emergency Flashcards
cardiac arrest emergency
adrenaline IV
amiodarone IV
acute pulmonary oedema emergency drugs
morphine/diamorphine IV
furosemide IV
nitrates IV
acute severe asthma emergency drugs
B-2 adrenoceptor agonists (e.g. nebulised salbutamol)
Ipratropium - antimuscarinic bronchodilator
hydrocortisone IV
magnesium sulphate IV (bronchodilator)
anaphylactic shock emergency drugs
adrenaline IM
hydrocortisone IV (removed 2021 update)
chlorphenamine IV/ non sedating oral antihistamines following initial stabilisation
IV fluids
benzodiazepine intoxication emergency
flumezanil IV
hypoglycaemia emergency
glucose IV
glucagon SC or IM
hypovolaemic shock emergency
IV fluids
opioid intoxication emergency
naloxone IV or IM
seizures emergecny
diazepam, lorazepam, phenytoin
hyperkalaemia emergency
calcium gluconate or calcium chloride IV
insulin-glucose solution IV
calcium resonium (oral or PR)
salbutamol (nebs)
IV adrenaline in cardiac arrest
increase blood flow to heart and increase chance of restoring heart rate
IV amiodarone in cardiac arrest
used in VT and VF unresponsive to shock, CPR and vasopressors (adrenaline)
morphine IV in pulmonary oedema
mainly symptomatic relief of discomfort and dyspnoea
also decrease preload and anxiolytic
IV furosemide in pulmonary oedema
reduce fluid on lungs
IV nitrates in pulmonary oedema
coronary vasodilators
reduced venous return to reduce left ventricular work