Eng 1 Flashcards
Proxy (n)
- vekil
- smo. who you choose to represent you.
- A husband acting as proxy for his wife.
- Acıyıp merhamet etmek.
- to change your attitude and become less strict or cruel towards smo.
- At last her father relent and came to visit her.
Recognize (v)
- Tanımak
- British medical qualifications are recognized in Canada.
- I didn’t recognized you in your uniform.
Boom (n)(v)
- Patlama , Fırlama
- A sudden boom in the housing market.
- The disco boom of the 1970s.
- Tourism in the the island has boomed.
- A booming economy.
Advocate (v)(n)
- Desteklemek , Savunmak
- To publicly support a particular way of doing smt.
- They advocated state control of all publicly services.
- She’s a passionate advocate of natural childbirth.
Constitution (n)
- Anayasa ,Yapı
- The right to speak freely is written into the constitution of the U.s.
- She’s got a strong constitution, she’ll recover.
- Chemical constitution of the water.
Basis (n)
- Temel , kaynak , prensip
- The facts, ideas, or things from which smt. can be developed.
- Trust is the only basis for a good working relationship.
- Nurses are employed on a full-time basis.
Trial (n)
- Deneme , Duruşma , Try
- The trial is due to start soon.
- They let me have the computer on trial for thirty days.
Below (adv)(prep)
- Aşağıda , Altta
- Opposite of above
- The kitchen is directly below her bedroom.
- Rank of captain and below.
- Free travel for children 4 years old and below.
Defy (v)
- Karşı gelmek
- To refuse to obey a law or rule or refuse to do what smo. in authority tells you to do.
- People who openly defy the law.
Cast (v)(n)
- Göstermek , Işık tutmak , Kast
- Research findings cast new light on the origin of universe.
- The flames cast dancing shadow on the walls.
Enterprise (n)
- Kuruluş , Girişim
- The management of state enterprise.
- We are looking for young people with enterprise and creativity.
Beneath (adv) (prep)
- Altında , Altta
- İn or to a lower position than smt.
- Jo enjoyed feeling the warm sand beneath her feet.
- His mother felt he was marrying beneath him.
- Underneath
Course (n) (v)
- Süreç , Yön , Tabak , Akış
- Over the course of next few years.
- Gorbachev changed the course of Soviet history
- The ticket includes entry and a four course meal.
Enhance (v)
- Artırmak , Geliştirmek
- Low lighting and soft music enhanced the atmosphere in the room
Context (n)
- Bağlam , Şartlar
- The situation, events or information that are related to smt. and help you to understand it.
- The political context of the election.
- English words can have several meanings depending on context.
Deficit (n)
- Açık
- The country’s widening budget deficit.
- Many countries have a big deficit in food supply.
Enforcement (n)
- Uygulama
- They should also be given and encouraged to use enforcement powers where necessary.
Consistent (adj)
- Tutarlı , İstikrarlı
- She’s the team’s most consistent player.
- We need to be consistent in our approach.
- A consistent improvement in the economy.
Appeal (v) (n)
- Başvurmak , Başvuru
- to make a serious public request for help.
- The police have appealed to anyone with information.
- Those appeals are in the works.
Assert (v)
- Öne sürmek , Savunmak
- to state firmly that smt. is true
- He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.
Dispute (n) (v)
- Tartışma
- A serious argument or disagreement.
- He got into a dispute over a taxi fare.
Extension (n)
- Artırma , Genişletme , Uzatma , İç hat
- The planned extension to the museum.
- He’s been given an extension to finish his work.
Float (v) (n)
- Yüzmek , Uçmak , Şamandıra , Geçit töreni
- Leaves floated gently down from the trees.
Depict (v)
- Tasvir etmek , Betimlemek
- A book depicting life in pre-revolutionary Russia.
- The girl depicted as a bird with a human head.
Deck (n) (v)
- Güverte , Kat , Süslemek
- I found a seat on the upper deck.
- The streets was decked with flags for the wedding.
