Eng 2 Flashcards
Deliberate (adj)
- Kasti , Tasarlanmış
- İntended or planned
- A deliberate attempt to humiliate her.
Loose (adj) (v)
- Gevşek , Salıvermek
- This teeth feels very loose.
- Don’t let your dog loose on the beach.
- The tanker loosed 13.000 gallons of pesticide into the river.
Legitimate (adj) (v)
- Meşru , Meşrulaştırmak
- It is legitimate to use animals in medical research.
- A legitimately elected government.
- The regime was not legitimated by popular support.
Propose (v)
- Önermek , Teklif etmek
- Formal to suggest smt. as a plan or course of action.
- The changes were first proposed last year.
Dilute (v)
- Seyreltmek , Etkisini azaltmak
- Make weaker.
- Any dilution of standards must be resisted.
Arbitrary (adj)
- Keyfi , Rastgele
- Decided or arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairly.
- An arbitrary decision
- The arbitrary arrests of political opponents.
Utmost (adj) (n)
- Son Derece
- Most extreme , greatest
- The most that can be done
- Both runners had pushed themselves to the utmost.
- Utmost importance
Crucial (adj)
- Çok önemli , Kritik
- Vital
- Extremely important, because everything else depends on it.
- This aid money is crucial to the government’s economic policies.
Exacerbate (v)
- Kötüleştirmek , Azdırmak
- To make a bad situation worse.
- The forest fire was exacerbated by the lack of rain.
Slam (v) (n)
- Çarpmak
- We heard a car door slam.
- The phone slammed into the mountain.
Discord (n)
- Anlaşmazlık , Uyumsuzluk
- Money is the single biggest cause of discord in marriage.
- Discord within NATO.
Amend (v)
- Düzeltmek
- Modified , Revise
- The law was amended to include women.
İnduce (v)
- Teşvik etmek , Neden olmak , İkna etmek
- Cause , Provoke , Produce
- Nothing would induce me to vote for him again.
Poverty (n)
- Yoksulluk
- The situation or experience of being poor.
- Millions of elderly people live in poverty.
Disrupt (v)
- Bozmak
- To prevent smt. from continuing in its usual way by causing problems.
- Climate change could disrupt the agricultural economy.
Censorship (n)
- Sansür
- Angry journalists accused the government of censorship of free speech.
Cite (v)
- Bahsetmek , Alıntı yapmak , Çağırmak
- Mention , Quote , Summon
- Several factors have been cited as the cause of the unrest.
- The passage cited above is from a Robert Frost’s poem.
- 2 managers had been cited for some reasons.
Exploit (v)
- Sömürmek , Kullanmak
- To treat smo. unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but giving them very little in return.
- Homeworkers can easily be exploited by employers.
Erode (v)
- Aşınmak
- The rocks have gradually eroded away.
- Repeated exam failure had eroded her confidence.
Extract (v)
- Çıkarmak
- Pull out
- Formal to remove an object from somewhere, especially with difficulty.
- You’ll have to have that tooth extracted.
- Oils are extracted from the plants.
Impose (v)
- Dayatmak
- If smo. in authority imposes a rule, punishment, tax etc. they force people to accept it.
- Parents who impose their own moral values on their children.
Yield (v) (n)
- Ürün vermek , Verim
- To produce a result, answer or piece of information.
- Our research has only recently begun to yield important results.
Pursue (v)
- Sürdürmek
- To continue doing an activity or trying to achieve smt. over a long period of time.
- She plans to pursue a career in politics.
Bunch (n) (v)
- Grup , Salkım , Toplamak
- A bunch of grapes
- A bunch of flowers
- A friendly bunch of people
- The students bunched together in small groups.
Broad (adj)
- Geniş , Genişlik , Genel
- Wide
- The room is 3 metres long and 2 metres broad.
- I’ll give you a broad outline of the plan.
Client (n)
- Müşteri
- Customer
- A meeting with an important client.
