What is key legislation under Section 11(1)(c) of the Employment Agencies Act?

a) MOM has issued guidelines for Employment Agencies placing Foreign Domestic Workers (Employment Agency Do’s and Don’ts)
b) A breach of any provision of these Guidelines constitutes an action detrimental to the interest of the Employment Agency’s clients and may result in the imposition of demerit points
c) the suspension or revocation of the Employment Agency’s licence.
d) all of the above
e) none



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As an Employment Agency placing FDWs, you should:

a) Explain the provisions of any form or document given to your clients and provide sufficient time for them to read through and clarify before signing.
b) Fill in the form fully before a signature is sought.
c) all of the above
d) none



Educate your clients, both employers and FDWs (before the FDW is

deployed) that:
a. The FDW must keep her own Work Permit (WP) Card.
b. The employer must not keep the FDW’s salary or money on her
behalf. The FDW must keep her own salary or money.
c. The FDW’s mobile phone is her personal property and she has a right to keep it, and to use it during rest hours.

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As an Employment Agency placing FDWs, you should NOT:

a) Mislead or provide inaccurate information to your clients.
b) Declare inaccurate contact details in the work permit applications.
c) Facilitate downward revision of salaries or number of rest days without good reasons.
d) Advise employers to make FDWs work without rest days.
e) Advise employers to keep the FDW’s passport.
f) all of the above
g) none



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It is lawful for the licensee to charge and receive fees only in the prescribed manner. Which section of the employment act is this?

a) section 12
b) section 13
c) section 14



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What is the Prescribed Fee as stipulated in section 12(1) of Employment Agencies Rules to an employer?

a) No cap on the fee that Employment Agencies may charge Employers for the services provided
b) Employers have stronger bargaining power compared to workers
c) none
d) all of the above



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What is the Prescribed Fee as stipulated in section 12(1) of Employment Agencies Rules to an employee?

a) No registration fees allowed to be charged
b) Fees should not be charged prior to placement (i.e., before In-Principle Approval (IPA) has been issued for foreigners, and before the date of signing employment contract for locals)
c) Fees charged should not be more than one month’s worth of salary per year for the duration of the approved work pass or employment contract, whichever is shorter (i.e. fee cap). These fees include any service(s) conducted by the Employment Agency in Singapore, or outside of Singapore, even if the fees are collected from workers via an overseas employment agency (e.g. Employment Agency collects fees from workers for providing training in the foreign jobseeker’s home country).
d) Fee cap is subject to a maximum of 2 months’ work of salary. Salary is defined as basic salary plus fixed allowance
e) Certain fees should not be collected from workers as they should be borne by prospective Employers or Employment Agencies themselves, e.g. fees incurred in Singapore such as costs of training, medical check-ups
f) none
g) all of the above



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No person shall charge or receive for his services any sum greater than the prescribed fee (i.e. Breach of fee cap). Which employment act is that?

a) section 23(1)
b) section 22(1)
c) section 14
d) section 12
e) section 13



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What is the penalty for Section 23(1) of the Employment Agencies Act?

a) First conviction: Fine not exceeding $5,000, Subsequent conviction: Fine not exceeding $5,000 or/and imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months
b) First conviction: Fine not exceeding $3,000, Subsequent conviction: Fine not exceeding $2,000 or/and imprisonment for a term exceeding 6 months
c) First conviction: Fine not exceeding $4,000, Subsequent conviction: Fine not exceeding $5,000 or/and imprisonment for a term exceeding 6 months



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What is the Fee Cap Exclusions as stipulated in section 12(2) of Employment Agencies Rules?

a) The fee cap will exclude fees retained by an overseas Employment Agency.
b) The fee cap will also exclude any other expenses paid to third parties, that were necessary to facilitate the worker’s placement to a job.
c) all of the above
d) none



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Which of the following is false on Failure to issue Itemised Receipts to Worker?

a) Employment Agencies must issue itemised receipts to employers indicating the amount of money the Employment Agency is receiving from the employer as soon as practicable.
b) Receipts must be issued to the worker regardless of whether the worker paid the Employment Agency directly or whether the Employment Agency
received the money through a supplier/overseas Employment Agency
c) The receipt must be itemised; i.e. indicate the various components of the fee collected
d) Salary and Loan Schedules for Foreign Workers are not considered itemized
receipts unless amount charged by local Employment Agency is explicitly stated and it is given to the Foreign Worker.



