Emergencies 1-Elevator Op's Flashcards
What determines an elevator emergency?
A situation where one or more of the following exist:
A. Fire endangering passengers in a stuck elevator.
B. Passenger of stuck elevator injured.
C. Passenger of stuck elevator in panic.
What is the most frequent cause of elevator malfunctions?
Electrical problems are the most frequent cause of elevator malfunction.
What are the 6 ways to locate the stalled elevator car?
A. Lobby control panel - check floor indicator.
B. If available use intercom or telephone system of the stuck car. Passengers may be able to give their approximate location.
C. Open the hoistway door at first floor with elevator key and look up shaft. Key devices are usually required at the lower levels and may be present at all levels.
1. If the hoistway door has a glass panel check the shaft before opening the door. Using a flash light, look for the governor ropes and the
counterweight. Movement of either one of these is an indication that the car is in motion, do not open the hoistway door. The governor rope is
generally located on either side near one of the far corners of the shaft.
D. The location of the counterweight can be used to approximate the position of the car. For example, in a 6 story building where the elevator serves the basement, if the counterweight is on the 1st floor, the stalled car would be at the 5th. The counterweight can be located by viewing through the wire glass door panel or by opening a hoistway door.
E. Enter a car in the same bank and open top hatch if no damage will be done to the elevator car.
F. Use the floor selector in the machinery room, it indicates the exact location of elevator car.
There are two types of primary removal procedures. The order in which they are tried is
not important. What are they?
- 3.1 & 3.3.2
- Checking Electrical Contacts.
- The second type of primary removal procedure is activating Firemen Service if available. Firemen Service WILL over ride the Emergency Stop Button.
Summon an elevator mechanic if Primary Removal Procedures fail. Telephone number of the mechanic is required to be posted in the machinery
room near the elevator power switch. Consider the possibility of an elevator mechanic on duty in a nearby building. We shall wait for the Elevator mechanic before trying secondary removal procedures.
True or False
Secondary Removal Procedures may be initiated prior to the arrival of the mechanic.
What is essential whenever Secondary or Emergency Removal procedures are used?
Whenever Secondary or Emergency Removal Procedures are used, power removal is essential.
Dispatch ___ members to the elevator machinery room to shut off the power to the stalled car. The machinery room may be located at the top of the shaft, at the bottom of the shaft or ___ levels above the highest floor serviced by the elevator.
Fill in the blanks
When passengers are removed from a car between floors they should always be taken up and out of the car.
True or False
3.5.2 B
They should be taken up and out of the car if practical.
The elevator car shall NEVER be jacked or moved in what direction?
3.5.2 E
The elevator shall never be jacked up or moved in an upward direction. This action may free the car safeties causing the car to move either upward
or downward depending on the live load in the car.
Elevators with 2 speed systems are commonly found in Bldg’s over how many stories?
Commonly found in buildings over 10 stories
If the elevator has a two speed system, commonly found in buildings over 10 stories, what procedure may work?
If the car is to restart how long will it take?
A. If Emergency Stop Button has been activated have passengers deactivate it.
B. Have members in elevator machinery room shut power to the stuck car and turn it on again.
Note: This is the only circumstance in which the elevator power may be restored by members of this department. If this procedure fails, power must be
shut off and members are not to restore power after completion of operations.
C. If the car is to restart it will do so within 10 seconds.
D. Communications must be maintained when attempting this procedure. Passengers and members must be prepared for the sudden movement of the car or car door.
Member in the adjacent car inserts pole or hook between the striking post and the hoistway door and trips the lock by either depressing the roller or
pushing on the locking arm.
Which door type do we depess the roller?
3.6 D
Hinge type door - Depress the roller.
Sliding type door - push up on locking arm.
When doing a top hatch removal how many members are to be permitted on the roof of the elevator at one time?
3.7 A
Climb down to the car roof. Maximum of two firefighters are to be permitted on the roof of the car at one time.
Who determines the order of removal when using the top hatch of the elevator?
3.7 A
One member equipped with a handie talkie enters car. Member in the car must determine the order of removal. Secure each person with a life saving rope.
When doing a side exit removal what must be done to the rescue car after it is brought even to the stuck elevator car?
3.7 B
Remove power to rescue car. Power to the stuck car was previously removed.
