endocrine system Flashcards
Chief means of regulating the blood levels of nearly all hormones
Negative feedback
Negative feedback is triggered by
Internal and external stimuli
High hormone levels ___________ further hormone relief
What type of stimuli is when other hormones trigger endocrine organs
What type of stimuli is when blood levels of certain ions and nutrients stimulate hormone release?
What type of stimuli is when nerve fibers stimulate hormone release?
Endocrine glands are ____________ so they have to have ___________________
Ductless; A rich blood supply
The pituitary gland is about the size of __________
A pea
What gland is considered the “Master Gland”? Why?
Pituitary; it controls the secretion of other glands
The pituitary gland hangs from the _______________ and is surrounded by the _______________
Hypothalamus; sella turica
What is another name for the sella turica?
Turk’s Saddle
What does the Growth Hormone do for the body?
It grows skeletal muscles and long bones
What does HYPOsecretion of the growth hormone do?
Dwarfism (proportional but miniature)
What does HYPERsecretion of the growth hormone do?
Leads to gigantism (proportional but large)
When hypersecretion of the growth hormone begins after long bone growth has ended
HORMONE: target cells are in the breast stimulates and maintains milk production
HORMONE: Regulates endocrine activity of the cortex portion of the adrenal gland
HORMONE: Regulates thyroid growth and activity
HORMONE: Regulates gonads
What does the follicle-stimulating hormone do for males vs females?
Female: follicle development
Male: sperm development
What hormone causes ovulation and development of corpus lutem?
Luteinizing hormone