Employment Agencies must issue itemised receipts to workers indicating the
amount of money the Employment Agency is receiving from the worker, as
soon as practicable

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What is the penalty for Section 12(4) of Employment Agencies Rules if the employer fails to issue Itemised Receipts to Worker?

a) First conviction: Fine not exceeding $2,000, Subsequent conviction: Fine exceeding $3,000 or/and imprisonment for a term not exceeding 4 months
b) First conviction: Fine not exceeding $1,000, Subsequent conviction: Fine not exceeding $2,000 or/and imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months
c) First conviction: Fine not exceeding $5,000, Subsequent conviction: Fine not exceeding $6,000 or/and imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 months



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Under Section 13 of Employment Agencies Rules, what is Offence to not provide Fee Refund?

a) Employment Agencies to refund at least 50% of the agency fees collected from the worker if employment is prematurely terminated within 6 months of commencement of employment
b) Employment Agency need not refund the fees collected if the worker requested for the termination or if the worker absconds
c) Fee refund to be made within 7 working days of termination of employment or before the foreign worker is repatriated, whichever is earlier
d) all of the above
e) none



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Under Section 23(5) of the Employment Agencies Act, what is the Offence to Contravene any Licence Conditions?

a) Commissioner may grant or renew a licence with conditions
b) Commissioner may vary or revoke any of the existing conditions of the licence or impose new conditions
c) all of the above
d) none



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What is the penalty for Section 23(5) of the Employment Agencies Act?

a) Fine not exceeding $3,000 or/and imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 months
b) Fine not exceeding $4,000 or/and imprisonment for a term exceeding 4 months
c) Fine not exceeding $5,000 or/and imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months



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Retain possession of all documents (original, copies, or in electronic form), for a minimum period of 3 years, starting from the date of any work pass application and any work pass renewal. Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for public disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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Perform verification checks to ensure all foreign employees, including Foreign Domestic Workers, meet MOM’s prevailing entry requirements
 In particular, the Employment Agency should:
o Examine the FDW’s original official documents (e.g. passport, educational certificate, household
(family) listing, national identity card);
o Conduct a face-to-face in person interview with the
FDW in Singapore, in the FDW’s native language, to gather information on the FDW’s family history (including the age of the parents and siblings), her educational history, and work experience, to ascertain if her declared age is consistent with the information gathered from the FDW’s official documents; and
o Assess if her physical appearance, mannerisms, and speech reflect the age that the FDW declares herself to be

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for public disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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The IPA informs foreign employees about their key employment terms and their rights and responsibilities and provides them the opportunity to clarify these with their local agents before commencing employment.
 Ensure foreign employees receive their IPA letter, in its entirety, 3-7 days prior to their departure to Singapore
 Allow the foreign employees to retain their IPA letters

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for public disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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If a foreign employee’s work permit is revoked because he or she does not meet MOM’s entry requirements, the Employment Agency must repatriate the foreigner and bear the full cost of repatriation.

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for public disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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  • Ensure that foreign employees return to their hometown when their work permits expire, are cancelled or revoked.
  • If your Employment Agency is approached for assistance for the foreign employee to travel to destinations other than their hometown, you are required to ensure that this arrangement has been mutually agreed upon between the Employer and the foreign employee and notify the Controller of Work Passes through the cancellation page in WP Online.

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for public disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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The Employment Agency is responsible for the provision and bearing the cost of the acceptable accommodation and upkeep and maintenance (including adequate food and medical treatment) of any Foreign Domestic Workers prior to her deployment to her Employer.
 They must not require the Foreign Domestic Worker to bear any cost associated with her upkeep or maintenance.
 Guidelines on “Proper Accommodation for Foreign Domestic Workers”:
o Regulatory approval and compliance. The accommodation must adhere to applicable regulations or guidelines issued by the relevant public agencies. The accommodation must not breach the allowed residency load or occupancy load specified for the premises.
o Adequate shelter. The accommodation must adequately protect the FDW from environmental elements such as the sun, rain or strong winds.
o Safe. The FDW must not sleep near any dangerous equipment or structure that could potentially cause harm or hurt to her. The emergency exit routes must not be obstructed.
o Sufficient ventilation and lighting. The accommodation must be sufficiently ventilated and adequately lit. Mechanical ventilation (e.g. electrical fan) must be provided if natural ventilation is inadequate.
o Basic amenities. Toiletries must be provided. Each FDW must minimally be provided with one mattress, a covered pillow, and a blanket; these must be clean.
o Hygiene. There must be proper rubbish disposal areas that are properly managed. There must be no stagnant water points and pest infestation.
o Protection of modesty. The FDW must not sleep in the same room as a male adult / teenager. CCTVs must not be installed in the bathroom or sleeping area.

Space and privacy. Sufficient space and privacy must be provided for the FDW.
o Basic Housekeeping. There must be proper management and housekeeping of the premises, including maintenance of sanitary facilities.

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for public disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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The Employment Agency shall render assistance to any Foreign Domestic Worker who is returned to the Employment Agency
 Such assistance includes the provision of acceptable accommodation and upkeep and maintenance (including adequate food and medical treatment)
 For FDWs who are to be transferred to a new employer:
o FDW under 30-day special pass
o EAs are legally responsible for providing and
bearing the costs of upkeep and maintenance
o If the transfer is unsuccessful, EA will pay for FDW’s
 For FDWs who are to be sent home:
o Employer is legally responsible for the FDW
o In situations where the Controller of Work Passes
specifies that the Employer is not responsible for bearing the cost of the medical treatment, the costs of medical treatment shall be borne by the EA.

