Cardiac Flashcards
Wolf-Parkinson White
Accessory pathway in heart bypassing AV node
- -> ventricular pre-excitation
- -> shortened PR, delta wave, widened QRS
- Re-entrant tachycardia= narrowed QRS
Mitral regurgitation
Blowing holosystolic murmur over 5th LICS, midclavicular line
Radiates to axilla
- Can lead to CHF, pulmonary edema
Prevent by decreasing LV afterload
–> decreased systolic pressure driving blood into LA, increased forward stroke volume
Treat with arterial vasodilators
Beta agonist
- Increases cardiac contractility (B1)
- Decreases peripheral resistance (B2)
Alpha receptor blocker
- -> subcutaneous vasodilation
- Used in NE-induced tissue necrosis (reverse effects of alpha agonist)
Tetralogy of Fallot
Abnormal neural crest cell migration featuring:
- Overriding aorta
- Pulmonary stenosis
- R ventricular hypertrophy
- Blue baby
- Squat–> increase systemic pressure–> decrease R-> L shunt–> more blood to lungs
**Seen in 22q11 syndromes
Truncus arteriosis
Abnormal migration of neural crest cells
- Doesn’t divide into pulmonary trunk and aorta (only partial septum formation)
** seen in 22q11 syndromes
Transposition of great vessels
abnormal migration of neural crest cells
- RV–> aorta
- LV–> pulmonary artery
- Irritable
- Machine-like murmur between scapulae (PDA)
- Severe cyanosis
- only survives with shunt (PDA, Atrial shunt)
- seen in infant of diabetic mother
Endocardial cushion defect
Membranous septal defect= AV septum defect–> L to R shunt–> pulmonary HTN–> Eisenmenger syndrome
Eisenmengers= blood reverses to R–> L shunt
- Cyanosis, clubbing, polycythemia
Patent foramen ovale
Failure of septum primum and secundum to fuse after birth
- Fusion driven by increase in pulmonary blood flow (decreased resistance)–> increased L atrial presssure–> pushes flap of septum primum closed over foramen ovale
- Normally develops into fossa ovalis
Patent foramen ovale–> increased risk of venous clots causing stroke (bypass pulmonary system)
Umbilical vein
Carries oxygenated blood from placenta–> ductus venosus–> IVC–> heart
- After birth: ligamentum teres hepaticus (within falciform ligament)
** Vitelline veins–> portal venous system
Umbilical arteries
Two: Connect internal iliac arteries (carrying fetal venous blood)–> to placenta
- become medial umbilical ligaments after birth
Ductus arteriosus
Connects pulmonary artery (RV) and aorta (LV)
- Patency ensures oxygenated blood reaches aorta
- At birth–> baby breathes O2–> decrease in prostaglandins–> ductus arteriosus closes–> ligamentum arteriosum
PDA= patent ductus arteriosus
- Maintained by indomethacin (essential to have PDA in babies with transposition of great vessels until surgical correction)
- See in congenital rubella infection
Ductus venosus
Carries oxygenated blood from umbilical vein–> IVC
After birth: ligamentum venosum
Becomes nucleus pulposus of IV disc
Bulbus cordis
Base of Truncus arteriosus
Becomes smooth parts (outflow tracts) of L and R ventricle
Left horn of sinus venosus
Between SVC and IVC in early heart
Becomes coronary sinus
Right horn of sinus venosus
Between SVC and IVC in early heart
Becomes smooth part of R atrium
Right common cardinal vein, R anterior cardinal vein
Drain into sinus venosus
Become SVC
Wide split S2
Conditions delaying RV emptying:
- Pulmonic stenosis
Exaggerrated normal splitting
Fixed S2 splitting
Seen in ASD (patent foramen ovale)
ASD–> L–>R shunt
–> RA, RV volume increased
–> increased flow thru pulmonic valve
–> Eisenmenger if untreated (increased pulmonary vascular resistance)–> permanent damage–> shunt reverses R–>L
Paradoxixcal S2 splitting
Conditions delaying LV emptying: - Aortic stenosis - LBBB P2 sound occurs before A2 - On inspiration, splitting "paradoxically" eliminates as P2 delayed--> closer to A2
Hand grip maneuver
Increases systemic vascular resistance
- Increases: MR, AR, VSD, MVP