What is required to open the side exit of the rescue car?
3.7 B
A key or forcible entry is required to open panel from inside the car.
What is required to open the side exit of the stuck car?
3.7 B
Open side exit of stuck car. It is openable by hand from the shaft side.
What size planks should be used to bridge between the cars in a side exit removal?
3.7 B
Planks of sufficient lengths (6’ or longer) should be used as a bridge between cars.
When using forcible entry on a hinged elevator door wher will we find the roller?
3.7.3 A
Push down roller, located near side opposite hinges, on shaft wall.
What is the preferred forcible entry method of a sliding type elevator door?
3.7.3 B
The Maxi Force air bag system. It is less likely than the others to push the door off its hangers or out of its track.
Where do we place the air bag when using on a elevator door?
3.7.3 B
Place bag between the leading edge of the door and jamb as high as possible to apply a more direct force on the linkage and the locking mechanism.
Also when using the Rabbit Tool to force entry.
The Elevator Pit is the lowest portion of the elevator shaft. What are the 2 types?
4.1.1 A & B
Jump Pits and Walk in Pits
The Jump pit is usually __ to __ from lowest landing level to base of pit.
Fill in the blanks
How is the Pit entered?
4.1.1 A
4 ft.-6 ft.
Pit is entered by opening the lowest hoistway door and using a portable ladder.
Elevator descends to within a couple of feet of the bottom of the shaft.
The walk in Pit is usually __ to __ from lowest landing to base of pit.
Fill in the blanks
How is the pit entered?
4.1.1 B
6 ft.-10 ft.
Access to the pit is via a door located at the bottom of the shaft. Door is not required to have an interlock switch. Door is opened by a regular key. Emergency elevator keys are not usable
Car descends to the floor level above bottom of shaft.
What prevents the car from entering a walk in pit?
4.1.1 B
A high buffer and lower limit switch prevent the car from entering the pit.
If there is a fire in the pit, why do we need to be cautious of the buffers (a device designed to stop a descending elevator beyond the normal limits of travel)?
4.2.2 B
They may be filled with combustible or inflammable liquid.
Can we enter a walk in pit prior to power being shut off?
4.2.2 D.
In an EXTREME EMERGENCY (immediate action necessary to save life) entry to a Walk in Pit before the elevator power switch is off may be made using the following precautions:
1. Open a hoistway door on shaft to be entered. The interlock will prevent car from moving.
2. Use caution around mechanical and electrical components.
3. Turn off power as soon as possible.
Members of the EMS Command have been issued FDNY 1620 keys for use of the Fire Service feature in elevators. Members arriving at incidents and discovering Fire Service elevators in use shall contact the EMS unit on the Fire/EMS
Interoperability (IO) frequency to coordinate elevator operations.
What HT channel is used?
5 Note:
Channel 10
In all buildings classified in occupancy group E, 100’ or more in height, the number of elevators that must be equipped for Fire Service is as follows:
Where a floor is serviced by _____ or less elevator cars, every car shall be equipped for Firemen Service.
Fill in the blank
5.1.4 A
In all buildings classified in occupancy group E, 100’ or more in height, the number of elevators that must be equipped for Fire Service is as follows: Where a floor is serviced by more than three elevator cars, at least three elevator cars with a total rated capacity of not less than _____ pounds shall be equipped for Firemen Service. Such cars shall include not more than two cars which serve all floors, and at least one other car in another bank
servicing that floor.
If the total load capacity of all cars servicing the floor is less than _____ pounds, all such cars shall be Firemen Service.
Fill in the blanks
5.1.4 B & C
Firemen Service is required in all elevators that serve _____ or more landings or travel __ feet or more if plans for the elevator were filed after January 1, 1980
What is considered a terminal floor?
What is it also known as?
5.2.1 A
Terminal floor is the lowest landing above the street floor of any elevator that does not serve the street lobby floor, also known as a Sky Lobby.
The Lobby Keyed Switch is required to be within how many feet of the lobby call button?
What type of keys will operate it?
5.2.1 B & C
The key switch is required to be within 4 feet of the lobby call button.
The key switch is operated by use of the Fire Department 1620 key, or by city wide standard elevator 2642 key.
What are the 2 different types of lobby key switches?