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for public disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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Where the Employment Agency has engaged the services of a third-party, the Employment Agency must communicate to the third-party all relevant requirements in the provision of acceptable accommodation for the Foreign Domestic Worker

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for public disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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During the selection process, furnish the prospective employer with an updated employment history of the Foreign Domestic Worker from Work Permit Online (WPOL) application service.

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for public disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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Prior to deployment, facilitate the signing of the safety agreement between the employer and the Foreign Domestic Worker
 Copies must be retained by both the Foreign Domestic Worker and the Employer

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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Prior to the work permit application, furnish the prospective employer with the full bio data of the FDW in the prescribed form.

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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Furnish MOM with a list of premises used to house Foreign Domestic Workers under the employment agency’s care
 Inform MOM within 5 working days of using any new premises and within 30 working days if cease to use any of the premises

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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Inform Foreign Domestic Worker Employers of their legal responsibilities before providing food and accommodation for Foreign Domestic Workers who are seeking a transfer of employment
 Twenty-one calendar days from the time the Employment Agency provided food and accommodation to the Foreign Domestic Worker, the Employment Agency must inform the employer that the employer remains legally responsible for the Foreign Domestic Worker and has the right to cancel the work permit and have the Foreign Domestic Worker repatriated.

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employers.
 The terms of service must include the service fees payable, refund and replacement policies and dispute resolution mechanism, amongst other requirements.
 Explain and help the Employer understand all the terms of the service agreement. The Employment Agency should obtain the Employer’s written acknowledgement that he or she understands and agrees to the terms in the Agreement.
 A copy of the service agreement should be provided to the Employer.

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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Do not publicly disclose any information or photograph of any Foreign Domestic Worker for purpose of placement (whether with consent or otherwise), on any platform (whether electronic or otherwise), unless such information is in accordance with the following:
o For purposes of advertising, only the following information of the Foreign Domestic Worker is allowed to be publicly disclosed:
a) Name
b) Nationality
c) Skills and experience in said skills
d) Food handling preferences
e) Previous employment history (for each
employment – duration of employment as stated on
Work Permit Online)
f) Language abilities
 The full biodata and image of any Foreign Domestic Worker may be disclosed directly to an employer who has specifically requested for more information on the said Foreign Domestic Worker, or by providing the employer access to the Employment Agency’s website, or any other electronic platform, that has restricted access.

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers



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Ensure that any third party engaged for the purpose of advertising the Employment Agency’s activities will be compliant with EALC 17.

Which license condition is this related to the placement of Foreign Domestic Workers?

a) EALC 5(c) Document retention period [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
b) EALC 7 Ensure foreigners meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
c) EALC 9A, B, and C, Ensure the In-Principle Approval letter (IPA) is received by the foreign employee at least 3 to 7 days prior to departure to Singapore [Recap – also covered in EARF (FW)]
d) EALC 11(a), Repatriate foreigner and bear the costs if foreigner does not meet entry requirements [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
e) EALC 11B and 11C, No repatriation to a destination other than the international port of entry within foreign employee’s home country nearest to foreign employee’s hometown [Recap – also covered in EARF(FW)]
f)EALC 12 Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers prior to deployment
g)EALC 12A Render assistance for upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers after deployment
h)EALC 12B, Communicate acceptable accommodation requirements to third-party
i)EALC 13 Furnish employment history of Foreign Domestic Worker
j)EALC 13A Facilitate the signing of safety agreement
k)EALC 13B Furnish full biodata in the prescribed form
L)EALC 14 Furnish list of premises used to house foreign domestic workers
M) EALC 15(a) and 15(b)
Inform the Employer of legal responsibilities for the Foreign Domestic Worker transferring out of employment
n) EALC 16 Sign a written service agreement with Foreign Domestic Worker Employer
o)EALC 17 Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers
p) EALC 17A Rules for publicly disclosing information relating to Foreign Domestic Workers




For Employment Agencies placing Foreign Domestic Workers:

a) Ensure that all forms of advertising(for example shopfronts, print media and websites) are legal, decent, honest and truthful.
b) Only show Foreign Domestic Worker biodata to potential employers upon their request, to protect the personal information of Foreign Domestic Workers. You should not display Foreign Domestic Workers’ biodata such that they can be viewed by passers-by.
c) Obtain written consent from Foreign Domestic Workers before posting their biodata online to be viewed by prospective employers, and avoid presenting biodata in a fashion that casts the Foreign Domestic Workers in an undignified light
d) all of the above
e) None of the above