- Decreases: AS, HOCM
Valsalva, standing from sitting
Decreases venous return (less blood in LV)
- Increases MVP, HOCM
- Decreases most other murmurs
Rapid squatting
Increases venous return, preload (afterload with prolonged squatting)
- Decreases MVP, HOCM
Ventricular AP
Occurs in bundle of his, Purkinje fibers as well
Phase 0= rapid upstroke
- Na+ channels open;
Phase 1= initial repolarization
- inactivate voltage-gated Na+ channels, K+ channels begin to open
Phase 2= plateau
- Ca+2 influx (depolarizing) through voltage-gated Ca+ channels balances K+ efflux
- Ca+2 influx–> Ca+2 release from SR–> myocyte contraction
- (different from skeletal muscle= electrical depolar–> dihydropyridine R–> RyR–> Ca+2 release)
Phase 3= repolarization
- K+ efflux through slow K+ channels
- Closure of voltage-gated Ca+2 channels
Phase 4= Resting potential
- High K+ permeability
** Cardiac myocytes electrically coupled via gap junctions
Pacemaker action porential
SA and AV nodes
Phase 0= upstroke
- Opening of voltage-gated Ca+2 channels–> slow conduction velocity (prolong transmission from A–> V (allow for ventricular filling))
- Permanent inactivation of fast Na+ channels d/t more positive resting voltage of nodal cells
Phase 3= Repolarization
- inactivation of Ca+2 channels
- Increased activation of K+ channels
Phase 4= Diastolic depolarization
- membrane depolarizes by action of “funny” Na+ channels (slow)
- Funny channels allow for automaticity in SA/AV nodes
- Slope of depolarization= HR
- Catecholamines increase slope–> inc HR
- ACh/adenosine decrease slope–> dec HR
P wave
Atrial depolarization
PR interval
Conduction through AV node
- Delayed by Ca+2 channels slow depolarization
- Normal < 200 ms
QRS complex
Ventricular depolarization
- Normal < 120 ms
T wave
Ventricular repolarization
- Inversion= recent MI; repolarization occurring away from dead tissue toward tissue
ST segment
Isoelectric period; ventricles completely depolarized
U wave
bradycardia, hypokalemia
Pacemakers in heart
- SAN (Crista terminalis)- (60-120 BPM)
- AVN (45-60 BPM)
- His-Purkinje-Ventricular (<40 BPM)
Speed of conduction
- Purkinje (fastest)
- Atria
- Ventricles
- AV node (slowest d/t Ca+2 channel depolarization–> ventricular filling)
QT interval
Mechanical contraction of ventricles
- Prolongation–> Torsades de Pointes
—> Vfib
Tx: Magnesium sulfate
Prolonged in congenital long QT:
- Defects in cardiac Na+ or K+ channels
- Romano-Ward syndrome (autosomal dominant)
- Jervell Lange-Nelson syndrome: autosomal recessive; May have congenital sensorineural deafness
Atrial fibrillation
Irregularly irregular
- Can cause atrial stasis–> stroke
Associated with:
- Valvular heart disease–> atrial enlargement
- Atherosclerosis
- Cardiomyopathy
- Sick sinus syndrome
Tx: Diltiazem, Verapamil, cardio-selective Beta-blockers, Warfarin, cardioversion, ablation
- Or digoxin–> vagus stim–> parasympathetic tone increases–> decreased AVN conduction
Atrial flutter
Circuit in R atrium (CCW) around tricuspid annulus (isthmus between tricuspid and IVC)
- Depolarization waves–> sawtooth appearance
- Class IA, IC, III antiarrhythmics (Na and K channel blockers)
- Rate control: Diltiazem, verapamil, Beta-blocker
Ventricular fibrillation
Completely erratic rhythm (no identifiable waves)
- Fatal without immediate CPR, defibrillation
1st Degree AVN block
PR interval prolongation
- > 200 msec
- Asymptomatic
2nd degree Mobitz Type I (Wenckebach)
Lengthening of PR interval until beat “dropped” (P wave without QRS)
- Asymptomatic (usually)
Seen in athletes, sleep
AVN conduction slowed by:
- Beta blockers, diltiazem/verapamil
- Digitalis
- MI–> AVN ischemia
2nd degree Mobitz Type II
Dropped beat (QRS complex) with no preceding change in PR interval length
- Block below AVN
- Often 2:1 conduction block (2 p waves–> 1 QRS)
- May progress to 3rd degree block
Tx: pacemaker