5.2.1 D.
1. Three position key - Normal, Firemen Service and door open.
2. Two position key - Normal and Firemen Service with a door open button. Door open button is required to be located in the same faceplate as the key switch. Button is only operable when key switch is in the Firemen Service position.
Note: In both situations the cylinder face is approximately 1 1/2” in diameter and colored red. Switch faceplate is required to be inscribed “for fire department use only” or similar terminology.
Firemen Service keyed switch is provided inside each Firemen Service elevator car. This switch is identified by red lettering “FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT USE ONLY” and has how many positions?
This switch is identified by red lettering “FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT USE ONLY” and has two positions. Normal and Firemen Service.
Note: Elevators approved for installation after March 1991 are required to be equipped with a three position switch:
The Hold Position has the following features
- 2.2
- Permits the firefighter to remove the 1620 key from the switch.
- Allows the firefighter to leave the car without the danger of an individual, without a key, moving the car to another location.
- A firefighter with a 1620 key can move the car by changing the switch position from HOLD to FIREMAN SERVICE. THIS ACTION SHALL NOT BE TAKEN WITHOUT FIRST INFORMING THE FIREFIGHTERS OPERATING ON THAT FLOOR.
- Elevator cars equipped with a two position switch are not required to be retro-fitted with a three position switch.
To operate the car, the switch must be placed in the Firemen Service position while the car is at what location?
5.2.2 C, D, E, F
To operate the car, the switch must be placed in the Firemen Service position while the car is at the landing where the lobby keyed switch is located.
The lobby keyed switch must be in the Firemen Service position prior to placing the car keyed switch to Firemen Service.
Once the car switch is in the Firemen Service position it can not be overridden by the lobby keyed switch.
The 1620 key is not removable from the elevator car keyed switch when it is in the Firemen Service position.
What are the 2 ways an elevator can be recalled?
5.3.1 A, B
Manual Recall.
By the use of the 1620 key at the keyed switches located in the elevator lobby at the street floor or terminal floor.
Note: For elevators whose terminals are above the street floor (sky lobby), a two position keyed switch will be at the fire command station. The switch will
allow the elevators to be brought down non-stop to their lowest floor landing. A three position keyed switch will also be at their terminal floor landing.
Automatic Recall.
1. Activation of elevator landing smoke detector.
2. Water flow from a sprinkler system.
If Phase I (recall) has been initiated before arrival and all elevator doors are closed, the following procedures are to be followed.
5.3.1 C
- Determine if Phase I was initiated manually or automatically.
- If Phase I was initiated manually the Firemen Service lobby keyed switch will be found in the Firemen Service position. Place the Firemen Service lobby keyed switch momentarily in the “Normal” (OFF) position. Then return it to the Firemen Service position. This will cause all elevator car doors in this bank to open.
- If Phase I was initiated automatically (by lobby smoke detectors or sprinkler water flow), place the lobby keyed switch in the “Door Open” position. The doors of the Firemen Service cars will then
open. In some older installations the doors of the non- Firemen Service cars will not open and must be opened by use of the emergency hoistway door key.
Will the “Emergency Stop” button operate when the elevator is being recalled?
5.3.1 D
“Emergency Stop” buttons will be rendered inoperative.
When the elevator car reaches its terminal floor, one of the following will occur:
5.3.1 D
-All car and hoistway doors open. The doors remain open for at least 8 seconds and no more than one minute and then close.
-All car and hoistway doors open. The Firemen Service elevator car and hoistway doors remain open with the car lights remaining on. Non Firemen Service elevator car and hoistway doors close
between 8 seconds and one minute after opening.
-All elevator car and hoistway doors open and remain open. The car lights in the Firemen Service elevator cars remain on and the lights in the Non Firemen Service cars go off.
Note: Option “c” is required for all installations for which plans were filed after 1980.
Caution: Do not return the switch to the “normal” position at this time.
In the operation phase of using an elevator what kind of response will pressing the call cancel button provide?
As soon as the car begins to move, press the “Call Cancel” button to verify the operation of the “Call Cancel” button.
-If the car stops at the next available landing in response to the “Call Cancel” button, select the desired floor on the “Floor Selection” panel.