Where should you not post any casts of Foreign Domestic Workers in an undignified manner?

a) coffee shop
b) shop fronts
c) print media
d) websites
e) all of the above
f) none




What are the Acceptable Advertisements?

a) Placement volume, transfer rates, retention rates
b) Types of training provided
c) Facts that can be verified, such as
“Foreign Domestic Worker has received training in elder care and childcare”
d) all of the above
e) none




What are the unacceptable advertisements?

a) Fee amounts, or payment modes e.g. post-dated cheques. You can however continue to communicate the full schedule of their fees and policies to prospective clients upon their request
b) Terms such as “free replacement”, “fast delivery” that likens Foreign Domestic Workers to merchandise that can be purchased or replaced
c) Subjective qualities or traits such as “obedient”, “compliant”, “smart”, “hardworking”
d) all of the above
e) None of the above




You should not demean Foreign Domestic Workers by displaying them in an undesirable manner, including

a) Having them sit outside Employment Agency premises
b) Conducting training in a manner that gives the impression that the Foreign Domestic Workers are on display
c) Requiring Foreign Domestic Workers to wear attire that gives the impression that the Foreign Domestic Workers are used as walking advertisements (e.g. having terms such as “super promotion” and “free replacement”)




In recommending suitable Foreign Domestic Workers to the Employer, the Employment Agency should:

a) Ascertain the Employer’s household needs and the duties that the Foreign Domestic Worker is expected to perform, and shortlist suitable Foreign Domestic Workers based on the Employer’s needs.
b) Consider the Foreign Domestic Worker’s skills, work experience and willingness and ability to perform the expected duties.
c) Provide to the Employer the biodata and employment history of shortlisted Foreign Domestic Workers, according to the standard biodata form required by MOM (this is also a requirement under EA Licence Condition 13 & 13A). The Employment Agency should take the necessary steps to ensure that the information in the biodata form, including any biodata information provided online, is accurate. Where the Employment Agency has knowledge of past Employers’ feedback on the Foreign Domestic Worker, the information should be shared with the prospective Employer as it could affect his or her hiring decision.
d) Facilitate an interview with shortlisted Foreign Domestic Workers to enable the Employer to assess if they meet his or her requirements, and for the Foreign Domestic Worker to understand the needs of the prospective Employer and consider if she has the necessary skills and is prepared to perform the required tasks. Where a face-to-face interview is not possible, the Employment Agency should facilitate other modes of interview such as online or phone interviews.
e) all of the above
f) none




What are the terms and conditions for Honouring Agreements?

a) All terms and conditions agreed between the Employment Agency and its clients should be in writing.
b) The Employment Agency should honour all agreements with its clients, such as but not limited to the service agreement, including the timelines committed to the clients
c) The Employment Agency should provide its contact details to both the Employer and Foreign Domestic Worker. It should remain contactable, including after deployment, to attend to any requests by the Employer or Foreign Domestic Worker for assistance on matters arising from the employment of the Foreign Domestic Worker.
d) Employment Agencies should maintain the confidentiality of information provided by clients and in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.




Which of the following is false about Placement Loans?

a) The Employment Agency should provide the Employer with the option of not extending the placement loan to the Foreign Domestic Worker.
b) Where the Employer extends the placement loan to the Foreign Domestic Worker, the Employment Agency should document the total amount paid, and facilitate a written agreement between the Employer and the Foreign Domestic Worker that states the total loan amount and the schedule of repayment. The written agreement can be included in the employment contract.
c) The Employment Agency should help both the Employer and the Foreign Domestic Worker understand the schedule of repayment and facilitate their signing on the agreement to acknowledge and consent to the payment arrangement.
d) A copy of the signed written agreement should be provided to both the Employer and Foreign Domestic Worker.
e) all of the above
f) none




What is the Refund and Replacement Policies?

a) If the Foreign Domestic Worker is found to be unsuitable to continue with her employment, the Employment Agency should allow the Employer a choice between a refund of service fees within a reasonable time, or a replacement of Foreign Domestic Worker. The options, including details on the amount of fees to be refunded, the timeframe for refunds and any additional costs that the Employer may incur if the replacement option is chosen, should be stated clearly in the service agreement with the Employer, and explained to the Employer. The breakdown of any additional costs should be provided in the service agreement.
b) In the event that the Employer has made reasonable efforts to utilise the replacement policy provided by the Employment Agency and the Employment Agency is unable to provide the Employer a suitable replacement within a reasonable time period, the Employment Agency should provide the Employer a refund of service fees, or a pro-rated amount, if the Employer requests.
c) Where no placement service has been provided, the Employment Agency should refund the deposit or advance payment made by the Employer to the Employment Agency within a reasonable time.
d) If the Foreign Domestic Worker is found to be unsuitable and her employment is prematurely terminated (based on contract), the Employment Agency should refund any outstanding placement loan to the Employer The refund should be given within a reasonable time. The timeframe for the refund to be made should be specified in the Employment Agency’s service agreement with the Employer.
e) none
f) all of the above




Which of the following is false about Providing accurate and comprehensive information?

a) The Employment Agency should not inform the Employer about the mandatory safety check and what they cover, and that the Employer may arrange for additional medical checks if he wishes.
b) The Employment Agency should explain to the Employer the details of the different medical and personal accident insurance policies for the Foreign Domestic Worker, including the extent of coverage and exclusions, and advise them on the benefits of taking up a policy with better or higher coverage beyond the minimum required.