Brilliant (adj)
- Çok parlak , Zeki , Başarılı
- Bright
- She closed her eyes against the brilliant light.
- A brilliant young musician
- He had a long and brilliant success.
Coal (n)
- Kömür
- Put some coals on the fire.
- Grill over hot coals for two minutes.
Coat (n) (v)
- Ceket , Mont , Örtü , Kaplamak
- I need a new winter coat.
- A dog with a glossy coat
- He applied a light coat of varnish.
- A layer of snow coated the trees.
Cognitive (adj)
- İdrak ile ilgili , Bilişsel
- Related to the process of knowing, understanding and learning smt.
- All the evidence points to dreaming being a highly complex cognitive activity.
Constant (adj)
- Sürekli , Sabit
- Amy lived in constant fear of being attacked.
- He kept in constant contact with his family.
- Traveling at a constant speed.
Branch (n) (v)
- Dal , Kol , Branş , Kollara ayrılmak
- The topmost branches were full of birds.
- The bank have branches all over the country.
- The street branches into two.
Comprehensive (adj)
- Kapsamlı
- A comprehensive study of alcoholism
- A comprehensive guide to British hotels
Convince (v)
- İkna etmek , İnandırmak
- To make smo. feel certain that smt. is true
- His friends didn’t convince everyone, but changes were made.
Boundary (n)
- Sınır
- The real or imaginary line that makes the edge of state, country etc. or the edge of the area of land that belongs to smo.
- The boundaries of human knowledge
Beyond (prep) (adv)
- Ötesi , Ötesinde
- They crossed the mountains and headed for the valleys beyond.
- The ban has been extended beyond 2003.
- His equipment was demaged beyond repair.
Bowl (n) (v)
- Kâse , Yuvarlamak , Stadyum
- Fill the bowl with milk.
- We collected coconuts and bowled along to the woods.
İntend (v)
- Niyet etmek , Tasarlamak
- To have smt. in your mind as a plan or purpose.
- I intend to spend the night there.
- İntention = Niyet
Prospect (n)
- Olasılık , İhtimal
- The possibility that smt. will happen.
- There’s a real prospect that England will not qualify for the World cup.
Appreciate (v)
- Anlamak , Minnettar olmak
- Realize
- He didn’t appreciate the significance of signing the contract.
- I appreciate your concern, but honestly I’m fine.
Attorney (n)
- Avukat , Vekil
- A lawyer
- The attorneys in Florida, are taking a different approach.
- He appointed her his attorney.
Accusation (n)
- Suçlama , İtham
- A statement saying that smo. is guilty of a crime or doing smt. wrong.
- A number of serious accusations have been made against her.
Reconcile (v)
- Uzlaştırmak
- The possibility remains that the two theories may be reconciled.
- She wanted to be reconciled with her father.
Contingent (n)
- Birlik , Grup
- A group of people who all have smt. in common such as their nationality, beliefs etc. and who are part of a larger group.
- Has the Scottish contingent arrived ?
Abuse (v) (n)
- Suistimal , Kötüye kullanma
- Government officials’ abuse of power.
- She was sexually abused as a child.
- People who abuse the system.
Convinced (adj)
- İkna olmuş
- Sure , Certain
- Molly agreed, but she didn’t sound very convinced.
Condemn (v)
- Kınamak , Disapprove
- To say very strongly that you do not approve of smt. or smo. especially because you think it is morally wrong.
- Politicians were quick to condemn the bombing.
Counsellor (n)
- Danışman
- Smo. whose job is to help and support people with problems.
- We should see a marriage counsellor.
- I worked for three years as a school counsellor.
Imminent (adj)
- Eli kulağında , Yakın
- An event that is imminent, especially an unpleasant one, will happen very soon.
- A new trade agreement is imminent.
Conduct (v)
- Yürütmek
- To carry out a particular activity or process, in order to get information or prove facts.
- We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.