-If the car does not stop at the next available floor in response to the “Call Cancel” button:
1) Immediately select the next available safe floor. If the car stops at the next available floor, press the “Door Open” button and leave the car. Notify the officer in command that the car is out of service.
2) If the car does not stop at the next available floor, attempt to stop the car by forcing the car doors open, thus interrupting the interlock relay switch. Notify the officer in command and initiate emergency evacuation procedures.
If the car is operating normally when you reach the selected floor, press the “Door Open” button. what happens when you take your finger off the button?
You must keep your finger on this constant pressure button until the door is fully open, otherwise the door will close on its own. This is a built in safety feature.
An elevator can be placed on Firemen Service or taken off of Firemen Service only when the car is at what location?
An elevator can be placed on Firemen Service or taken off of Firemen Service only when the car is at the landing where the lobby keyed switch is located.
Once a Firemen Service car has been placed in Phase II operation, what will happen when the lobby keyed switch is turned back to the normal position?
Once a Firemen Service car has been placed in Phase II operation, it will continue in Phase II operation, regardless of the Position of the lobby
keyed switch. This feature may be utilized to restore other cars in the elevator bank to normal operation, while the Fire Department continues to
use the Firemen Service car or cars.
The Emergency Stop Button is rendered inoperative during the Phase I operation. will it operate in phase 2 operations?
- 3.2 E.
- The Emergency Stop Button should be operational during Phase II operation.
- Activation of the Emergency Stop Button in Phase II will quickly stop the elevator car.
When it is confirmed that the fire is on the ___ floor or below units should avoid the use of elevators. It is safer to utilize the stairway to reach the fire floor.
Fill in the blank
Do not use an elevator in a bank which services the fire floor if a lower bank of elevators reaches within ____ floors of the fire floor.
Fill in the blank
When it is necessary to use an elevator in a bank which serves the fire floor:
If Firemen Service is available, use a car with the Firemen Service feature.
Select a floor at least ___ floors below the fire floor or ___ floors below the lower level of an access stair in the fire area, whichever is lowest.
Fill in the blanks
Not more than ___ members are to be permitted in any elevator car. This precaution is required to prevent overloading.
Fill in the blank
6.1.10 Elevator should be stopped every ____ floors (precautionary stops) to confirm that
the elevator will respond to the selected floor. At each stop a new selection must be made.
Fill in the blank
When do we direct a flashlight up the hoistway shaft to look for any accumulated smoke?
Before leaving the lobby and at each precautionary stop direct a flashlight up between the elevator car and the hoistway shaft to determine if there is any
accumulation of smoke in the elevator shaft.
The relationship of the elevator to the stairway should be noted. This can be accomplished by inspecting the “YOU ARE HERE” sign which is required to be posted at each floor near the call button. This should be done at which precautionary stops?
This should be done at the first and last
precautionary stop. Floor configurations may change.
During fire operations how should we hold the elevator doors open to hold a car?
During fire operations do not straddle elevator doors to hold the car. Use Firemen Service if available or folded lengths of hose to hold car.
In an extreme emergency when a member is stuck in an elevator during fire operations, what can be used to slide down to the floor below via the side exit?
In an EXTREME EMERGENCY, Fire Department hose can be used to slide down to the floor below. If more than one length of hose is used, first tie the lengths together, then couple them.
Members shall never take a Firemen Service elevator which services all floors to go above the fire. When assigned to go above the fire via an elevator, choose an elevator which has what on the fire floor?
A blind shaft on the fire floor. Remember a “Firemen Service” elevator is not necessarily a “safe” elevator. It can still be affected by heat, smoke or water entering the shaft. If there is no blind shaft elevator to go above the fire, stairs shall be used.
For security reasons, some occupants lock the hoistway door on their floor when closing. In high rise buildings, on the street floor and above, any locks placed on passenger elevator car or hoistway doors must be openable with what?
6.5.1 Note:
In high rise buildings, on the street floor and above, any locks placed on passenger elevator car or hoistway doors must be openable with a 1620 key.
Who is required to be notified via the dispatcher at an elevator accident?
The Building Department is required to investigate elevator accidents. Officers in command at such occurrences are to notify the Building Department via the dispatcher.
In a single car blind hoistway, emergency access openings shall be provided at every _____ floor, but not more than__ feet apart.
