Endocrine Patient Flashcards
What is the nurses role for a endocrine patient?
Diagnostic procedures and stabilisation within hospital
Owner education
Monitoring and maintain stabilising
CLient support and compliance
What diet does an endocrine canine patient need?
High protein Normal levels of fat and carbs No simple sugars High fibre helps control obesity and reduce glucose surge Same diet, same amount each day. No titbits
What diet does an endocrine feline need?
High protein and low carbs Fibre content, not important May graze if preferred Tins 'dilute' carbs though feed dry, if only eat that form Diet important in diabetic remission
What signs need to be monitored in endocrine patients?
Periodic checks at surgery Owner observation Check long term effects Blood testing Urine testing Make sure they are recorded
What can happen in an endocrine emergency?
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Nursing care for hyperadrenocorticism
Reduce stress levels, care handling
May require some fat restriction in diet. Other dietry requirement may depend on concurrent conditions
Ensure nutrition intake is maintained, monitor BW, BCS and MCS
Montioring thorugh clinical signs and ACTH stimulation tests
Monitor skin integrity and infections
Client education
Nursing care for hypoadrenocorticism
Reduce stress levels, care handling - abdominal pain
Monitoring thorugh clinical signs and WBC counts and Na:K ratio
Client education re treatment, effects os stress and signs of crisis
Nursing care for hypothyroidism
Client education
Monitoring via clinical signs and T4 levels
Improvement in clinical signs in 4-6 weeks
Nursing care for hyperthyroidism
Assist with initial treatment
Medical - client education
Diet - not guaranteed for long term control