Emotional Development Flashcards
rapid appraisal of the personal significance of the situation
functionalist approach
emotions to energize behavior aimed at attaining personal goals
basic emotions
universal in humans
social smile
parents’ communication evoked
stranger anxiety
fear to unfamiliar adults
secure base
familiar caregiver
self-conscious emotions
involves injury or enhancement of sense of self
strategies used to adjust emotional state to a comfortable level of intensity
problem-centered coping
appraise the situation as changeable, identify the difficulty, decide what to do about it
emotion-centered coping
internal, private and aimed at controlling distress when little can be done about an outcome
emotional display rules
specify when where and how it is appropriate to express emotions
social referencing
relying on another person’s emotional reaction to appraise an uncertain situation
involves a complex interaction of cognition and affect: the ability to detect different emotions, to take another’s emotional perspective, and to feel with that person, or respond emotionally in a similar way
prosocial / altruistic
actions that benefit another person without any expected reward for the self
feelings of concern or sorrow for another’s plight