Energy Sources (Y11 - Autumn 2) Flashcards
Where Do Our Energy Sources Come From?
- Solar Power
- Wind Power
- Hydroelectric Power
- Fossil Fuels: Coal/Oil/ Natural Gas Power Stations
- Tidal Power
- Geothermal Power
- Biomass
- Fracking
- Wave Power
What are Fossil Fuels
Fossil fuels are fuels that are from from the fossilised remains of plants and animals over millions of years. They are extracted through mining and drilling and they are a finite resource, although they are realiable when generation electrcity.
How are Fossil Fuels to produce energy
Fossil fuels can be burned to superheat water under pressure, which in turn, drives turbines.
What is Fracking?
Fracking involves drilling into layers of shale rock deep in the earth to release pockets of gas.
How do Photovoltaic Cells Work
Light photons hit the PV cells which allows electrons to flow, creating an electric current. The technology and efficiency of them have improved over the years.
How does Tidal Energy Work?
The rise and fall of the tide forces water through turbines which drive generators to produce electricity.
How Does Biomass Work
Biofuel and biomass are created from organic matter which is burned to generate power.
What is the main drawback of Nuclear Energy
Nuclear power accounts for over 11% of the world’s electrcity. The nuclear waste is radioactive and have to be stored in concrete bunkers for hundreds of years. Nuclear power provides abundant, reliable supply of clean energy. However, when nuclear power plants go wrong, there are catastrophic consequences (e.g chernobyl)
Biomass Advantages
- Clean, renewable energy
- Carbon dioxide is released in the process and can be reused by plants
- Replacement plants can be grown very quickly to ensure good supply
Biomass Disadvantages
- Creates atmospheric pollution when burned
- Land uses for energy crops may be need for other purposes like agriculture
Wind Turbine Advantages
- Low Mainatinece
- Clean Energy
- Higher Winter Output
- Low Cost Energy
Disadvantages of Wind Turbines
- Only Work When Windy
- Eyesore To Some
- Hazards To Birds
- Noisy
How does Solar Heating work?
Solar Heating
Water flows through the tubes, and the heat from the sun is transferred to the water.
Solar Heating Advantages
- Clean, renewable energy source
- Reduces household energy bills
Solar Heating Disadvantages
- Some people think they’re an eyesore
- Costs a lot to install
- Only works well in the day under good sunlight
Tidal Energy Advanatges
- Not Visible
- Renewable
Tidal Energy Disadvantages
- Danger To The Marine Life
- Only Effective a certain times of the day (high tide)
What is Hydroelectric Power
Hydroelectric Power is a controllable energy source. The set-up costs are financially and environmentally expensive
Advantages of Hydroelectric Power (Dams)
- Clean, renewable energy source
- Valves can be opened quickly to produce energy at peak times
- No pollution when running it
Disadvantages of Hydroelectric Power (Dams)
- Construction is expensive
- Objections from people in the surrounding environment
- Affects the wildlife by flooding the valley.
Advantages of Photovoltaic Cells
- Low Mainatinence
- Clean Energy
- Relatively Low Cost
Disadvantages of Photovoltaic Cells
- Seasonal Flucuations
- No Power Generated At Night
- Complex Positioning Issues