Embryology, etc. Flashcards
Mushroom like papilla that perceive sweet and salt tastes?
Hair-like papilla that provides tactile sensation?
Leaf like papilla which perceives sour taste?
8-10 papilla found just anterior to the terminal sulcus and perceives bitter taste?
Lingual papilla related to Von Ebner’s gland?
Taste bud for synthesis and secretion of pore substance?
Type 1 or taste cells or dark cells
Taste buds with unknown function?
Type 2 or sustentacular cells or light cells
Least numerous taste buds which are the actual receptors of taste?
Type 3 or intermediate cells
Reserved taste buds?
Type 4 or basal cells
Invagination of the oral epithelium?
Vestibular lamina
3 stages of embryology?
- Proliferative period
- Embryonic period
- Fetal period
Period from fertilization to 2nd week?
Period from 3rd week to 8th week?
Period from 8th week to birth?
Fetal period
Life span of sperm cells once they enter the female reproductive system?
48 hrs
How long does the ovum wait for fertilization?
24 hrs
A process where the glycoprotein coat and seminal plasma protein are removed from the spermatozoan head?
Where does capacitation occurs?
Released by the acrosome to penetrate the oocyte barriers? (2)
- Hyaluronidase
- Acrosin
Structures that the spermatozoa must penetrate during fertilization? (3)
- corona radiata
- zona pellucida
- occyte membrane
It determines the chromosomal sex?
Any of the 2 cells formed by the cleavage of the fertilized egg.
Spherical embryonic mass of blastomeres?
Sphere of cells enclosing the inner mass of cells?
Fluid filled cavity in the blastocyst?
It is the one that attaches to the uterus?
a. Gives rise to the embryo?
b. Gives rise to the placenta?
Inner cell mass/Embryoblast
The amniotic cavity is lined with ______ while the yolk sac is lined with ______?
Which one is bigger: amniotic cavity or yolk sac?
Yolk sac
Produces HCG?
Slight enlargement of ectodermal and endodermal cells at the cranial end?
Prochordal plate
Differentiation of 3 germ layers from which all tissues and organs develop?
Mesoderm arise from what cells?
Mesenchymal cells of the epiblast
Mesoderm develops in ____ week?
3rd week
Embryonic origin of enamel?
Embryonic origin of the teeth except for enamel?
Mesenchymal cells arising from the primitive node which extends cranially to the prochordal plate?
Functions of the notochord? (2)
- Patterning
- Structural support
It acts as the main axial skeletal element of the early embryo.
Process of formation of neural plate and neural tube at the end of 3rd week?
Thickening of the ectoderm cranial to the primitive node?
Neural plate
Primordium of the CNS?
Neural tube
Cells found between the neural tube and ectoderm?
Neural crest cells
It makes up most of the connective tissues of the head?
Neural crest cells
Occurs when there is problem with migration of the neural crest cells?
Treacher Collins Syndrome
Symptoms of treacher collins syndrome? (4)
- Downward slanting eyes
- Small lower jaw
- Malformed or absent ears
- Prominent nose
Masses of mesoderm that lie on either side of the neural tube?
Primary brain vesicles? (3)
- Prosencephalon
- Mesencephalon
- Rhombencephalon
Folding of the embryo starts in the _____ week?
4th week
Primitive mouth of the embryo?
Combined ectoderm and endoderm with no intervening mesoderm?
Bucco/oropharyngeal membrane
It temporarily separates the stomodeum from the foregut?
Buccopharyngeal membrane
Invagination of the stomodeal ectoderm which develops to form the anterior lobe of the hypophysis?
Rathke’s pouch
1st pharyngeal arch is also called?
Mandibular arch
Arch forming the facial muscles, vessels and hyoid bone?
2nd pharyngeal arch or hyoid arch
It become the future external acoustic meatus?
1st branchial/pharyngeal cleft
Structures that develop from the 1st pharyngeal pouch? (3)
- Middle ear
- Eardrum
- Eustachian tube
Structure that develop from the 2nd pharyngeal pouch?
Palatine tonsils
Structures that develop from the 3rd pharyngeal pouch? (2)
- Inferior parathyroid gland
- Thymus gland
Structure that develop from the 4th pharyngeal pouch?
Superior parathyroid gland
Structure that develop from the 5th pharyngeal pouch?
Ultimobranchial body
It makes up the anterior 2/3 of the tongue? (2)
Came from what arch?
- Lateral lingual swellings
- Tuberculum impar of His
Both from 1st arch
It makes up the posterior 1/3 of the tongue? (2)
It came from what arch?
- Copula (2nd arch)
- Hypobranchial eminence (3rd & 4th arch)
Connects the thyroid gland to the tongue?
Thyroglossal duct
Remnant of thyroglossal duct?
Foramen cecum
Large bulge above the stomodeum?
Frontal process
Small buds on the sides of the mandibular arch?
Maxillary process
Localized thickening of the frontal process develops into?
Nasal placodes
With the presence of the nasal pits, the frontal area becomes the?
Frontonasal process
It separates the nasal pits from the stomodeum?
Bucco/oronasal membrane
Continuous growth of the medial nasal process downward produce a pair of bulge called?
Globular process
Gives rise to the upper incisors?
Premaxilla or primary palate
2 grooves that separates the maxillary process from the lateral and medial nasal process?
- Nasooptic groove
- Bucconasal groove
Sebaceous glands trapped in the buccal mucosa during development?
Fordyce spots
Which is formed first: dental lamina or vestibular lamina?
Dental lamina!
Agents causing congenital defects?
Give 2 drugs that can cause congenital defects?
- Dilantine
- Retinoic acid
Hormone that can induce clefting?
Non union of the globular and maxillary process would cause?
Cleft lip
Non union of the palatine processes and the inferior nasal septum would cause?
Cleft palate
Cleft affecting the hard palate?
Cleft affecting only the soft palate?
Congenital absence of either the upper or lower jaw?
Tongue abnormality caused by short and thick lingual frenulum?
A condition wherein one side of the face is underdeveloped?
Hemifacial microsomia
Medical term for cleft lip?
Results from the persistence of the remnants of the primitive streak?
Sacrococcygeal teratoma