Endocrine Gland Histology Flashcards
Identify the labels.

Top: Leydig cells
Bottom: Sertoli cells
What makes the pancreas different from other endocrine glands?
It has both endocrine (Islets of Langerhans) and exocrine (acinar cells) function
What endocrine gland produces T4 and T3?
The thyroid gland
The ___________________ is largely composed of nonmyleinated axons of neurosecretory neurons that extend from the _________________ and _______________ nuclei of the _____________________.
Posterior pituitary
Non-myelinated axons
Approximately 25% of the posterior pituitary is composed of ___________________.
The lactotrophs produce ______________.
PRL (prolactin)
What is the functional unit of the thyroid?
The thyroid follicle
Describe the cells of the zona glomerulosa.
They are irregularly arranged in ovoid clusters that are separated by trabeculae
What are the cell types labeled in the figure? In what gland are they found?

Anterior pituitary

Identify the two labeled parts to the left.

Far left: thyroid follicle cell
Left: Colloid of follicle cell
The adrenal medulla functions as a modified ______________ sympathetic _____________.
The acidophils stain ___________ with ___________ and have visibly large ____________.
The acidophils comprise primarily the __________ and the ___________.
Identify the labeled parts.
Identify the organ in which this cell is found.

Top: Theca cells
Middle: Granulosa cells
Bottom: Oocyte (primary)
*surrounding the follicle is the stroma*
What do pituicytes do?
Support axons of posterior pituitary
Where do the ovarian follicles tend to reside in the ovary?
Toward the cortex
Identify the labeled parts.
In what organ do these parts belong?

Top: Acinar cells
Bottom: Islets of Langerhans
The pancreas
The body of the ovary is called the ___________ and consists of ____________ cells, _______________ fibers, and ________________.
Fibroblast-like cells
Fine collagen fibers
Ground substance
Describe the cells of the zona reticularis.
They are arranged in irregular networks of branching cores and cell clusters; they are smaller than those in the zona fasciculata and contain less cytoplasm and lipid droplets, and as such they tend to stain darker
What are Herring bodies?
Accumulations of neurosectetory granules along the length of the axon
In what gland would you find this tissue?

The thyroid gland
Endocrine glands are typically richly _________ so that their products can be effectively delivered into ________.
- Vascularized
- Circulation
What three cell types make up the anterior pituitary?
The ____________ tubules are composed of ______________ cells, which are responsible for supporting and nourishing the developing _________________.
Supporting, nourishing
The ________ are packed with __________ tubules, which are highly convulted and composed of __________ cells.
What are some “nonclassical” endocrine organs?
Brain (hypothalamus)
Adipose tissue
GI tract
What type of tissue is this, and in what endocrine gland can you find it?

Epithelium tissue
Anterior pituitary
Where are parafollicular cells located? What do they secrete?
The thyroid gland
They are found scattered (sometimes in small clumps) in areas between thyroid follicles
Calcitinon (suppresses osteoclast activity in bone)
What do cells in the zona reticularis produce?
Small amounts of sex steroids, notably androgens
Identify the labeled parts. In what endocrine gland can you find these cells?

Herring body
Pituicyte (nuclei)
Posterior pituitary
What hormone is produced by the parathyroid?
PTH (parathyroid hormone) - increases calcium levels (stimulates osteoclast activity)
Where are T4 and T3 stored?
The thyroid follicle
What do the cells of the zona glomerulosa secrete?
Mineralcorticoids, principall aldosterone
What three hormones are produced by the thyroid? What are their major functions?
T4 and T3 - metabolic rate control
Calcitonin - decreases calcium levels (inhibits osteoclasts)
The somatotrophs produce ______________.
GH (growth hormone)
What does the adrenal medulla secrete?
The posterior pituitary produces two hormones. What are they, and what do they do?
AVP/ADH (vasopression/anti-diuretic hormone) - stimulates retention of water in the distal tubules and collecting ducts in nephrons of kidneys
Oxytocin - stimulates uterine contractions; promotes milk ejection from mammary glands
What are the secretory cells of the adrenal medulla?
The chromaffin cells
What are the three types of basophil cells?
Basophils stain _____________ with ___________.
Chromophobes are named as such because…?
They do not take up stains or dyes
The ovaries and testes are in the ___________ abdomen and are _____________.
What does T3 stand for?
Identify the labeled cells.
In what endocrine gland are they found?

Top: Chief cells, which secrete PTH (parathyroid hormone), which maintains calcium balance in the body
Botoom: Oxyphil cells are larger and less abudant (unknown function)
The parathyroid gland
What do the cells of the zona fasciculata secrete?
Glucocorticoids, like cortisol
The anterior and posterior pituitary are located in the ________________.
The parathyroid is located on the _________ of the thyroid.
Identify the gland and its two major components.

The pituitary gland
Pars distalis or adenophysis is the anterior pituitary
Pars nervosa or neurophysis is the posterior pituitary

What does T4 stand for?
Corticotrophs produce _____________.
Thyrotrophs produce ____________.
Gonadotrophs produce _____________.
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)
FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (leutinizing hormone)
What cell types make up the Islets of Langerhans?
What does each cell type produce?
Alpha cells produce glucagon
Beta cells produce insulin
Identify the two labeled parts.
Identify the endocrine gland.

Top: Adrenal ortex
Bottom: Adrenal medulla
The adrenal gland
The _______ endocrine glands are those whose primary function is secretory in nature.
What is the functional unit of the ovary?
The ovarian follicle
The chromafin cells are so called becuase they have numerous ___________ that stain intensely with ________________ salts.
The adrenal glands are located _____________ to the kidneys.
Superior (above)
Identify the arrowed parts of the gland.
Identify the gland.

Zona glomerulosa
Zona fasciculata
Zona reticularis
The adrenal gland (cortex)
The anterior pituitary produces seven hormones. List all seven, and provide their general function.
LH (leutinizing hormone) - surges cause ovulation; forms corpus luteum
FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) - stimulates follicular growth in ovaries and estrogen synthesis from developing follicles
PRL (prolactin) - stimulates mammary gland growth and milk secretion
GH (growth hormone) - stimulates liver to secrete growth factors for bone and cartilage growth
ACTH (adrenocorticotropin hormone) -
TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) - stimulates thyroid gland to produce T4, T3, and calcitonin
MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone) - promotes distribution of melanin granules
Describe the cells of the zona fasciculata.
The cells are in narrow columns with abudant cytoplasm and tend to stain pale due to the large number of lipid droplets within them
In the ________________ spaces between seminiferous tubules can be found the ___________ or interstitial cells that produce ___________.
The __________ terminals of the ___________ pituitary store and secrete the hormones ___________ (antidiuretic hormone/ ADH) and ___________.
The testis produces __________________, which promotes secondary male characteristics, and the ovary produces ______________, which promotes secondary female characteristics.
Estrogen and progesterone
The pancreatic alpha cells produce ____________, which inhibit glucose uptake, and beta cells produce __________________, which promote glucose uptake.
What is located posterior to the thyroid gland?
The parathyroid gland
The pancreas is located __________ and ____________ to the stomach
Ventrally (abdomen)
Thyroid ____________ are spherical structures composed of a single layer of ___________ cells.
Cuboidal epithelial
The ________ is populated by numerous ________‐filled follicles.
What are the three histological zones of the adrenal cortex?
Immediately beneath the adrenal capsule lies the zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and zona reticularis
The thyroid is located _____________ to the larynx in the ___________.
Inferior (below)
What do the granulosa cells produce?