Endocrine: Sex Development, Growth and Puberty Flashcards
What hormonal changes occur at puberty?
1) Increased of GnRH and GHRH
2) Increased levels of FSH, LH and sex steroids
3) Increased levels of growth hormone
What factors can influence puberty?
Nutrition (BMI), Leptin/Insulin, Genetics, Exercise and Socio-cultural
What factors affect growth hormone secretion?
Starvation, Exercise, Trauma, Hypoglaecemia, Deep Sleep
If problem with growth hormone secretion then what problems present?
Gigantism, Dwarfism, Acromegaly
What happens in the Hypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis
1) GnRH from hypothalamus acts on the APG to release LH/FSH
2) LH acts on Leydig to stimulate testosterone, FSH on sertoli to cause inhibin release
3) Inhibin/Testosterone have negative feedback effect on hypothalamus and anterior pituitary
What happens in the Hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis?
1) GnRH from hypothalamus acts on APG to release LH/FSH
2) LH acts on theca cells to stimulate androgen release which diffuses from theca to granulosa
3) FSH acts on granulosa stimulating conversion of androgen into oestrogen
4) Inhibin released from granulosa w/ Oestrogen has negative FBL on hypothalamus and APG
What is the function of dihydrotestosterone?
Stimulation of differentiation of male external genitalia, secreted by the testis
How is growth hormone secreted?
Pulsatile fashion and increases during deep sleep
What happens in the GH/IGF-1 axis?
1) Hypothalamus releases GHRH (+) or SMS (-)
2) APG releases GH which acts on liver causing IGF-1 to be produced
(-VE FBL on hypothalamus)
What role does IGF-1 have?
Induces cell division
What cells is GH synthesised in?
Somatotroph Cells (40-50% of APG) [Most abundant in APG]
What are the definitive signs of puberty in female?
Girls: Menarche
a) Ovarian Oestrogen: Breast and Female Gen
b) Ovarian/Adrenal Androgen: Control pubic and axillary hair
What are the definitive signs of puberty in males?
Boys: First ejaculation (Nocturnal and don’t notice)
a) Testicular Androgens: External genitalia and pubic hair growth
Enlargement of larynx and laryngeal muscles