The Employment Agency should inform the Employer about the mandatory medical examinations and what they cover, and that the Employer may arrange for additional medical checks if he wishes.


What is the service agreement between Employment Agency and Foreign Domestic Worker?

a)Details of the Employment Agency’s services
b)Details of the provision of upkeep and maintenance during the Foreign Domestic Worker’s stay with the Employment Agency
c)Clause ensuring that the safety agreement is explained, agreed, signed and
retained by both parties, before the Foreign Domestic Worker is deployed to the Employer’s home.
d)Itemised breakdown of fee components payable to Employment Agency and Overseas Employment Agency
e) all of the above
f) none


List of services the Foreign Domestic Worker may be required to pay (e.g.
replacement of work permit card, passport renewal)
 Refund conditions for placement fees
 Services provided by the Employment Agency should the Foreign Domestic
Worker require assistance
 Dispute resolution policy


The Employment Agency should explain and help the ______Worker understand all the terms of the service agreement. The Employment Agency should obtain the Foreign Domestic Worker’s _____ acknowledgement that she understands and agrees to the terms in the agreement.

A copy of the service agreement should be provided to the Foreign Domestic Worker in a language she understands.

a) foreign domestic, written
b) foreign, verbal
c) local, written




How to facilitate Fair Terms of Employment?

a) Upon confirmation of placement, the Employment Agency should facilitate discussions between the Employer and the Foreign Domestic Worker, to come to a mutual agreement on the terms of employment.
b) The Employment Agency should assist to draw up an employment contract between the Employer and the Foreign Domestic Worker, which documents the employment terms that were agreed upon. The Employment Agency should ensure the Employer and Foreign Domestic Worker sign on the employment contract to acknowledge and consent to the employment terms.
c) The Employment Agency should explain to the Employer and the Foreign Domestic Worker the terms of the employment and help both understand the implications of failing to adhere to the obligations listed under the employment contract.
d) A copy of the signed employment contract should be given to the Employer and the Foreign Domestic Worker. The copy to the Foreign Domestic Worker should be in a language that she understands.
e) all of the above
f) none




What are the responsibilities prior to foreign domestic Worker’s Deployment?

a) Employment Agencies are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of Foreign Domestic Workers upon their arrival in Singapore, prior to deploying them to the Employer’s household. The Employment Agency must receive the Foreign Domestic Workers upon their arrival in Singapore, and ensure that their basic needs are provided for, including housing, food and medical treatment, while awaiting deployment (this is also a requirement under EA Licence Condition 12).
b) Employment Agencies should ensure that the Foreign Domestic Workers are picked up from the Changi Airport after arrival within a reasonable time period. If Employment Agencies are only able to fetch them after meal times, adequate food or meal vouchers are to be provided to the Foreign Domestic Workers. Employment Agencies remain responsible even when the Foreign Domestic Workers are under the care of appointed representatives such as agents or runners who are hired to manage the administrative processes and logistics in the entry and placement of the Foreign Domestic Workers.
c) The Employment Agency should allow the Foreign Domestic Workers to have at least one night’s rest after their arrival in Singapore, before attending the Settling-in Programme (SIP). A checklist on the specific competencies to be evaluated be extended to the Foreign Domestic Worker. This will enable them to absorb and understand the programme content better, and facilitate their settling in.
d) all of the above
e) none



The Employment Agency should provide structured training to enable the Foreign Domestic Workers to perform the required tasks competently. Where the Employment Agency provides training to the Foreign Domestic Workers at the Employment Agency’s premises, the training should be conducted away from the view of passers-by to avoid creating the impression that the Foreign Domestic Workers are on display. The Employment Agency should also provide information to the Employer and Foreign Domestic Worker, on training programmes and activities available for Foreign Domestic Workers that are conducted by other organisations.

At the end of the SIP, the Foreign Domestic Worker will be handed an assessment of her practical session in safety measures. Employment Agencies should go through the documents with the Employer during deployment and take the opportunity to advise Employers to take note of areas where their Foreign Domestic Worker might require closer supervision. They should also remind Employers of their responsibility in ensuring that their Foreign Domestic Workers work in a safe manner and take all necessary steps to eliminate the risks involved in all household chores.

