Endocrine Flashcards
Congenital hypothyroidism
Decreased T4 levels
- Endemic Cretinism= insufficient iodine in utero
- Sporadic= defect in T4 formation in utero, developmental thyroid formation failure
- Lethargy, poor feeding
- Jaundice, macroglossia
- Constipation, umbilical hernia, myxedema
- Muscle hypotonia, hoarse cry
Pot bellied, Pale, Puffy-faced child with Protruding umbilicus, protuberant tongue
Somatomedin C
AKA IGF-1= insulin-like growth factor 1
- GH Secreted by pituitary–> liver produces IGF-1
- induces chondrocytes to proliferate along epiphyseal plate (long bone growth!)
Fetal adrenal gland
Outer zone= adult zone
- No function until late in gestation: begins secreting cortisol
- Controlled by ACTH and CRH from fetal pituitary and placenta
- Cortisol–> fetal lung maturation and surfactant secretion
Inner zone= Active fetal zone
- Produces androgens with placenta
- Lacks 3-beta-hydroxysteroid to convert pregnolone–> progesterone
Anterior pituitary
Secretes FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH, prolactin, GH, MSH
- Derived from oral ectoderm (Rathke’s pouch–> craniopharyngioma) vs posterior pituitary= neuroectoderm
- Alpha subunit= TSH, LH, FSH, hCG common subunit
- Beta subunit= hormone-specific
GLUT-1 receptors
- RBCs, Brain
GLUT-2 receptors
- Beta-islet cells
- Liver, kidney, small intestine (insulin-independent uptake)
GLUT-4 receptors
- Adipose tissue
- Skeletal muscle
Insulin release
Beta cells in pancreas: center of islet
- GLUT-2 transporter brings in glucose
- Glycolysis in Beta cell–> ATP/ADP ratio increase
- ATP binds and closes K+ channels
- Membrane depolarizes
- Ca+2 influx into beta cell
- Exocytosis of insulin granules
Glucagon release
Alpha-cells in pancreas: periphery of islet
Secreted in response to:
- Hypoglycemia
- Increased serum [amino acids]
- Adrenergic stimulation (epi–> alpha2 receptors)
- Ach
Inhibited by:
- Insulin
- Hyperglycemia
- Somatostatin
17-alpha-hydroxylase deficiency
Hypertension, hypokalemia
Males: decreased DHT–> pseudohermaphroditism (ambiguous genitalia, undescended testes
Females: internally and externally phenotypic female lacking secondary sex characteristics
**Enlarged adrenal glands d/t increased ACTH
21-hydroxylase deficiency
HYPOtension, hyperkalemia, increased renin activity, volume depletion
Females: masculinization; pseudohermaphroditism
**Enlarged adrenal glands d/t increased ACTH
11-beta-hydroxylase deficiency
- increased 11-deoxycorticosterone= mineralocorticoid, secreted in excess (HTN)
- Decreased aldosterone
Females: Masculinization
**Enlarged adrenal glands d/t increased ACTH
Growth Hormone
Anterior pituitary
Stimulates linear growth:
- increases liver IGF-1/somatomedin C secretion–> - induces chondrocytes to proliferate along epiphyseal plate (long bone growth)
Increased secretion in exercise, sleep
- Inhibited by glucose, somatostatin
Adrenal zona fasciculata, bound to corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG)
- Maintains BP (upregulates alpha1 receptors on arterioles–> increased sensitivity to NE, epi
- Decreases bone formation
- Anti-inflammatory/immune suppressive (blocks IL-2, etc)
- Increased insulin resistance
- Increased gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, proteolysis
- Inhibits fibroblasts–> striae
Secreted by chief cells in parathyroid
Regulated by:
- depleted Ca+2–> increased PTH
- Decreased Mg+2–> increased PTH
- Absent Mg+2–> decreased PTH (needs Mg+2 for manufacuring in chief cells); can be caused by diarrhea, aminoglycosides, diuretics, alcohol abuse
- Stimulates cAMP–> increased osteoblastic RANK-L + M-CSF expression–> increased osteoclast activity
- Decreases osteoprotegerin release (OPG= inhibitor at RANK-L)
cAMP signaling hormones (Gs/Gi)
Releasing hormones: FSH LH--> leydig (testosterone)/ Corpus luteum (progesterone) SCT TSH CRH hCG ADH (V2 receptor) MSH PTH Calcitonin GHRH Glucagon
cGMP signaling hormones
ANP NO (endothelial derived relaxing factor)
IP3 signaling hormones (Gq)
GnRH GHRH Oxytocin ADH TRH Histamine (H1) Angiotensin II Gastrin
Steroid receptor
Vitamin D Estrogen Testosterone T3/T4 Cortisol Aldosterone Progesterone
Intrinsic tyrosine kinase
Growth factors:
Receptor-associated tyrosine kinase (JAK/STAT)
Immunomodulators (cytokines, IL-2,6,8, IFN)
Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)
Binds sex hormones:
Men: increased SHBG–> decreased free T–> gynecomastia
Women: decreased SHBG–> increased free T–> hirsutism
- SHBG increased in pregnancy
Thyroid hormone function
- bone growth (synergism with GH)
- CNS maturation
- increases B1 receptors in heart
- increases BMR (basal metabolic rate)
- increases glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, lipolysis
Thyroid hormone production
- Iodine (I-) uptaken from blood by follicular cell
- TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase) oxidizes I- –> I2
- Follicular cell secretes I2, thyroglobulin into lumen (colloid)–> MIT/DIT
- Peroxidase (TPO) in lumen couples MIT/DIT–> T3/T4
- T3/T4 re-imported into follicular cell–> proteolysis–> released into blood (bound to TBG= thyroid binding globulin)
- TBG increased by estrogen, decreased by liver failure
- T4= major product; converted by 5’-deiodinase in periphery to active T3
Wolff-Chaikoff effect
Excess iodine temporarily inhibits TPO
(thyroid peroxidase)
–> decreased iodine organification
–> Decreased T3/T4 production
- blocks TPO formation of T3/T4
- Blocks 5’deiodinase conversion of T4–> T3
Tox: skin rash, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, hepatotoxicity
MOA; blocks TPO formation of T3/T4
Tox: skin rash, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, teratogen?