Fill in the blanks
third, 36
If emergency side exit door is provided it must have the following features:
A. Hinged to open into the car.
B. Locking device that requires the use of a key inside the door.
C. A means of being opened by hand from the shaft side.
D. Line up with the door of adjacent car.
E. Be within 3 feet of the adjacent car side door.
F. An electrical door contact that will prevent motion of the car when the door is open.
Top Emergency Exit’s that were installed under the 1938 and 1968 codes are required to open in which direction?
The staley swing door key is a hand tool used to open SWING TYPE elevator hoistway doors to gain access to the elevator shaft or an inoperative elevator car. To use Insert the key into the keyhole horizontally and use what type of pressure?
STAy UP dont OD
Push up on the rear of the key, disengaging hoistway door lock.
The Gal swing door key is a hand tool used to open SWING TYPE elevator hoistway doors to gain access to the elevator shaft or an inoperative elevator car. To use insert the key into the keyhole horizontally and turn how far in which direction?
Turn the key 1/4 turn in the direction allowed.
When using the Gal elevator pick tool what must we do prior to use?
ASSURE THAT POWER IS OFF. There is danger of severe electrical shock if this tool is used on an energized hoistway door.
When can we drill with the Gal elevator pick tool?
Due to the necessity to remove power, thereby stopping elevator service, drills on the use of this
tool are not permitted.
The Otis swing door key is a hand tool used to open SWING TYPE elevator hoistway doors to gain access to the elevator shaft or an inoperative elevator car. To use insert the key into the keyhole horizontally and exert pressure in what direction?
STAy UP dont OD
Exert DOWNWARD pressure on the rear of the tool, disengaging hoistway door lock
The “Z” tool is a hand tool used to open SLIDING TYPE elevator hoistway doors to gain access to the
elevator shaft or to an inoperative car. What are we trying to locate while using the tool?
The locking arm
-With point of tool parallel to hoistway door, insert tool between door jamb and top of door. Rotate the tool 90 degrees, so that the point of the tool is now perpendicular to the hoistway
-Move the tool toward the leading edge of the hoistway door to locate the locking arm.
-There are several items which may be encountered as the tool is moved along the top of
the door. Trail and error will result in locating the locking arm.
-Location of the emergency keyhole on a hoistway door in the same elevator shaft will
aid in locating the locking arm.
-While keeping the point of the tool perpendicular to the hoistway door, swing the handle of the
tool so that the tool is at a 45 degree angle to the plane of the locking arm.
- Push up the tool, raising the locking arm and disengaging the hoistway door lock.
The Gal drop key is a hand tool used to open SLIDING TYPE elevator hoistway doors to gain access to the elevator shaft or an inoperative elevator car. Characterized by a hinged working end. To use:
Keeping the two sections aligned, insert the tool until the leading section drops behind the hoistway door. In which direction should we turn the tool?
- Turn the tool away from the leading edge of the hoistway door until resistance is met.
- Apply pressure against the resistance to disengage the hoistway door lock.
The Gal vandal resistant key is a hand tool used to open SLIDING TYPE elevator hoistway doors to gain access to the elevator shaft or an inoperative elevator car. To use insert the key into the keyhole until an obstruction is encountered. Turn the key how far?
Turn 1/4 turn to disengage the hoistway.
Who is installing the car door zone locks on their elevator doors?
NYC Housing Authority is in the process of installing car door zone locks on all NYC Housing Authority elevator cars. The zone lock is a mechanical device which prevents the elevator car door from opening if the car does not stop level with the floor at the elevator landing. These devices are being installed on the outside of the elevator car
doors on hinged type and sliding type doors. These locking devices can be easily disengaged without doing unnecessary damage to the elevator car door.
When operating at elevator emergencies, always ensure power is removed to the stalled elevator car before commencing operations. After opening the hoistway door, the zone lock will be visible on the front side of the elevator car towards the top of the door.
For sliding doors we will do what to disengage the lock?
Sliding Type Doors: Lift rod straight up to release the zone lock device.
When operating at elevator emergencies, always ensure power is removed to the stalled elevator car before commencing operations. After opening the hoistway door, the zone lock will be visible on the front side of the elevator car towards the top of the door.
For hinged type doors we will do what to disengage the lock?
Hinged Type Doors: Depress lever to release the zone lock device.