Endotracheal Intubation Tips Flashcards
Endotracheal Intubation
-Do NOT blind insert, find landmarks
If the blade is too long, use a smaller one
-Do NOT hyperextend the neck. Use the ear to stern all notch position or sniffing position
-shape stylet and ETT straight to the cuff, bending the remaining length 30-35 degrees. Like a hockey stick
-right side of tongue to left, don’t go too far. Do short methodical movements, slowly advancing blade until the end gets of the epiglottis is visualized. Gently slide the tip into the vallecular fossa.
-if you don’t have a good view, move thyroid cartilage side to side, up or down till view improves.
-cricoid pressure could displace the larynx
-cricoid pressure (Sellick maneuver) closes the esophagus and prevents aspiration