Endocrine Flashcards
What does the posterior pituitary secrete?
What does the anterior pituitary secrete?
- GH
- LH
- Prolactin
What’s the difference between inactive and active thyroid cells?
Inactive: more colloid, flatter cells, epithelial cells
Active: less colloid, fatter cells, cuboidal cells, reabsorbed lacunae
What are the steps for thyroid hormone production and synthesis?
- Iodine trapping: IoDide is moved into the cell via NaI transport (iodine pump) –> Iodine in the cell
Enzyme responsible: thyroid peroxidase
- Mediated by TSH - Organification: Thyroid peroxidase oxidizes iodine –> adds tyrosine molecule
- Coupling: thyroid peroxidase catalyzes coupling
- Add 1 molecule = MIT
- Add 2 molecules = DIT - Hormone synthesis: mostly T4 released
What’s the most biologically active thyroid hormone?
What’s the fastest form of thyroid?
What enzyme catalyzes the deionidation of T4–> T3 in peripheral tissues?
Iodothyronine dioidinase
What would you expect to see in a euthyroid sick dog? (TT4, fT4, TSH)
TT4: low
fT4: normal/high
TSH: normal
What would you expect to see in a dog with a functional thyroid tumor (TSH, TT4, fT4)?
TT4: high
fT4: high
TSH: normal
What’s the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in cats?
Adenomatous hyperplasia - usually bilateral (70%)
What is the TSH in hyperthyroidism?
What’s the gold standard for diagnosing hyperthyroidism? What result would be normal/what would you see with hyperthyroidism?
T3 suppression test
4 day test
1. Day 1 - measure T3 and T4
2. Day 2-3 - give oral T3
3. Day 4: 2-4h after the 7th dose: measure T3 and T4
Normal: high T3, low T4
Hyperthyroid: high T3 and T4
What’s the MOA of methimazole?
Inhibits thyroid peroxidase
-Prevent iodine incorporation into thyroid groups
-Prevent coupling of MIT + DIT –> T3+T4
-May interact with thyroglobulin molecule
What’s the 1/2 life of the thyroid?
8 days
What’s the most common cause of hypothyroidism in dogs?
Lymphocytic thyroiditis - immune mediated
What type of hypersensitivity rxn will we see from canine hypothyroidism?
Type II - like most immune mediated diseases
What breeds are predisposed to hypothyroidism?
Goldens – increase antibodies for thyroglobulin
Fox, rat, tender field terrier
Irish setter
Weiner dog
What drug incudes hypothyroidism? HOW?
TMS - inhibits thyroid peroxidase activity + thyroid hormone synthesis
Would see low TT4 + FT4
What is a cause of 2ry hypothyroidism? Predisposed breed?
Cysts in rathe’s pouch - GSD
Gold standard for dx canine hypothyroidism
TSH stimulation
Hypothyroid: blunted response
Normal: high T4 to TSH
What would alkalosis do to iCa? Acidosis?
Acidosis = higher iCa
Alkalosis = lower iCa
If a sample if stored, how would that change pH?
Stored = pH increases = iCa lowers
Site of action
Source: chief cells of parathyroid gland
Site of action: renal tubule (DCT), duodenum, bone
Function: increase Ca, decrease phos
Vitamin D
Site of action
Source: Diet
Site of action: GIT, bone
Function: increase Ca, increase phos
Site of action
Source: C-cells thyroid gland
Site of action: bone
Function: decrease Ca (inhibits osteoclasts)
What enzyme catalyzes the hhydroxilation of 25, OD-D (calcidiol) to 1,25-(OH)2-D (calcitriol)
Alpha 1 dehydroxylase
MOA of thiazide
Inhibit NaCL cotransporter in DCT
How is calcium filtered/absorbed in the kidney?
99% reabsorbed
-60%: PCT
-35-30%” ascending LOH
-4-9%: DCT
Major regulators of PTH
Ca (when plasma calcium is low –> PTH increases)
Hyperphosphatemia increases PTH secretion
Mg is required for normal PTH secretion
What the difference between osteoblast and osteoclas
Osteoclast- breakdown of bone
Osteoblast- growing, proliferating bone
Is vitamin D slow or fast acting? Why
SLOW - steroid hormone
What’s the active form of vitaminD
1, 25- dihydroxycholecalciferol (calcitriol)
Describe conversion of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol and where it happens
Cholecalciferol –> converted to 25-hydroxycholecalciferol by p540 enzyme in LIVER
Converted to 1,25-dehydroxycholecalciferol in the PCT of kidney
1/2 life of 25, hydroxycholecalciferol
1/2 life of 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
What are the actions of calcitriol?
-Calcitriol forms a family. of calcium-binding proteins (calbindin-D) in the intestinal epithelial. cells –> calbindin D levels correlate with Ca transport . Also increases phosphorous absorption in the intestine
-Bone: works w/PTH to move Ca and phos from bone
-Kidney: promotes reabsorption of Ca + phos from kidney
What’s the major site of action of calcitriol?
What’s the regulation mechanism of calcitriol?
