Endocrine Control of Growth (Nutting) Flashcards
What is catch up growth?
(growth is stunted by illness) → catch up growth is the growth “spurt” that occurs to bring height or weight back up to ~nml
What is compensatory growth?
when parts of an organ is removed, the remaining organ hypertrophies to compensate
(i.e. kidney, liver, adrenals)
What are the requirements for growth
- proper nutrition
- sufficient hormones at the right time
- good psychosocial environment
What hormones play a role in normal somatic growth?
GH, IGF-1 Vit D Sex hormones insulin TH GI hormones (for nutrition digestion and abs)
What hormones are needed for juvenile stage of growth? Adolescent?
juvenile: GH + T3 + Vit D + insulin
adeoles: GH + T3 + Vit D + insulin + sec hormones
Is psychosocial dwarfism reversible
yes, they must be removed from envrio
how does excess and deficient growth hormone effect linear growth, skeletal maturation, and adult stature (if untreated)
liner growth: ↑
skeletal maturation: nml
adult stature: ↑ = giantism
liner growth: ↓
skeletal maturation: delayed
adult stature: ↓ = hyposomatotrophic dwarfism
how does excess and deficient thyroid hormone effect linear growth, skeletal maturation, and adult stature (if untreated)
liner growth: slight ↑
skeletal maturation: slight advanced
adult stature: minimal
liner growth: ↓
skeletal maturation: delayed
adult stature ↓
how does excess cortisol effect linear growth, skeletal maturation, and adult stature (if untreated)
liner growth: ↓
skeletal maturation delayed
adult stature: ↓
how does excess and deficient androgen effect linear growth, skeletal maturation, and adult stature (if untreated)
liner growth: ↑ then ↓
skeletal maturation: advanced
adult stature: ↓
liner growth: ↑ in extremities
skeletal maturation: delayed (adolescent)
adult stature: eunuchoidal (tall, long arms and legs)
how does deficient estrogen effect linear growth, skeletal maturation, and adult stature (if untreated)
liner growth: ↑ extremities
skeletal maturation: delayed (adolescent)
adult stature: ↑
somatamedin is aka
somatocrinin is aka
eunuchoidal adult stature
untreated androgen deficiency
somatotrophin is aka
structure of GH
22K from (90%) and 20K form (10%)
isolated GH deficiency leads to what condition/dz
hyposomatotrophic dwarfism
Why are cows given GH?
increases milk production
What hormones promote tallness?
GH + T3, which is permissive
What inhibits tallness?
gonadal steroids
effect of GH on bone
↑long bone growth at epiphyseal growth plate
↑ bone thickening (acromegaly)
tibia test
the more growth hormone there is the wider the tibial plate is (less GH = narrower plate)
IGF-1 deficiency leads to what condition/dz
laron dwarfism
effect of GH on DNA
↑ synthesis ∴ ↑ cel l #?
effect of GH on RNA
↑ t ,m, and rRNA to increase protein synthesis
how does GH affect fat metabolism
delayed effect to ↑ lipolysis ∴ ↑ FFA
effect of GH on carbohydrate metabolims
MILDLY impairs glc uptake and utilization, GH must be ↑↑↑ for a long time to cause insulin resistance/T2DM
what is the somatomedin hypothesis vs the dual effector hypothesis
both explain hoe GH increases growth
somatomedin hypot:
GH acts on the liver to ↑ IGF-1 secretion which directly acts on long bones/other target to ↑ growth
(i.e. says GH has indirect action)
dual effector hypoth:
GH acts on the liver to ↑ IGF-1 secretion which directly acts on long bones/other target to ↑ growth
but GH also acts directly on bones, muscle, adipose, etc to ↑ growth
What is the secretion pattern of GH and when is it secreted?
episodic (ultradian)
major secretion at night (w/ deep sleep)
How do you treat kids with GH insensitivity due to GH receptor mutation
give them IGF-1
What is the major side effect of IGF-1 therapy
hypoglycemia (IGF = INSULIN LIKE growth factor)
How do serum IGF-1 levels compare in acrogmegaly, hypopituitarism, and normal pts?
acro: HIGH, 4-10 U/mL
nml: present, 1-2 U/mL
hypopit: almost absent, <.1
What effect does GH have on ... and what does this change correlate to? nitrogen sodium potassium phosphorus
nitrogen ↑ = ↑pro synthesis
sodium ↑ = ↑extracellular space
potassium ↑ = ↑ intracellular space
phosphorus ↑ = ↑ bone growth
What effect does GH have on T3 actions?
↑ sensitivity GHRH
↑ synthesis somatotrophs
↑ responsiveness of target cells
What effect does low dose cortisone have on GH? larger dose?
small = no effect, GH still growth promoting
high = ↓GH effectiveness
Is insulin required for growth?
*in rats, no insulin = no growth
somatostatin inc or dec GH
IGF-1 inc or dec GH
dec (negative feedback)
exercise inc or dec GH
postprandial hyperglycemia inc or dec GH
TH inc or dec GH
estrogens inc or dec GH
hyoiglycemia inc or dec GH
glucocorticoids inc or dec GH
hyperthyroidism inc or dec GH
hypothyroidism inc or dec GH
progesterone inc or dec GH
GH conc inc or dec with age
inc unitl we are ~24 and then falls
testosterone inc or dec GH
insulin inc or dec GH
What hormones are responsible for the pubertal growth spurt?
GH and IGF-1
how is GH affected in psychosocial deprivation? how is it measured?
decreased; measure IGF-1