emotional development through the life stages Flashcards
What is emotional literacy
The ability to recognise, understand and appropriately express emotions
What is attachment
The connection an individual has with another individual
What is self image
The way in which you view yourself
What is self esteem
Self-esteem is an individual’s subjective evaluation of their own worth.
What is self concept
self-concept is a collection of beliefs about oneself. Awareness formed in early childhood of being a unique individual.
What key features of emotional development happen during infancy 0-2?
ATTACHMENT: An emotional attachment between caregiver and child the child sees everyone else as strangers.
What key features of emotional development happen during early childhood 3-8?
UNDERSTANDING SELF AND OTHERS: Use their imagination and become more independent
What key features of emotional development happen during adolescence 9-18?
IDENTITY: sense of self continues to develop they form friendship groups and develop stronger emotions.
What key features of emotional development happen during early and middle adulthood 19-65?
INTIMACY: Adults have strong relationships with others. Self esteem is influenced by lifestyle, self image is affected by personal appearance. Individuals need to learn how to cope with emotional attatchment with sexul partner.
What key features of emotional development happen during later adulthood 65+?
MAKING SENSE OF YOUR LIFE: Older people need a secure sense of self to enable them to cope with the physical changes associated with aging and death.
What are reasons for poor attachment?
- Drug use in the family
- Divorced parents
- Fostered child
- Disability
What are the 4 types of attachment identified by John Bowlby?
How does someone who is secure attached behave and why?
> high self esteem
long trusting relationships
able to share feelings with others
This is because the parent was available for the child whilst growing up.
How does someone who is dismissive-avoidant behave and why?
> lack desire to form relationships
don’t value close relationships
prefer not to depend on others
This is because their main caregiver growing up was not emotionally there for them whilst growing up.
How does someone who is anxious-preoccupied behave and why?
> feel nervous about separating from their partner
being dependant on relationships
craving closeness and intimacy
needing frequent reassurance
This is because there was possibly an inconsistent parenting pattern.
How does someone who is fearful-avoidant behave and why?
> seek intimacy
fearful of intimacy
could reject close bonds
This could be because their caregiver didn’t show them love or made them fearful of it or wasn’t there for them growing up.