EMS Response Flashcards
What is an EMD?
Emergency medical dispatchers
Many times they relay life saving instructions over the phone to the patient
What is the first step in EMS?
Public safety answering point
(Receives 911 call)
What is enhanced 911?
When a patient calls 911 on a land line there position is given to dispatch.
How many parts to EMS system?
4 parts EMR EMT ADVANCED EMT Paramedic
How many hours of training is received by EMRs?
Approximately 150 hours
An Advanced EMT or EMS provider is trained to provide what extra care?
Administering IVs
Some medications
Advanced airway
What does a paramedic cover?
Highest level of EMS provider
Monitors ECGs
Does all with minimal radio or phone contact with physician
What is a community paramedic?
Had additional training to perform Health care at people’s homes as well as checks and screenings.
What is tiered response?
System where EMTs and paramedics respond separately.
Trauma center?
Hospital specializing in trauma care
Open 24/7
Pediatric center?
Hospital specializing in child care
Burn center?
Hospital specializing in burn care.
Cardiovascular care center?
Emergent care for heart attack patients
Stroke center?
Care for suspected stoke patients
National highway traffic safety administration
Department of transportation
NHTSA developed how many components to the EMS system?
Regulation and policy
Each states laws for EMS
Resources management
State EMS resources to provide equal and access to emergency care
Human resources and training
Ensure that all staff is EMT level of training
States provides ground and or air transportation
Appropriate medical facility
Public information and education
EMS should educate the public
Medical oversight
Medical director
Trauma center
Each state should provide trauma care
Each state provides QI system
What is Scope of practice?
Written and adopted law for states guidelines for EMS
State EMS agencies
Organization to over see EMS system
Medical oversight
Practice under a physician license
Agency rules and regulations
Set of rules for first response for volunteers
Ensure personal safety
Safety of you and your crew and safety for your patient
Maintain equipment readiness
Keeping everything stocked and working
Evaluate size up?
Review the scene and remain safe and determine cause of injury
Gain access to patients
Find away to tend to your patient
Perform patient assessment
Prompt and accurately assess your patient
Administer care
Care based on assessment
Provide emotion support
Treat as you’d like to be treated
Maintain medical legal standard
State rules and laws
Contribute to public health
Community relations
Visible to public
Treat as you’d what to be treated
Additional training for EMS
Continuing education unit
Patient assessment and care in document ion
Quality assurance
What is the best way to prevent errors during assessment?
Second set of eyes
What is “scene size up”
Observation of your patients surroundings in order to keep yourself safe
Position that hides you and provides protect
Can stop a bull-let
Provides no protection but hides you
Utilizing items to throw for distraction
Move away from danger
Signs indicating a type of hazardous material
“Scene safe”
Standard precautions
Contact precautions to prevent spread of disease
Prevent spread of disease
Personal protective equipment
Two basic types of eye and face protection
Eye glasses
Face shield
Clip on side protection
Respirator or mask
If eyes are contaminated you should wash them for?
At least 20 mins
Peeling decaying skin
Rigor Mortis
Stiffening of joints
Loss of head or large amounts of blood
Critical incident stress debriefing
What are the 5 steps of grief?
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
Body mechanics
Term to describe proper way to use your body to lift
Over weight patients
Emergency moves
Moves done in extreme life threatening conditions
Urgent move
Move done quickly but provides protection
Long axis
Patient is layed out spine straight
Recovery position
Patient is placed on side to prevent secretions from blocking air ways or lungs
Patient is flat on back or C-spine stabilization
Scope of practice
Set of rules,regulations and laws that designate how you legally function as an EMR
Written guidelines or instructions that describe appropriate assessment and care in specific situations.
Off line medical direction
General set of signs and symptoms
On line medical direction
Call a physician for direct orders
Expressed consent
Patient gives permission for care
Implied consent
Assuming permission of an unresponsive patient
Emancipated minor
Minor who may receive the rights as an adult
Refusal of care
Patient not allowing care
Health insurance portability and accountability act
Law regarding confidentiality of protected health information.
Do not resuscitate order
Written document singed by a Physician requesting no cardiac resuscitation.
Advance directives
Legal documents giving a persons instructions on medical decisions
Moral judgements
A legal wrong doing
The threat or act of physical harm
Unlawful touching
Leaving a patient after beginning care
Failure to follow standard of care
Duty to act
Legal requirements to perform care
Breach of duty
Failure to perform or incorrectly performing care
Proximate causation
Harm caused by the action or inaction of provider