Energy Metabolism Flashcards
What is metabolism?
• Metabolism is the process by which our bodies convert what we eat and drink into energy.
What is ATP?
A source of chemical energy
What does the ability exercise depend upon?
The conversion of chemical energy into mechanical energy
What is energy needed for?
Performing work or producing force
Why is ATP essential for energy?
• ATP is the only source of energy that can be used directly for muscle contraction and all other energy-requiring processes in the cell.
Where does the connection between a motor neuron axon terminal and a muscle fibre occur?
A neuromuscular junction site.
What allows the conversion of ATP to ADP
Actin and myosin working together
What is the resting concentration of ATP in skeletal muscle?
About 4 to 5 mmol/Kg wet weight
What is the total quantity of ATP in an adult?
Approximately 0.10 mol/L
What process help maintain the concentration of ATP in the sarcoplasm?
Phosphocreatine hydrolysis
Anaerobic metabolism of glycogen or glucose (glycolysis).
Aerobic metabolism (i.e. oxidation) of acetyl-CoA derived principally from breakdown of carbohydrate or fat.