Endocrine System Flashcards
The endocrine system helps to maintain ____ in the body.
Chemical messengers for the endocrine system are…
The hypothalamus is responsible for…
Appetite control
The pituitary gland is the ______
Master gland
The anterior pituitary produces ___ hormones
The posterior pituitary stores ___ hormones
The 7 hormones produced by the anterior pituitary gland are…
- Growth hormone (GH)
- Prolactin
- Thyroid stimulating (TSH)
- Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
- Follicle stimulating (FSH)
- Lutenizing hormone (LH)
- Melanocyte stimulating (MSH)
What is the role of growth hormone?
Promotes muscle and bone growth in young animals
What is the role of prolactin?
Triggers and maintains lactation
What is the role of TSH?
Stimulates the Thyroid
What is the role of ACTH?
Stimulates growth and development of the adrenal cortex
What is the role of FSH?
Stimulates the growth and development of the ovarian follicles
What is the role of LH?
Completes the development of the ovarian follicles
What is the role of MSH
Color change in pigment cells of reptiles, fish, and amphibians
What 2 hormones does the posterior pituitary store?
ADH & Oxytocin
What is the role of ADH?
Helps the body to conserve water
What is the role of oxytocin?
Causes contraction in the uterus
What is Diabetes insipidus?
ADH deficiency. Symptoms: polydipsic and polyuric
What is Diabetes mellitus?
Failure of the kidneys to regulate blood sugar
What two hormones does the thyroid gland produce?
TSH, Calcitonin, T3, & T4
Hypothyroidism occurs mainly in…
Hyperthyroidism occurs mainly in…
What are the two portions of the adrenal gland?
Cortex & Medulla
Cushings disease is also called…
Addisons disease is also called…
Cushings disease symptoms include…
Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, hair loss, muscle wasting, and slow wound healing
Addisons disease symptoms include…
Weakness, lethargy, vomiting, & diarrhea
The pancreas produces 3 hormones…
Glucagon, insulin, and somatostatin
The gonads are
Testes and ovaries
The stomach produces what hormones
The thymus produces…