 Employment Agencies should not arrange for their Foreign Domestic Workers to sit outside the Employment Agency’s premises. (This is an infringement of the Guidelines for Employment Agencies placing Foreign Domestic Workers.)

 Employment Agencies should also advise the Foreign Domestic Worker on where she can seek help to resolve any disputes that may arise with her Employer during the period of employment.


What are the Responsibilities after Foreign Domestic Worker’s deployment?

a) Employment Agencies should check in with the Employer and the Foreign Domestic Worker at least once during the first six months of deployment, to find out whether the employment relationship is working out well and to attend to any employment-related issues that they have.
b) Employment Agencies should also attend to any request for advice or assistance by the Foreign Domestic Worker or the Employer, within one working day.
c) all of the above
d) none




How should the company handle Transfers and Terminations?

a) Where a transfer or termination of employment is initiated by the Employer or the Foreign Domestic Worker, the Employment Agency should provide accurate advice on the procedures involved and inform both parties of their responsibilities during the transition period.

b) At the end of the Foreign Domestic Worker’s employment, where the
Employment Agency is requested to assist the Employer in sending the Foreign Domestic Worker home or to facilitate a transfer of employment, the Employment Agency should provide the necessary assistance. The Employment Agency should also check that the Foreign Domestic Worker has no well-being issues, that the Employer has discharged his or her obligations to the Foreign Domestic Worker, and that there are no other outstanding employment matters between them, such as outstanding salaries

c) Where the Foreign Domestic Worker does not wish to seek a transfer but wants to return home, the Employment Agency should respect her decision and send her home.
d) all of the above
e) none of the above



Where the Foreign Domestic Worker returns to the Employment Agency to await a transfer to another Employer, the Employment Agency should provide for the Foreign Domestic Worker’s basic needs, including housing, food and medical treatment on behalf of the Employer who remains legally responsible for the Foreign Domestic Worker.


How should handling Issues relate to borrowing from Moneylenders?

a) It is important to advise them on the risks of borrowing and indebtedness.
b) Employment Agencies should advise Foreign Domestic Workers Spend prudently and save regularly, so that they can use the savings for unforeseen emergencies
c) Avoid borrowing money as there is a cost to borrowing

d) Consider self-exclusion from moneylending
e) all of the above

f) none of the above



Never borrow from unlicensed moneylenders, or be involved in their activities (e.g. brokers or runners); doing so will get them debarred
from working in Singapore
o Approach Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWOs), the Migrant
Workers’ Centre, or the Centre for Domestic Employees, if they are facing difficulties with their debts

Consider self-exclusion from moneylending
 Explain to her what the self-exclusion is about
If she agrees to apply for self-exclusion after understanding
about the implications, the Employment Agency can apply for it on her behalf


Employment agencies should proactively solicit employers’ feedback to monitor and raise service standards. Which dispute resolution mechanism does it belong to?

a) soliciting feedback
b) handling employers complaints against the employment agency
c) handling disputes between the employer and the foreign workers




The Employment Agency should be the first point of contact to resolve any employment dispute between the Foreign Domestic Worker and the Employer.
 The Employment Agency should ensure that all Employment Agency Personnel are trained to handle disputes between Foreign Domestic Workers and
 In resolving employment disputes between the Foreign
Domestic Worker and the Employer, the Employment Agency should take reference from the mutually agreed employment terms laid down in the employment contract between the Foreign Domestic Worker and the Employer.
 The Employment Agency should maintain proper records of issues raised by its clients and how they are resolved.
 If the Employment Agency is unable to resolve an employment dispute between the Foreign Domestic Worker and the Employer, the Employment Agency can approach the Centre for Domestic Employees (CDE) or the Foreign Domestic Worker Association for Social Support and Training (FAST) which offer free dispute resolution services.
Which dispute resolution mechanism does it belong to?

a) soliciting feedback
b) handling employers complaints against the employment agency
c) handling disputes between the employer and the foreign workers




What are some of the ways that an employment agency can facilitate good employment relationships?

a) granting sufficient rest days
b) respecting her privacy
c) allowing her to keep her passport and mobile phone
d) by explaining the need to observe the terms in the employment contract as well as the Employer’s house rules to the employee
e) all of the above
f) none of the above




What are some of the list of Employment Dos that you should inform an employer on?

a) Open bank accounts for Foreign Domestic Workers and credit their salaries into their bank accounts
b) Allow Foreign Domestic Workers to keep in touch with their family and friends. Being able to communicate with their loved ones will give them emotional support and help them feel closer to home.
c) Set house rules on the usage of hand phone or house phone, such as to avoid the talking on the house phone or hand phones while performing any chores that require her full attention, e.g. cooking and attending to elderly/infants. Employers should communicate these rules to the Foreign Domestic Worker from the beginning so that the Foreign Domestic Worker is aware of employer’s expectations.
d) Ensure that their Foreign Domestic Worker has access to the house keys and the house phone or handphone, to seek help during emergencies. This also ensures that the Foreign Domestic Worker is able to escape in times of emergency.
e) all of the above
f) none of the above




