.
- It would be a nice gesture to send her a card.
- He gestured for her to take a seat.
Emerge (v)
- Ortaya çıkmak
- The sun emerged from behind the clouds.
- Eventually the truth emerged.
- She emerged from the divorce a stronger person.
Gap (n)
- Boşluk , Fark , Aralık
- The dog got in through a gap.
- The widening gap between rich and poor.
- The gaps between his visits got longer and longer.
Drag (v) (n)
- Sürüklemek , Direnç
- He dragged the table into the kitchen.
- Mom dragged us to school.
- Mondays always drag.
Executive (n) (adj)
- Yönetici , Yönetim , İdari
- A senior company executive
- A commission with executive powers
Flow (n) (v)
- Akış Akmak
- Swim against the flow of the water
- I didn’t want to interrupt her flow.
- The number of refugees flowing into the area is still increasing.
Garlic (n)
- Sarımsak
- His garlicky breath
Fellow (adj) (n)
- Aynı tür , Adam , Dost
- King Richard wasn’t like most of his fellow kings.
- He said a fellow named Leroy was the best pilot.
- You are out of my mind, old fellow.
Enable (v)
- Olanak sağlamak
- The loan enabled Jack to buy the house.
- There are plans to enlarge the runway to enable jumbo jets to land.
Fabric (n)
- Kumaş , İskelet
- Printed cotton fabric
- Drug abuse poses a major threat to the fabric of our society.
Generate (v)
- Oluşturmak , Create
- The program will generate a lot of jobs.
- Wind turbines generate electricity for the local community.
Ahead (adv)
- Önde
- A short distance in front of smo. or smt.
- A hill loomed ahead of them.
- There were four people ahead of me.
- Op.= Behind
Disclose (v)
- İfşa etmek , Reveal
- To make smt. publicly known, especially after it has been kept secret.
- He refused to disclose the identity of the politician.
Downtown (adv) , (adj) , (n)
- Şehir merkezi , Çarşı
- Stacy works downtown.
- She lives in a really beautiful apartment downtown.
Assume (v)
- Farzetmek , Üstlenmek
- Presume
- To think that smt. is true, although you don’t have definite proof.
- I didn’t see your car, so I assumed you’d gone out.
- These relationships assume great importance in times of crisis.
Debt (n)
- Borç
- She had debts of over $10000.
- The club sank deeper into the debt.
Attend (v)
- Katılmak , Hazır bulunmak
- Only 22 people attended the meeting.
- On his death bed the general was attended by several doctors.
- The attending physician.
Crack (v) (n) (adj)
- Çatlamak , Çatırtı , Vurmak , Çatlak
- I cracked my head on the door.
- Thunder cracked overhead.
- The cracks in their relationship were starting to show.
- He cracked under interrogation and confessed.
Plague (v) (n)
- Boğmak , Bela olmak , Veba
- The plague caused 100.000 deaths in London alone in the 1600s.
- Financial problems continued to plague the company.
- The kids have been plaguing me with questions.
Distract (v)
Distraction (n)
- Dikkatini dağıtmak , Oyalama
- To make smo.’s attention away from smt. by making them look at or listen.
- Try not to distract the other students.
- The company found passenger travel a distraction from the main business.
Distinguish (v)
- Ayırt etmek , Ayırmak
- A method of distinguishing cancer cells from normal tissue.
- The main distinguishing feature of this species is the leaf shape.
- The light was too dim for me to distinguish anything clearly.
Devoid (adj)
- Yoksun
- Even the marriage itself was devoid of love.
Assault (v) (n)
- Saldırmak , Hücum
- Two men assaulted him after he left the bar.
- He was jailed for assault.
- Sexual assaults on women.
Devastate (v)
- Mahvetmek
- Rob was devastated by the news of her death.
- The city centre was devastated by the bomb.
Alter (v)
- Değiştirmek , Düzeltmek
- To change, or to make smo. or smt. change.
- Her face hadn’t altered much over the years.
- She had the dress altered for the wedding.
Collateral (n) (adj)
- Teminat , Tamamlayıcı , Yan
- We put up our home as collateral in order to raise the money to invest in the scheme.
- The collateral meanings of a word.
Odds (n)
- İhtimal , Şans
- The soldier’s job was to hold on despite impossible odds.
- At odds of 10-1 he bet a hundred pounds.
Notion (n)
- Kavram , Görüş , Fikir
- She had no notion what he meant.
- He rejected the romantic notion of rugby as a game for gentlemen.
Occasion (n) (v)
- Durum , Fırsat , Sebep , Sebep olmak
- She had met him on two separate occasions.
- His remark was the occasion of a bitter quarrel.
- His mistake occasioned the loss of thousands of jobs.
Nut (n) (v)
- Kabuklu yemiş , Cıvata , Kaçık , Baş
- A pine nuts
- My dad is such a nut
- Oh come on ! Use your nut.
- He just turned round and nutted me.
Novel (n) (adj)
- Roman , Özgün , Yeni
- A newly published science fiction novel
- A novel approach to the problem.
Convention (n)
- Kongre , Anlaşma , Gelenek
- The city’s new convention center
- By convention, the bride’s father gives her away at her wedding.
- Conventional = Geleneksel
Aside (adv) (n)
- Bir kenara , Ayrı
- One of the rooms was set aside for a yoga class.
- He noted as an aside that Mrs. Singer was also a member.
Assign (v)
- Görevlendirmek , Tahsis etmek , Atamak
- To give smo. a particular job or make them responsible for a particular person or thing.
- John’s been assigned to the PAO.
- How much time have you assigned for the meeting ?
Derive (v)
- Sağlamak , Come from
- Many students derived enormous satisfaction from the course.
- This word is derived from Latin.
- The enzyme is derived from human blood.
Plea (n)
- Yalvarma , Savunma
- The parents made an emotional plea to their child’s kidnappers.
- Adams entered a plea of “not guilty”
Truce (n)
- Ateşkes
- An agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time.
- Both sides agreed on a truce during New Year celebrations.
Above (adv) (prep) (adj)
- Yukarıda , Üzerinde
- Our office is above the hairdresser.
- Free medical care for pensioners aged 65 and above.
Advance (v) (n) (adj)
- İlerleme , Gelişme
- In advance = Önceden
- Recent advances in genetics
- The enemy’s advance on St.Petersburg
- Genetics has advanced considerably.
- We received no advance warning of the storm.