Extent (n)
- Boyut , Derece , Kapsam
- Considering the extent of his injuries , he is lucky to be alive.
- The region is over 1000 square kilometers in extent.
Concern (v) (n)
- Endişe , Hakkında olmak
- Our concern for human rights.
- The report concerns the drug traffic on the Mexican-American border.
Commit (v)
- İşlemek , Söz vermek
- Women commit fewer crimes than men.
- I’d committed myself and there was no turning back.
- A lot of money has been committed to his project.
Stipulate (v)
- Şart koşmak
- Laws stipulate the maximum interest rate that banks can charge.
Admission (n)
- İtiraf , Kabul
- A statement in which you admit that smt. is true or that you have done smt. wrong.
- Confession
- The senator’s admission shocked Americans.
- No admission after 10 pm.
Facility (n)
- Beceri , Tesis
- Call back facility on this phone.
- A top-secret research facility.
- She has an amazing facility for languages.
Attract (v)
- Cezbetmek , Çekmek
- to make smo. interested in smt. or make them want to take part in smt.
- The story has attracted a lot of interest from the media.
- İt was his eyes that attracted me first.
- Leftover food attracts flies.
Favor (n) (v)
- İyilik , Uygun görmek , Beğeni
- Could you do me a favor.
- Senior ministers spoke in favor of the proposal.
- The island is very much in favor as a holiday destination.
Maintain (v)
- Sürdürmek
- How can we maintain control of spending ?
- He maintained his innocence and said the allegations were ridiculous.
Occupation (n)
- Meslek , İşgal , Meşguliyet
- Name , Adress and occupation
- The German occupation of France.
- One of my childhood occupations was collecting stamps.
Nod (v) (n)
- Baş sallamak (olumlu)
- Mom nodded her head sympathetically.
- The judge nodded at the foreman to proceed.
Ordinary (adj)
- Olağan , Sıradan
- İt’s just an ordinary camera.
- An ordinary work day.
Conviction (n)
- İnanç , Mahkûmiyet
- A very strong belief or opinion
- A woman of strong political convictions
- His voice lacked conviction.
- The trial and conviction of Jimmy.
Apparently (adv)
- Görünüşe göre , Anlaşılan
- Used to say that you have heard that smt. is true, although you are not completely sure about it.
- I wasn’t there, but apparently it went well.
- Apparently, it was a really good party.
Beside (prep)
- Yanında
- Wendy came up and set beside me.
- This year’s sales don’t look very good beside last year’s results.
Besides (adv) (prep)
- Ayrıca , Ek olarak , Yanında
- She couldn’t get there through all the snow. Besides her car’s broken down.
- People choose jobs for other reasons besides money.
Loan (n)
- Kredi , Ödünç vermek
- I had to take out a loan to buy my car.
- Jeff’s loaned us his car for the weekend.
Legislation (n)
- Kanun , Mevzuat
- New legislation to protect children.
Least (adv) (pronoun)
- Asgari , En az
- I was the least experienced member of the expedition.
Attribute (v) (n)
- Dayandırmak , Nitelik , Özellik
- A quality or feature, especially one that is considered to be good or useful.
- We describe their behavior by attributing our explanations to those individuals.
Disorder (n)
- Rahatsızlık , Düzensizlik , Karmaşa
- He suffers from a rare disorder of the liver.
- Stadiums were closed because of crowd disorder.
- Everything was in disorder, but nothing seemed to be missing.
Associate (v) (n) (adj)
- İlişkilendirmek , İş arkadaşı , Bağlı olan
- I don’t associate him with energetic sports.
- One of his business associates.
- Twice a year the associate members’ foreign ministers meet.
Consultant (n)
- Uzman , Danışman
- A management consultant
- Dr. Jameson is the consultant psychologist at B.A hospital.
Surveillance (n)
- Gözetim
- When the police army etc. watch a person or place carefully because they may be connected with criminal activities.
- 24 hour surveillance of the building.