Major site of regulation is formation of 1,25-dehydroxycholecalciferol in kidney by 1 alpha hydroxylate
- Increased with HYPOcalcemia + HYPOphosphatemia and PTH
What are the major differences between PTH and 1, 25-dehydroxycholecalceferol?
- Fast acting (polypeptide)
- Increases Ca and decreases Phos
-Cell surface receptors
-Minute to minute regulation
-Acts primarily on bone and kidney
- Slow acting (steroid)
- Increases Ca and phos
-Nuclear. receptors
-Day to day regulation
-Acts primarily on GIT
What is calcitonin? Where is it synthesized?
Smal peptide
Parafollicular (C-cells) cells of thyroid gland
What the action of calcitonin?
Decrease Ca and Phos
Where does calcitonin act?
Bone: inhibits bone resorption via direct effect on osteoclasts
Kidney: increases calcium excretion
What is FGF23? Where does it act?
Fibroblast growth factor hormone (“phosphatonin”) – phosphate regulatory hormone
–Reduces serum phosphate levels by its suppressive effects on phosphate reabsorption: suppresses expression of Na-phos cotransortes in brush border of proximal tubule and reduces calcitriol (by suppressing 25-hydroxylase
Acts on Klotho - cell surface protein necessary for activity
How does FGF23 suppress phosphate?
Suppresses effects of phosphate reabsorption – suppresses expression of type 2a and 2C Na-Phosphate cotransporter in brush border of PROXIMAL TUBULES and reduces calcitriol
What is effect of FGF23 on calcitriol?
Reduces calcitriol by suppressing 25-hydroxylase and enhancing expression of 24-hydrolyxase
What is the job of PTHrp
Regulation of Ca in fetus, mammaru gland, lower animals
What would PTHrp be in hypercalcemia of malignancy?
Typically high,, but can also be normal
Describe the pathogenesis of renal 2ry hyperparathyroidism
Disease of phosphorous retention** –> controlling hyperphosphatemia can prevent onset and progression of renal 2ry hyperparathyroidism
Phos excretion decreases with decreasing GFR
- Phos stimulates PTH production indirectly via suppressing vitamin D production, causing hypocalcemia
- Initially the increased PTH restores phosphorous levels to normal
- As GFR decreases more, the response becomes maladaptive –> further increase in PTH secretion can no longer normalize phosphorous excretion
Role of FGF23: decreases PTH secretion in early stages of CKD
Advanced stages: FGF23 –> decreased calcitriol –> indirectly promoting development of hyperparathyroidism bc of adequeate amounts of calcitriol are needed to INHIBIT PTH
Additionally: mechanism of increased PTH concentration is development of FGF23 resistance in parathyroid gland bc expression of Klotho cells is decreased
What’s the role of FGF23. in CKD?
Decrease PTH secretion in early CKD
Advanced stages: FGF23 –> decreased calcitriol –> indirectly promotes hyperparathyroidism (adequate amounts of calctriol needed to inhibit PTH)
Name DDX for hypercalcemia
H: hyperparathyroidism
-PTH (inappropriately) normal in 75%
-Concurrent low/low-normal pohsphorous
A: Addison’s
R: renal disease
-iCa usually normal or low
D: VitaminD tox
-Severe hyperphosphatemia
-Persist weeks-months
I: idiopathic (cats), inflammatory (especially granulomatous-fungal)
O: osteolysis
N: neoplasia (lymphoma, AGASACA, melanoma, thymoma, other round cells)
S: spurious
What % of dogs with primary hyperparathyroidism are azotemic
Breeds predisposed to primary hyperparathyroidism
Name DDX for hypocalcemia
Hypoparathyroidism (severely. hypocalcemic)
Malabsorption/hypovitaminosis D (PLE, EPI)
Renal disease
Puerperal tetany
Cheating agent (EG, citrated blood)
Phosphate enema tox
Fluid of choice for hyperlcalcemic patient
0.9% NaCl.
Name management of hypercalcemia
Fluids: 0.9%NaCl- natriuresis promotes calciuresis
Furosemide- natriuresis promotes calciuresis
Prednisone- promoted Ca loss in pee
-Alendronate: PO for cats
-Pamidronate: IV for acute tx
MOA of alendronate/pamidronate
Binds to bone hydroxyapatite –> inhibits osteoclast function –> reduces bone resorption
SE: GI signs
MOA and SE of calcitonin
MOA: osteoclast-inhibiting hormone – reduced tubular absorption of Ca, phos, Na, Mg, K, Cl –> promotes renal excretion
Also increases jejunal secretion of H2O, Na, k, Cl
SE: GI, hypocalcemia
Most common signs in 1ry hyperparathyroidism
LUTD (50%)
Breeds predisposed to primary hypoparathyroidism
Poodles toy <3
Terriers (westies, jack russels)
Mini schnauzer
Clinical presentation primary hypoparathyroidism
Facial rubbing
Tetany, stiff gait, muscle fasciculations
Posterior lenticular cataract
Where are the catecholamines secreted from?
Medulla of adrenal gland
What catecholamine do cats normally secrete?
While dogs – epinephrine
What’s the common precursor of catecholamines?
How is norepinephrine synthesized?
Hydroxylation and decarboxylation of TYROSINE