Emergencies: scaffold emergencies Flashcards
What are the 3 types of suspended scaffold emergencies that units generally respond to?
unoccupied swinging scaffold
occupied stalled scaffold
occupied hanging or off-level scaffold
When units encounter a suspended scaffold emergency what must be done at street level for safety?
Cordon off the area below the scaffold to cars & people traffic.The apparatus shall be kept clear of the danger area as well. 3.1
If the scaffold is occupied & the need for possible rescue exists what tools shall be brought?
Trucks should bring their LSR. Engines LSR may also be needed.3.4
E-308 is 1st due to the only 100 story bldg in its response area.Lt. Wilcken w/ the use of his binoculars is able to determine the scaffold is unoccupied while it swings up by the 75th floor.When Lt. Wilcken gets up there what should he do to rectify the scaffold?
Locate window nearest scaffold,secure w/ utlity ropes 7 inspect exterior of bldg. for loose bldg./scaffold material. 4.1
E-308 members also were ordered by Lt. Wilcken to survey the roof. What were they looking for?
Determine if the anchoring system has been compromised,inspect parapet wall.Also if any roof rigging is suspect attempt to secure it w/ utility ropes. communicate findings to units below. 4.2
Lt. Surbito orders his OVM to go out on the unoccupied scaffold to secure the workers tools in order to prevent anyone from being injured below.
At no time shall any member go out on a unoccupied scaffold. 4.3
Occupied stalled suspended scaffolds are frequently caused by overheated hoist motors,loose electrical connections or tripped breakers. Lt. Surbito sends his outside team to the roof to restore power to the scaffold to see if it resets itself. AGREE/DISAGREE?
A team should be sent to the roof to check electrical connections,tripped breakers but not to restore power w/out permission from below. 5.2
If Lt. Surbito determines that it is the electric hoist thats fucked up he knows he should instruct the workers to wait how long before pressing the reset button?
15 minutes.