Eng 3 Flashcards
Detain (v)
- Alıkoymak , Gözaltına almak
- To officially prevent smo. from leaving place.
- Two suspects have been detained by the police for questioning.
Insurgent (n)
- Asi , İsyancı
- Rebel
- Communist insurgents
County (n)
- İdari bölge , İlçe
- County elections are set for June.
- Fairfax County, Virginia
Contrast (n) (v)
- Zıtlık , Tezat oluşturmak
- The economic and social contrasts between the poor and the rich
- The sauce is quite sweet, so add dryed thyme as a contrast.
- These results contrast sharply with other medical tests.
Determine (v)
- Belirlemek , Saptamak
- To find out the facts about smt.
- The aim of the inquiry was to determine what had caused the accident.
Refrain (v)
- Kendini tutmak , Kaçınmak
- To not do smt. you want to do.
- Please refrain from smoking in this area.
Subdue (v)
- Boyun eğdirmek
- To defeat or control a group, especially using force.
- Napoleon subdued much of Europe.
Deny (v)
- Reddetmek
- I have never denied that there is a housing problem.
- The White House denied any wrongdoing.
Unveil (v)
- Örtüsünü kaldırmak , Açıklamak
- To show or tell people about a new product or plan for the first time.
- The club has unveiled plans to build a new stadium.
Loot (v) (n)
- Yağma , Ganimet
- Plunder
- To steal things, especially from shops or homes that have been demaged in a war or riot.
- Goods taken by soldiers from a place where they have won a battle.
- Shops were looted and burned.
Augment (v)
- Artırmak
- Formal to increase the value, amount, effectiveness etc. of smt.
- We pay performance bonuses that augment your annual salary.
Brand (n) (v)
- Marka , Damga , Damgalamak
- What brand of detergent do you use ?
- You can’t brand all football supporters as holligans.
- Each cow was branded with the logo.
Nerve (n)
- Sinir , Metanet , Yüzsüzlük
- A condition which affects the nerves in the back.
- It takes a lot of nerve to report a colleague for sexual harassment.
- He ‘s got a nerve asking for money.
Narrative (n)
- Hikaye
- At several points in the narrative the two stories cross.
Multiple (adj) (n)
- Çoklu , Katsayı
- Having multiple partners increases your risk of sexual diseases.
- 20 is a multiple of 5.
Latter (n)
- İkinci , Sonra gelen , Sonuncu
- Celebrations are planned for the latter part of November.
Incident (n)
- Olay , Kaza
- The plane landed without incident.
- Diplomatic incident
Ambiguous (adj)
- Anlamı belirsiz
- Difficult to understand
- The language in the Minister’s statement is highly ambiguous.
Dismiss (v)
- Reddetmek , Azletmek , Durdurmak
- The government has dismissed criticisms.
- He was unfairly dismissed from his past.
- The case was dismissed owing to lack of evidence.
Glance (v) (n)
- Kısa bakış , Göz atmak
- The man glanced nervously at his watch.
- Can you glance through these magazines for me ?
- He gave her a quick glance and smiled.
Anticipate (v)
- Tahmin etmek , Ummak , Beklemek
- To expect that smt. will happen.
- Sales are better that anticipated.
- We don’t anticipate any problems.
- A skilled waiter can anticipate a customer’s needs.
Virtually (adv)
- Neredeyse , Hemen hemen
- Almost
- Virtually all the children come to school by bus.
Claim (v) (n)
- İddia etmek , Talep etmek , İddia , Talep
- The girls claim to have seen the fairies.
- He should be able to claim the price of the ticket back.
- The police denied claims that the men were tortured.
- All claims should be made in writing.
Depth (n)
- Derinlik
- A sea with a average depth of 35 metres
- People need to realize the depth of the problem.
Attitude (n)
- Tutum , Tavır , Tarz
- The opinions and feelings that you usually have about smt. especially when it is shown in your behaviour.
- As soon as they found out I was a doctor, their whole attitude changed.
- A coat with attitude
Objective (n)
- Amaç
- Aim , Goal , Purpose
- The main objective was to improve children’s knowledge of geography.
Confrontation (n)
- Yüzleşmek
- She had stayed in her room to avoid another confrontation.
Distorted (adj)
- Deforme , Bozuk
- Unclear , Changed from the norm
- Tall buildings can distort radio signals.
Consultation (n)
- Görüşme , İstişare
- Meeting , Conference
- The decision was reached after consultation with parents and teachers.
Involve (v)
- Kapsamak , İçermek
- Include
- What will the job involve ?
Consent (n)
- Onay , İzin
- Agreement , Permission
- He took the car without the owner’s consent.
Onus (n)
- Sorumluluk
- Responsibility
- The onus is on the prosecution to provide proof of guilt.
Indicate (v)
- Göstermek , İşaret etmek
- To show that a particular situation exists.
- The study indicates a connection between powerty and crime.
Strain (n)
- Stres , Gerginlik
- Worry that is caused by having to deal with a problem or work too hard over a long period of time.
- The trial has been a terrible strain for both of us.
Correspond (v)
- İlişkili , Benzemek , Eş olmak
- To be very similar or same
- The numbers correspond to points on the map.
Escalate (v)
- Kızışmak , Yükselmek
- The fighting on the border is escalating.
- Escalation(n) = Gerginlik , Kızışma
Commentary (n)
- Açıklama
- Analysis , Description , Explanation of an event, while the event happening.
Equivalent (adj)
- Eş değer
- Comparable , Equal
- A qualification which is equivalent to a degree.
Implicit (adj)
- Örtülü , İma edilen
- İmplied
- Opposite explicit
- Her words contained and implicit threat.
Theme (n)
- İçerik , Konu
- The book’s theme is the conflict between love and duty.
Occupy (v)
- İşgal etmek , Meşgul etmek
- He occupies the house without paying any rent.
- Family photos occupied almost the entire wall.
- Students occupied University on Monday.
Urge (n)
- Dürtü
- Desire , A strong wish or need
- He could no longer resist the urge to go and see Amanda.
Insignia (n)
- Nişan , Rütbe
- Emblem
- A badge or sign that shows what official or military rank smo. has or which group or organization they belong to.
De facto (adj)
- Fiili olarak
- Really existing although not legally stated exist.
- The island has been de facto divided into two countries.
Interval (n)
- Zaman , Aralık
- A period of time
- The interval between arrest and trial can be up to six months.
Deviation (n)
- Sapma
- A noticeable difference from what is expected
Index (n)
- A standard by which the level of something can be judged.
Cease (v)
- Durmak
- Stop , Finish
- He ceased to be a member of the association.
Violation (n)
- İhlal etme
- An action that breaks a law
- Human rights violation
Grant (v)
- Bahşetmek
- To give , Provide