What are some of the list of Employment Dos that you should inform an employer on?

a) Open bank accounts for Foreign Domestic Workers and credit their salaries into their bank accounts
b) Allow Foreign Domestic Workers to keep in touch with their family and friends. Being able to communicate with their loved ones will give them emotional support and help them feel closer to home.
c) Set house rules on the usage of handphones or house phones, such as to avoid talking on the house phone or handphones while performing any chores that require her full attention, e.g. cooking and attending to elderly/infants. Employers should communicate these rules to the Foreign Domestic Worker from the beginning so that the Foreign Domestic Worker is aware of the employer’s expectations.
d) Ensure that their Foreign Domestic Worker has access to the house keys and the house phone or handphone, to seek help during emergencies. This also ensures that the Foreign Domestic Worker is able to escape in times of emergency.
e) all of the above
f) none of the above



Educate their Foreign Domestic Worker on how to seek help in times of emergency (e.g. emergency hotlines, contact of nearest clinic)
 Allow their Foreign Domestic Worker to have weekly rest days. Rest days allow Foreign Domestic Workers to get mental and physical rest from work, and helps them recharge.
 Inform the Foreign Domestic Worker if there are monitoring devices and where they have been placed. Please refer below for the Don’ts relating to such devices.


What are some of the list of Employment Don’t s that you should inform an employer on?

a) Do not keep the Foreign Domestic Worker’s passport or Work Permit (WP) Card^
b) Do not keep the Foreign Domestic Worker’s salary or any money belonging to the Foreign Domestic Worker, even if it’s with her consent^
c) Do not place any monitoring devices in areas that compromise the Foreign Domestic Worker’s modesty e.g. where she sleeps, changes her clothes or in the bathroom.
d) none of the above
e) all of the above




What are the two types of actions against culpable Employment Agencies?

a) Enforcement Actions
b) restrictive action
c) Administrative Actions
d) a,c




Which of the following is not an example of enforcement action?

a) fine
b) warning
c) offers of composition fines
d) prosecution




What are some examples of administrative action?

a) Issuance of Demerit Points
b) Licence Revocation and
c) Forfeiture of Security Deposits
d) none of the above
e) all of the above




MOM can suspend or revoke an Employment Agency (EA)’s licence if the Employment Agency

a) Contravened provisions of the Employment Agencies Act or Employment Agencies Rules
b) Contravened Employment Agency Licence Conditions (EALC)
c) Acted in a manner detrimental to interest of client
d) Has ceased business – wound up, liquidated, dissolved
e) Has been dormant for a continuous period of 6 months
f) Acted in a manner detrimental to public interest
g) Committed a criminal offence
h) Is no longer fit and proper
i) none of the above
j) all of the above




What is the process of Licence Suspension or Revocation?

a) Licensee informed in writing of suspension/revocation
b) Suspension/revocation effected after 14 days notification
c) Appeal to be done within 14 days of notification
d) Decision on such appeals will be made by Minister
e) Minister’s decision on appeals is final
f) Commissioner may reinstate a licence that was suspended
g) none of the above
h) all of the above




What is the difference between suspension and revocation of licence?

a) Operations to be ceased immediately vs operation to be ceased temporarily
b) Operations to be ceased immediately vs May continue to serve out existing obligations (e.g. Handling workers’ disputes, fetching workers for medical exam/to and from the airport)
c) operation to be ceased definitely vs operation to be ceased indefinitely




Upon being served Order of Suspension / Revocation, the licensee must adhere to the following:

a) Inform clients of licence suspension/revocation
b) Not to collect service/placement fee
c) To refund fees where applicable
d) Refer clients to other Employment Agencies to continue with serving out the obligations
e) Not to submit any work pass applications for clients
f) none of the above
g) all of the above




Failure to comply with the order of suspension/revocation, what is the penalty?

a) First conviction: Fine not exceeding $40,000 or/and imprisonment for a term exceeding 2 years
Subsequent conviction: Fine not exceeding $100,000 or/and imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years

b) First conviction: Fine not exceeding $80,000 or/and imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years
Subsequent conviction: Fine not exceeding $160,000 or/and imprisonment for a term not exceeding 4 years

c) First conviction: Fine exceeding $60,000 or/and imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years
Subsequent conviction: Fine not exceeding $10,000 or/and imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1years




What is the appeal process for suspension/revocation?

a) Employment Agency may appeal against licence suspension/revocation within 14 calendar days from date of Order of Suspension/Order of Revocation
b) Appeal will be considered by Minister, whose decision is final

c) Employment Agencies may also appeal against any decision made by
Commissioner if they feel aggrieved

d) all of the above
e) None of the above




What are the two different types of Employment Agencies Directory?

