Emergence Of The Globalisation Of Sport In The 21st Century Flashcards
When was pre-industrial Britain?
Pre - 1780
What was life like in pre-industrial Britain?
Communication and transport were limited.
Wide spread illiteracy (lower classes)
Lower classes were typically cruel and violent.
Limited free time because of work (mainly lower class)
Two-tier class system.
Majority lived in countryside.
Feudal system
What is a feudal system?
Holding land in exchange for labour.
What were the classes in pre-industrial Britain?
Two classes - lower/working and upper
Rich landowners in power and poor farmers, working the land
What is popular recreation?
The sport and pastimes of people in pre-industrial Britain.
E.g - mob football and real tennis (not many characteristics of PR)
What are the characteristics of popular recreation?
Local - no transport/communications Traditional Occasional/spontaneous (festivals) Few (unwritten) rules Violent Based on physical force rather than skill Participation rather than spectating Simple equipment and facilities Class division
How did society reflect sport in pre-industrial Britain?
Limited communications/transport = sport was restricted geographically (local).
Illiteracy = simple, basic rules set locally (lacked codification)
Harsh society = sport was violent, unruly in nature, male dominated and involved gambling.
No free time = occasionally played (festivals)
Two-tier = clear divide between sports played by the classes
Majority lived in the countryside = sport was played were people lived, using natural resources.
What were the characteristics of real tennis?
Exclusive Required highly literate people Organised with complex rules High moral code (no violence) Played on a regular basis Was expensive Non-local in nature Skilful
What was pre-industrialised athletics?
Foot racing Upper class would bet on who would win Developed into communal festival activities
What was foot racing?
Lower class messengers were used by the rich upper class for communications.
Competition of who could get to the place first
Involved endurance
When was industrial and post-industrial Britain?
1780- 1900
What were the changes to society during the industrial revolution?
Working class moved to towns for jobs Urbanisation Factory work replacing ‘crafts’ Poor working conditions - long hours, Sunday off for church Lack of time, income, space. There-tier class system
What is urbanisation?
Movement of people from rural to urban
Who were the middle class in the industrial revolution?
People below aristocracy but above working class
Made money during industrialisation - factory owners, local government, doctor.
Wanted society based on merit
Led the way in reforming education, local government, welfare of the poor, etc…
What is rational recreation?
They were sports pastimes for the lower classes which were designed by the middle classes to be well ordered, organised and controlled.
What are the characteristics of rational recreation?
Regular - Saturday afternoon Rules - complex and written Regional Respectable Referees Skill based Purpose built facilities + equipment Religion - social control, muscular Christianity)
What does aristocracy mean?
Highest class
What are the initial negative effects of the industrial revolution?
Poor health and hygiene Lack of income Lack of time Facility provision was lacking Overcrowding and lack of space Loss of rights Migration of the lower classes into urban areas
Why was there a lack of income in the industrial revolution?
Low wages and poverty were evident, with little spare income for leisure pursuits.