Employment Law - Diagnostic Flashcards
Which of the following is true about the ESA?
a) The ESA sets maximum terms and conditions of the employment contract.
b) Parties can go below what is guaranteed by the ESA.
c) The ESA does not protect workers in economically challenging times.
d) Parties can negotiate for benefits beyond, but not less
than, what is prescribed by the
Which of the following groups is covered by the ESA?
a) Canada Post employees.
b) Employees of the local fast-food restaurant.
c) Air Canada pilots.
d) Employees of Embassies
What is the importance of the Greater Right or Benefit Principle?
a) It is uniquely applicable to the
b) An employee can only receive benefits equal to ESA minimums.
c) The principle is only applicable in the absence of an employment contract.
d) Where an employee is provided with greater benefits than the ESA minimum, the greater benefit applies over the lower standard.
Which of the following is not an employer’s obligation under the ESA?
a) Keeping accurate records.
b) Providing a translated poster related to the ESA to the employee who requested it.
c) Displaying wages of individual employees in the workplace.
d) Paying employee wages
In Ontario, which of the following is included in the formula used to determine minimum wage increases?
a) Services Producer Price Index.
b) Ontario Consumer Price Index.
c) Electronic Corporate Index.
d) Ontario Provincial Government.
Under the ESA, what are the maximum daily and weekly hours an employee could work?
a) 8 hours (daily); 40 hours (weekly).
b) 8 hours (daily); 48 hours (weekly).
c) 7 hours (daily); 35 hours (weekly).
d) 6 hours (daily); 48 hours (weekly).=
An employee asks about the length of his eating break. Which of the following should you advise?
a) A 30-minute break after 5 hours of consecutive hours of work.
b) A 25-minute break after 5 hours of consecutive hours of work.
c) A 30-minute break after 4 hours of consecutive hours of work.
d) A 60-minute break after 5 hours of consecutive hours of work.
Martha is planning her annual vacation. She is employed by the same employer for five years. How many weeks of vacation is Martha entitled to under the Ontario
a) 3 weeks.
b) 1 week.
c) 2 weeks.
d) 4 weeks.
How many recognized public holidays are there in Ontario?
a) Six
b) Eight
c) Nine
d) Ten
Joanne, a pregnant employee, asks you how many weeks of written notice under the Ontario ESA she must give her employer before taking pregnancy leave. What would your advice be?
a) She must give at least 3 weeks’ written notice.
b) She must give at least 2 weeks’ written notice.
c) She must give at least 1 week’s written notice.
d) No notice is required.
An employee approaches your employer about his safety in operating certain machinery. Which of the following should you advise the employer?
a) To ignore the complaint.
b) Launch an investigation, but do not follow through.
c) Remind the employer of the employee’s history of complaints.
d) Urge the employer to investigate the report in the presence of the employee.
Which of the following parties is responsible for maintaining a safe workplace?
a) It is a joint responsibility between the employer and employees.
b) The employer.
c) The employees.
d) The Ministry of Labour.
Workplace harassment is addressed in both the Ontario Human Rights Code and the
OHSA. Identify the main difference by which the concept is addressed in both statutes.
a) Harassment under the Code must occur several times before action is taken.
b) Harassment under the OHSA concerns only with acts of violence against the employer.
c) Under the OHSA the employer has a statutory, rather than common law duty, to intervene and investigate domestic violence and harassment where it may affect the employee at the workplace.
d) Only the Code is concerned with the effect not the intent of harassment.
Which of the following is not an element of assessing the risks of harassment or violence in the workplace?
a) Looking at common forms of violence in other workplaces.
b) Providing an Annual Assessment Report to the Ministry of Labour.
c) Identifying solutions or preventative measures to avoid violence.
d) Paying attention to general trends in society and developments in caselaw.
Your bank manager asks you to review all relevant legislation concerning human rights of employees. Which of the following legislation should you first give particular attention?
a) The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
b) The Personal Information and Protection and Electronic Documents Act
c) The Canadian Human Rights Act
d) The Ontario Human Rights Code
Determining the level of government with jurisdiction of employment was historically an unsettled issue in law. Which leading case first settled the matter?
a) Toronto Electric Commissioners v. Snider
b) Bardal v. The Globe and Mail Ltd.
c) British Columbia (Public Service Employee Relations Commission) v. BCGSEU
d) Wronko v. Western Inventory Service Ltd.
Pilots operating within the province of Saskatchewan are classified as:
a) Federally regulated employees.
b) Provincially regulated employees.
c) Both federally and provincially regulated employees.
d) Classification is dependent upon whether the pilots fly domestically or internationally.
The decisions from which court can significantly affect Ontario employment law?
a)The Manitoba Court of Appeal
b) The Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta
c) The Supreme Court of Canada
d) The Superior Court of Ontario
Which of the following principles relates to the Pay Equity Act?
a) The principle of equal pay for equal work.
b) The principle of equal pay for work of equal value.
c) The principle of paying women more than men, regardless of position.
d) The principle of providing more jobs for women.
Your employer is in the private sector. You are asked to conduct a comparison between job classes within the organization to complete the pay equity plan. You cannot do which of the following?
a) Conduct a direct job-to-job comparison between unionized male and female job classes.
b) Conduct a proportional value comparison across male and female job classes.
c) Conduct a proxy comparison with public sector organizations.
d) Conduct a direct job-to-job comparison between non-unionized male and female job classes.
There are many employment statutes and areas of law that govern the termination of employees. Which of the following does not govern the termination of a federally regulated employee?
a) The minimum standards set out under the
Canada Labour Code
b) The employee’s employment contract.
c) The federal ESA minimum terms.
d) The Common Law.
Human rights applications are largely based on which of the following grounds?
a) Reprisal
b) Sexual Orientation
c) Race
d) Disability
The duty to accommodate involves three factors. Which of the following is not a factor?
a) Sympathy.
b) Inclusion.
c) Dignity.
d) Individualization.
Your employer suggests using the same form of accommodations for all employees requesting accommodation. You should advise the employer of which of the following?
a) Offer only accommodations that have been used in the past.
b) A one solution approach is necessary to stay within budget.
c) Refuse the accommodation as it is too costly.
d) Accommodations must be carried out in the form of meeting the specific needs of the individual employee