End of Life Flashcards
pt who is impaired wanders/escapes
does not have the intent of leaving, but does so
who decides competency
who decides decision making capacity
what are different types of decision making capacity
total, partial, transient
durable power of attorney
while competent, pt signed a document making someone the attorney in fact
court appoints person limited to set powers
life sustaining procedures
uses mechanical or artificial means to sustain, restore or supplant a spontaneous vital function and would serve ONLY to prolong the dying process
who has to confirm terminal conditiosn
attending and another doc
terminal condition
incurable, irreversible condition that results in death w.in a relatively short period of time or a comatose state that you can’t recover from
what is the general rule of coding
error on the side of coding
who signs DNR
when is DNR suspending
who is a substitute decision maker
a fiudcitary - duty to act for benefit of another
acts in best interest of the individual
revocation of power of attorney
can happen at any time orally or in writing
what are the types of guardianship
general or full
court appointed representative to make important financial decisions
who does conservatorship apply to
someone with impaired decision making capacity
when is conservatorship of a ward ceases
turn 18
death of ward
court decides ward can make their own decisions
representative payee
appointed when beneficiary is incapable of managing his/her benefits and it is in best interest
training required for mandatory reporters
2 hours of IDing child abuse
2 hours of IDing elder abuse every 5 years
what happens if mandatory report knowingly and willfully fails to report
simple misdemeanor, liable for damages
what types of violence must we report aside from abuse
gunshot wound
stab wound
serious bodily injury - needs to require surgical repair that uses general
what happens if pt commits or threatens to commit a crime on the premises or against personnel
may release only info surround their name, address, and last known whereabouts
reporting unsafe drivers
may do this, but not required