a) Licensed Employment Agencies
b) Revoked/suspended Employment Agencies
c) both
d) none



Licensed Employment Agencies
o Licencevalidity
o Demerit points
o Employment Agencies under surveillance (>12 demerit points) o Foreign Domestic Worker Employment Agencies
 Indicators such as retention rate and placement volume


How does the demerit points system work in an employment agency under the employment act?

a) The Demerit Point System is based on the severity of the offence committed. It consists of low, medium and high severity levels.
b) The maximum number of demerit points an Employment Agency can afford to obtain is 12, before being placed under surveillance for 12 months.
c) Demerit points will be valid for 8 months and may be extended if the EA accumulates fresh demerit points. It may result in the EA paying fine.
d) Employment Agencies that give up their licences during the demerit point period and are not allowed to re-apply for new licences. They will have the demerit points reinstated under the new Employment Agency licence
e) c,d
f) a,b



The Demerit Point System works almost the same way as the Demerit Point System for driving licences.
 The Demerit Point System is based on the severity of the offence committed. It consists of low, medium and high severity levels.
 The maximum number of demerit points an Employment Agency can afford to obtain is 12, before being placed under surveillance for 12 months.
 Offences committed during the surveillance period may result in the revocation of the Employment Agency Licence or more penalties, depending on the severity of the offence
 Demerit points will be valid for 12 months, and may be extended if the EA accumulates fresh demerit points.
 Employment Agencies that give up their licences during the demerit point period and re-apply for new licences will have the demerit points reinstated under the new Employment Agency licence


Employment Agency must provide a minimum security deposit of $40,000. How many demerit points is it?

a) 4
b) 8
c) 12
d) 18
e) 24




Employment Agency must provide a minimum security deposit of $60,000

How many demerit points is it?

a) 4
b) 8
c) 12
d) 18
e) 24




 Employment Agency will have $10,000 of its security deposit forfeited.
 Employment Agency must top up its security deposit back to $60,000.
 Employment Agency will be placed under surveillance (suspension
of WP Online and EP Online accounts, surveillance status will be made known on the Employment Agency Directory, Employment Agency may be subjected to inspections).
 Employment Agency must have all Key Appointment Holders (KAHs) re-take the CEI (KAH) exam. This applies even if the Employment Agency was exempted from CEI during application.
 Employment Agency’s WP Online and EP Online accounts will be suspended until all KAHs have passed the exam, and until all issues are resolved

How many demerit points is it?

a) 4
b) 8
c) 12
d) 18
e) 24




 Employment Agency will have an additional $15,000 of its security deposit forfeited, on top of the $10,000 under 12 DPS.
 Employment Agency must top up its security deposit back to $60,000.
 Employment Agency will be placed under surveillance (WP Online and EP Online accounts will be suspended, surveillance status will be made known on the EA Directory, Employment Agency may be
subjected to inspections).
Employment Agency’s WP Online and EP Online accounts will be suspended until all issues are resolved

How many demerit points is it?

a) 4
b) 8
c) 12
d) 18
e) 24




The employment Agency’s licence will be suspended or revoked, depending on the case.

How many demerit points is it?

a) 4
b) 8
c) 12
d) 18
e) 24




As long as an Employment Agency has _______demerit points, each demerit point will remain live for a ______ period of _____ from the date it is issued.

a) fewer than, fixed, 12 months
b) more than, unfixed, 9 months
c) equal, fixed 3 months




Employment Agency has 12 or more demerit points and does not accumulate new demerit points for 12 months. What is the validity of the demerit points?

a) Demerit points will be cleared after 12 months.
b) Validity of the first 12 demerit points will be extended to match the validity of the new demerit points.




Employment Agency has 12 or more demerit points and is given new demerit points while under surveillance. What is the validity of the demerit points?

a) Demerit points will be cleared after 12 months.
b) Validity of the first 12 demerit points will be extended to match the validity of the new demerit points.




Which of the following is true for employment agencies under surveillance?

a) If an Employment Agency collects 8 points or more, it will result in a 12- month surveillance.
b) Employment Agencies that accumulate 24 or more demerit points will also be placed under surveillance for 24 months.
c) They are also subject to audits and if an Employment Agency commits any infringements during the surveillance period, its licence may be suspended or revoked.



 If an Employment Agency collects 12 points or more, it will result in a 12- month surveillance.
 Employment Agencies that accumulate 18 or more demerit points will also be placed under surveillance for 12 months.
 The Employment Agencies will have their WP Online & EP Online accounts suspended for 3 months during this period.
 They are also subject to audits and if an Employment Agency commits any infringements during the surveillance period, its licence may be suspended or revoked.
 Employment Agencies under surveillance are allowed to renew their licence. They would, however, remain on MOM’s surveillance when their licences are renewed.